Home > Roll with You(9)

Roll with You(9)
Author: B.J. Bentley

I left the engine running while I gathered up a washcloth and a clean pair of black leggings, ignoring the phone when it started ringing again. Whoever it was could wait the ten minutes it would take me to wash my right thigh and change my pants. And maybe grab a snack. I was tired of sharing Simon's pumpkin seeds. "Be right back, buddy," I muttered to my sleepy friend.

The rest stop was one of the older ones, a little run down but still clean and the vending machines were well-stocked, so I ignored the busted tile and flickering lights that lent it that you might get murdered here vibe.

I was staunchly opposed to being murdered.

I hustled into the dimly lit restroom, shucked my combat boots and pants, and used the sink's hand soap to lather up my washcloth.

Cleaned, dried, and redressed, I jogged back to my truck but not before making a pit stop for a KitKat that was calling my name. Now that my nausea had completely subsided, I was famished. A candy bar wasn't going to cut it, but I was desperate. It would hold me over until I could find more substantial sustenance. My sleeper was pretty decked out in terms of upgrades. I had a mini fridge opposite my bed, but if I remembered correctly, it wasn't stocked with anything but a half empty bottle of orange juice and a couple bottles of water. Definitely no food.

Back on the road, I checked my phone messages at the first red light.

Four missed calls.

Three of which were from Brick.

The other was from Marsh.

There was also a slew of text messages from both.

And by slew, I meant that Marsh sent me three.

Brick sent about seventeen.

Marsh only wanted to discuss the details of potentially meeting up in Los Angeles since it looked like our routes would intersect there.

Brick was apparently in the midst of a manic episode.


Brick: Where are you going?

Brick: I saw you get off the highway. What's wrong?

Brick: Sweet Lips, answer me! Are you okay?


Etcetera, etcetera. His voicemails were more of the same. I sighed, tapping the call button.

"Marni? Where are you?" Brick's voice was panicked.

"Calm down. I'm fine. I'm back on the highway now."

"What happened?" he demanded to know.

"Simon had an accident. Do they make diapers for squirrels?"

"You're okay?"

"Yes, Brick, I'm fine. Take a breath."

I smiled hearing him taking a deep breath and slowly letting it out. "Hey, Gordo! Good news! You're not fired!"

"Why would you fire Gordo? He's the best bus driver in the continental United States."

"He wouldn't turn around, so I could check on you," he pouted.

I spent a lot of time alone on the road, that was the nature of the job. Sure, my brothers checked in from time to time; the three of us kept tabs on each other. But Brick's worry, though unwarranted, warmed my heart. His concern was sweet. His threatening to fire Gordo was a bit overkill, but I could appreciate his passion.

"That man deserves hazard pay for having to deal with you."

"I'll make sure he gets a fat bonus at the end of the tour."

"Good." My smile grew. The band as a whole was known for their generosity toward their tour crew. Being away from home for long stretches could take its toll. Money wasn't a replacement for family and loved ones, obviously, but it helped to know that we could send a little extra home to make sure that the people we loved were comfortable. It eased the sting a little.

I supposed that earned Brick a little slack. "And just so you don't freak out again, I'm telling you right now, the next fast food joint I pass, I'm stopping. I'm starving."

"I made Gordo stop at one of those gas station-slash-convenience store-slash-fast food places. Meet us there, and I'll feed you anything you want."

"Gonna splurge on the value menu? You big spender, you."

"Baby, if it's more meat you want..."

"Oh, god, stop," I groaned. "Just tell me where you are."

He gave me the name, and it wasn't long before I came upon it. I had spent mere minutes at the rest area when I'd stopped, so I wasn't more than a handful of miles behind them. It didn't take me long at all to catch up.

It did, however, take my brain a blessed eternity to catch up with my body when I hopped out of the cab only to have Brick slam me up against it and kiss me senseless.









"Hey, baby," I said, finally coming up for air.

The dazed look in Marni's hooded eyes made my chest swell with pride.

I put that look there.


Joshua Motherfucking Brickman.

Hell yeah.

"Wipe the self-satisfied grin off your face, Brick," Marni snapped, having come to her senses far too quickly for my liking.

Maybe I needed to try again.

This time when she opened her mouth to undoubtedly tell me how sexy I was, I slipped my tongue inside. She tasted like honey. Warm honey. I wanted to spread her out and savor every inch of her warm, gooey sweetness. Roll around in it and make us both sticky.

I swallowed her moan, slipping my hands under the hem of her white tank top and digging my fingertips into her supple flesh, kneading because I couldn't get enough of her being soft and pliable even though I'd always loved her mean and angry. I was quickly learning I'd take her any way I could get her.

"Dude, maybe don't maul the girl? I dunno, just a suggestion," Shep muttered, spewing nonsense like it was relevant.

I nearly whimpered my disappointment when Shep's words somehow broke through to Marni, and she broke the kiss. "Yeah," she breathed. "Don't maul me," she warned right before going wild in my arms. She latched her lips to my jaw, sucking, biting, and kissing her way toward my ear then across my cheek back to my mouth.

She downright devoured me, her arms wrapped around my neck, her fingers spearing through my hair.

"Brick," she said in between stinging kisses. "You have to stop."

I grinned. "Okay, baby."

Her lips kept at my face like an octopus devouring its prey, and she'd actually hitched one leg around my hip really committing to the role.

"Brick, I mean it," she growled, pulling my head closer and shoving her tongue inside my mouth.

My dick ached with need when she mewled like a cat in heat. Jesus, she was on fire for me, and I didn't want it to end.

Unfortunately, we were in public, and I was acutely aware that my bandmates were all nearby muttering about public indecency charges. Giving in to one last kiss, I tightened my grip on her hips and gently pushed her away before her wanton grinding had me blowing my load in my pants. I would have laughed at the expression on Marni's face when I ended our clinch if it weren't for my body's own staunch protest. She looked profoundly offended that I'd dared to put space between us.

Trust me, sweetheart, it wasn't by choice.

Her growling stomach broke the awkward tension and likely spared me from one of Marni's infamous tongue lashings.

Mm, Marni's tongue.

Get it together, Brick!

"C'mon, sweet lips, let's get you fed."

She glared at me, straightening her shirt. Stepping around me, she realized the rest of the band had witnessed our make-out session. Cheeks pink, she held her chin high as she stomped around them and across the parking lot.

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