Home > Ruling Class(7)

Ruling Class(7)
Author: J.A. Huss

You don’t see him with bare arms very often because he’s got the whole buttoned-up-tight judge look down. But I’ve seen his bare arms and I know they are as tatted up as his son’s.

He’s a scary man. Let’s just leave it at that.

And even though Ax is a scary dude as well, he’s got nothing on his father. Who is, right now, standing up and beckoning us towards him with one crooked finger.

Ax takes a deep breath. “I’ll be right back.”

“I can come—”

“No. I got this.”

He walks off. I watch the two of them as he approaches the table. There are some words exchanged, then the Judge pans his hand to a seat across from him. Which, unfortunately, means that Ax’s back is to me and I can’t gauge how things are going.


I turn to find Isabella walking towards me. “Have you seen Cadee?”

“No, Coop. But my father wants you to join us.”

I glance over at the table where her father sits. He smiles at me. He’s always been nice to me, but I don’t smile back. “Why? What’s going on here? I need to find Cadee. She was going to pay everyone’s tuition this morning but she wasn’t down in the bursar’s office.”

“Our tuition has been paid. Everyone’s tuition has been paid. We all have new cars, and new bank accounts, and—”

I place a hand on her shoulder and lean in. “No, Isabella. No. We’re not doing this. We got out.”

She lets out a long, slow breath and looks down at her feet. “We’re not out, Cooper. We’re all very much in.” Then she looks up at me. “And it’s a little bit of a relief, to be honest.” Then she pans her hand around the room. “I mean, look at them. They’re not unhappy. Not even Sophie.”

She’s right. All the pledges who were so desperate to get out of their Fang and Feather duties are—if not outright smiling at their fathers across the table—at the very least looking completely at ease. Even Sophie, who drove me crazy all summer with her whining and crying about wanting to leave.

“I can’t fucking believe this.” Then I glance at Ax. He’s slouched down in his chair, arms crossed. And even though I can’t see his face, it’s very clear that things over there are not OK by his father’s finger-pointing and angry expression.

“My father wants to have a few words with you.”


She grabs my arm suddenly, almost digging her nails into my skin, and pulls me forward into her personal space. “Why do you think? I know you’re obsessed with Cadee Hunter. But you and I are a team, Cooper. You promised me. You promised to get me through this. And now it very much feels like you’re cashing me in for a newer model.”

“Isabella.” Her name comes out as a low, deep growl. “It was a business arrangement. That was always understood.”

“I am fully aware.” She growls these words back at me. “And now it’s time for you to do some business. So pull on your big-boy panties and let’s. Go.”

I sigh. Look back at Ax. I think he’s talking now, because his father is looking him in the eyes and his mouth isn’t moving. “Fine. But I’m not staying long. I need to find Cadee.”

She tugs me over to her table. “Here he is, Daddy.”

Daddy? I want to throw up.

And she says it sweetly too. I cannot believe I didn’t see this coming. My father isn’t the type of person to sit around after a threat. When he went radio-silent after my big scene at the tomb I should’ve seen it for what it was. Some downtime to formulate a plan.

He is the Chairman for a reason. I’m not sure what that reason is, but this is not his first rodeo. He’s been wrangling pledges into submission for more than two decades now.

He is a man of action.

And now that action is playing out right in front of my face and every single person—with the exception of Cadee, Ax, and Lars—has fallen prey to his scheming.

They’re all going to cave. They’re all going to smile, and take their money, and cars, and tuition payments and not think twice about it.

Even Isabella.

“There he is.” Mr. Huntington is a tall man with a thick head of white hair and deep piercing green eyes. His suit is bespoke—probably tailored in London—and his expression is firm, but not stern. He stands up and offers me his hand. I could refuse to shake it. Should refuse to shake it. But I just want to get this over with and starting a fight with him will only prolong things.

I shake it and he pulls back and sits back down.

“Nice to see you, son. We missed you at the last rite.”

“Oh, I was there,” I say. “I just couldn’t stay.”

“Mm-hmm. Take a seat, Cooper.”

I look back at Ax, but whatever is happening over there has been blocked from my view.

I sit.

Mr. Huntington presses his lips together tightly, then sucks in a long breath through his nose and exhales out. “We have decided to reschedule the rite. Give you kids some time to settle down. But now it’s time to get back to business. Your pledge to Isabella will take place in two weeks.”

I just stare at him. Willing myself to argue. To disagree. To tell him, in no uncertain terms, that even though I did promise to marry Isabella after our own freshman rush, it’s not going to happen.

But I don’t.

Because that’s not going to help things.

I know what this is about. They are calling my bluff about the secrets I’m holding.

It wasn’t a bluff. When I threatened my father, I was dead serious. But it was just a threat. Actually going through with it won’t be as easy as it sounds.

I don’t know all the members of Fang and Feather. I could take a good guess, but this school has existed for almost two hundred years. And even though most of them are probably dead now, or too old to be any kind of serious threat, there are enough alumni members in high places to eliminate a couple of college seniors who have big dreams of taking them down.

That’s why Dante’s plan needs to be executed in complete secrecy.

My inaction bolsters Mr. Huntington. “Good,” he says. “That’s more like it. I told your father that you’d come around.” Then he pans his hand around the room. “As they all have. You kids had your fun. You’re not the first to insist on a renegotiation. We’re ready and willing. Make a list, Cooper. Let us know what you need and we’ll be happy to provide. No limits. Run wild, son. Ask for everything. It might be your only chance.” Then he turns to Isabella. “Your mother would like to take you shopping for the wedding dress. She’s picked out a date. June fourth. Does that work, sweetie?”

Dress? Date? Sweetie?

“Isabella,” I start to say.

“Yes, Daddy. June fourth is perfect.”

“Excellent.” Mr. Huntington stands up and buttons his suit coat, his broad smile aimed at me. Then Isabella. Then the both of us. “The two of you will make beautiful children.”






My whole body goes stiff at the mere sight of Dane Valcourt.

“What’s wrong? Did I scare you, Cadee?”

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