Home > Roll with You(6)

Roll with You(6)
Author: B.J. Bentley

May in northern California felt like summer was just around the corner during the day but felt like winter was stubbornly clinging to hope at night. Being mid-afternoon, my ever-present leather jacket, a birthday gift from my brothers five years ago, was unnecessary, though it had been when we'd left the hotel that morning. I made short work of the five block walk back to the hotel, arriving even sooner than I'd anticipated. Fueled by my need for isolation and my irritation at myself for allowing Brick to weasel his way under my skin in a new way, I sprinted the last two blocks.

I ignored the glare of the doorman. No doubt my sweaty, disheveled appearance was far too uncouth for the high class establishment. I squeezed into the elevator with three other people and hit the button for Brick's floor before pulling out the keycard he'd given me that morning.

Standing in front of his room, I swiped the card to unlock the door and cautiously opened it, hoping Simon was curled up somewhere fast asleep. No such luck. I opened the door just enough to peer around it when a flash of gray dashed between my feet.

"Simon!" I whisper-yelled. "Get back here!"

Chattering, my furry little rodent friend sprinted down the hall and jumped into a potted plant, clearly overestimating the mini tree's stability and taking it to the ground. Dirt covered the ivory and gold patterned carpet, dark specks embedding in the fibers. There was no way I was going to be able to clean it up on my own. Looked like Brick's room was going to include an incidental charge. Oops.

"Bad boy, Simon." I took a step toward him, but he jumped away just as the elevator dinged, announcing the arrival of a hotel housekeeper.

Well, that's convenient.

"Umm, excuse me?" I said as she approached. "I'm sorry, but I'm so clumsy. I tripped and knocked over this pot." I grimaced, indicating the large, ornate pot laying on its side.

The sour look on the woman's face told me all I needed to know about what she thought of my supposed clumsiness. Without a word, she pulled a broom and dust pan from her cart of supplies and handed them to me. Okay, guess I was going to do this myself. I swept up all the potting soil I could, dumping it in the trash bin she provided and handed the broom and pan back to her. I'd almost forgotten about Simon. That was, until I saw him hop onto the top of the housekeeping cart. The housekeeper, whose name tag read 'Meg,' turned to replace the broom, and worried that she might see Simon, I blurted, "Do you like Wasted Breath? The band?"

Meg's expression never changed, but at least she responded. "No."

"Oh." I tried a different tactic. "I like your uniform."

Smooth, Marni. Real smooth. But, I mean, who doesn't love the look of crisp, black poly-blend. And just look at the starch in that collar. I rolled my eyes at myself.

Suffice it to say, Meg and I were not going to be friends. "Are you a guest in this hotel?" she asked, looking me up and down.

I tried not to squirm under her scrutiny, but Meg clearly found me lacking, and her assessment stung. "Sort of?" I answered, lamely.

Meg raised an eyebrow.

"I am! See?" I held up the key card for Brick's room. "I'm really sorry about the plant. You can charge it to this room here." I pointed to Brick's room, swiping the key card once more and shoving the door open.

Still looking skeptical, Meg eyed me some more before pulling the vacuum off her cart and plugging it in. While her back was turned, I snatched some fresh towels off the top of her cart, where Simon had decided to make a freakin' nest, and hustled my little guy back into the room.

I set the bundle down on the bed and lifted a finger in Simon's direction. "You are in so much trouble, mister," I hissed.

Simon, not fearing me one bit, nattered before rearranging his new nest and settling in for a nap.









Soundcheck was over, and I was starving. Both for food and for a taste of Marni. I was thinking a little naked room service was in order. Problem was, I couldn't find my girl.

"Yo, Sammy, have you seen Marni?"

Sam finished placing Tristan's beloved Stratocaster in its case and glanced at her watch. "She said she was going to check on Simon, but that was a while ago."

I gave her a tip of my imaginary hat and jogged off to head back to the hotel. It was awfully convenient for Marni to already be right where I wanted her. I was already envisioning licking chocolate off her perfect tits and snacking on mini marshmallows from her belly button.

"Thanks, man!" I called to the driver of the town car who dropped me off in front of the hotel. It would have been a short walk, but with fans starting to camp out outside the venue, it wasn't safe to wander about. If I was recognized, it meant that I'd be spending time I didn't have to spare being mobbed. Any other time, I wouldn't have minded so much, but all I could think about was getting my hands on my lady.

I practically skipped up the sidewalk, giddy with anticipation.

I nodded at the doorman and winked at the concierge, my cheeks straining with the force of my smile. I danced in circles like an excited Labrador, impatient for the elevator to arrive. When it finally did, I hopped on, jabbing the button for my floor.

I was whistling a little ditty by Quiet Riot as I strolled toward my room. I'd lost my virginity to "Cum On Feel the Noize," and it still never failed to get me pumped.

The sitting area of the suite was empty. "Marni?" I called. "Simon?" The lights were on, but nobody was home, so I made my way to the bedroom. The room was dark, even though the sun wouldn't set for a few more hours. The heavy blackout curtains were tightly closed, accounting for the pitch black effect, and I knew I'd left them open, which means Marni must have closed them. Or Simon did. But Marni was more likely. My eyes slowly adjusted to the dark, and I could see the distinct form of my lady curled up in the bed. I tiptoed closer only to freeze when something crunched under my shoe. The flashlight app on my phone illuminated a pile of pumpkin seeds. "What the fuck, Simon?" I whispered when further inspection revealed that the industrious little imp had opened the dresser drawer where I'd stashed the seeds earlier and helped himself to an all-you-can-eat buffet for rodents.

Note to self: Extra fat tip for the housekeeper.

I pocketed my phone and crawled up the bed to where Marni was curled up on her side under the covers with Simon cocooned in the curve of her belly. Or, he was, until he blinked at me, stretched, and scampered down the bed, likely off to gorge himself. Marni was going to be pissed if I let him eat himself sick.

I needn't have worried, Simon just curled up in a pile of towels inexplicably located at the foot of the bed and went back to sleep.

I curled myself around Marni, pulling the bedding down just enough to see her face. "Hey, sweet lips," I whispered.

She tugged the comforter back over her head, grumbling.

Clearly, my lady was cranky, and I needed to make her feel better. I kicked my shoes and jeans off, sliding under the covers and into her makeshift fort. "What's wrong?"

"Migraine," she croaked.

"What can I do?" I snuggled in closer and ran my hand down her back.

"Check on Simon."

"Simon's good. He's sleeping on that pile of towels. He did make a mess of the pumpkin seeds, though. We're gonna need to start locking his food up, or he's gonna grow to be the size of a schnauzer."

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