Home > Until Her(48)

Until Her(48)
Author: Ami Van

Besides, she got Ariana to come here. To be right by his side, where his angel belongs.



Chapter Thirty-Two



Shit! Shit! Shit!

Stella didn’t mention this part to her when she convinced her to come tonight. She wasn’t told she’d be face to face with both Isabella and Cristian. Now she’s put in the spotlight too.

She isn’t sure what to do or say but Stella slightly nods, giving the encouragement that she desperately needs. And Adam is standing right next to her. She’d been hiding from these two evil souls for months now. Stella’s right. It’s time to stand up for herself.

Fuck the debt! She’s paid that a thousand times over and she’s sure of it.

“Ah…but we’ve already all met,” she says to the circle, praying her voice doesn’t betray her confidence. “Don Romano, you might have overlooked me when I lived at the Romanos’ estate.”

“Did you now?” Matteo smirks with interest. “How could I have overlooked such a beautiful young lady? Where did my brother hide you?”

“Very easy to do when said young lady is always on her hands and knees, Uncle.” It’s Cristian who speaks this time.

It stings to hear the way he implies something completely different from the truth and they both know it.

Adam brushes his hand against her arm. She’s still fuming and hurt with what he’s done but admits that his touch is comforting and he yields to its security. She’s been so lost without him this past couple of weeks. Until Stella showed up today to drag her here, she didn’t think she had the will to look at him again.

“Ariana Giallo,” Adam introduces her.

How disgusting is it that the man doesn’t even know her name when she’s served him food and drinks countless times when he visited his brother. She’s but a flea to these people.

Still, there’s pride in the way Adam says her full name and it makes her stupid heart flutter. It flutters for the man that’s hurt her just as deeply as the people he swore to protect her from.

“Ariana has been staying with us,” Stella cuts in when Matteo doesn’t speak.

Matteo’s eyes turn into mere slits, looking between Derrick and Adam. He even drifts his gaze to Chase and Rory as well with more hope in his eyes than necessary. If he only knew how much those two despised Isabella.

“Well, I must make the rounds,” Matteo says before he turns on his heel and leaves the group.

Isabella is the first to speak once the man is out of earshot.

“You must have a death wish, Ari,” Isabella says with a sickening sneer.

“Don’t call me that,” she hisses back, unafraid any longer. “You haven’t earned that privilege.”

This is the first time she’s ever defied Isabella in any way in her entire existence and the look on Isabella’s face speaks volumes. It brings a sweet sense of satisfying pleasure, a sense of empowerment that she’s never felt before.

“Must be the same death wish you had when you put your disgusting paws on my husband, bitch,” Stella says icily.

Damn! If only she had the kind of steel and strength that Stella does. How she envies the younger woman for that. But she’s learning and she’s learning quickly.

Isabella smirks at Stella before openly ogling Derrick shamelessly.

“You?” Isabella says to Stella with her disgusting cackle. “You think to take silly Ari under your wing. This is the big leagues, my dear. You’re playing with fire. Be a good little housewife and stay in your lane. Kings need their Queens.”

Isabella has some height on Stella and she stands tall trying to use her small advantage to intimidate. It doesn’t work. She almost laughed when Stella kills the distance and stands face to face with Isabella. She’s never seen another woman do that before. Mostly because Isabella made sure she had weaklings in her squad to ensure she’ll always be top bitch.

“Ah,” Stella replies without an ounce of fear. “I’m a chef by trade. I love playing with fire. It’s my favorite game. And you have no fucking clue what kind of heat you’re playing with. Speaking of lane, you should have stayed in yours. Keep reaching for your crown, Queen. I’m a fucking King.”

When Isabella makes a move as if to get physical, she moves quickly and plants herself right next to Stella. Their unity causes both Isabella and Cristian to shrink back a step. It empowers her even more and fulfills a longing inside of her if for only a brief moment.

Stella takes her hand in a firm grip, giving her the support she needs not to falter in front of these two monsters.

“WE are Kings!” Stella says, going head to head with Isabella like she’s never seen anyone do before. “You so much as blink in Derrick’s direction again and I’ll make sure your house of cards tumbles to the ground and burns in the fire you stoked,” Stella hisses out. No threats but promises. Real promises.

“Grow a spine?” Cristian asks with his eyebrow raised.

“Did you? Are you finished hiding behind your sister’s sleazy skirt?” she asks right back and watches Cristian wince at the fierce tone of her voice. Coward.

“Run along, bitch,” Stella taunts Isabella. “You’ll burn alive here and no one can or will stop me.”

“Your husband didn’t have the will to stop the other night either,” Isabella tries to burn back.

It’s a low blow but no surprise coming from Isabella.

“Let’s be cordial until we know for sure there are no remnants of his seed growing inside me before we start to get too far ahead of ourselves, shall we? Can you imagine that? Baby Romano-King. Sounds joyful already,” Isabella forges on.

If Stella didn’t give her hand a hard squeeze, her legs might have stopped functioning. She might have crumbled right there in front of everyone. But her friend holds on to her hand, tapping her knuckles, pulling her back from that brink. Meanwhile, Stella hums of anger and confidence.

Stella’s near maniacal laughter draws the attention of several unsavory characters. She sees movement but doesn’t check to see who it might be. It’s unimportant right now anyway. What’s important is unity. Isabella and Cristian always stuck together against her. Now she has Stella at her side and Kings. Now her tormentors are outnumbered.

“You really shouldn’t go broadcasting that,” Stella tells Isabella with disgust. “It won’t save you.”

“Oh, Ariana. Do you think someone in her position can help you? She can’t even keep her husband in line. Come, Ari. Come home with us. We have exactly what you need at home. Fresh needles. Promise,” Isabella says with that disgusting giggle.

“Is that the best you can do?” she asks steadfastly and looks Isabella dead in the eyes for the first time. “Consider my debt paid. I’ll never set foot there again!”

“Ariana is home,” Adam says in support. Her heart nearly somersaults down to her stomach. “She’s exactly where she belongs.”

This, she thinks to herself. This is what a family is truly about. No matter what’s going on within, the Kings all stand unmovable like a fortress. Together.

“A deal is a deal,” Cristian says as he pulls Isabella back. “The Kings and the Romanos have an arrangement. One that’s being overseen by forces you can’t even imagine, Ari. And your debt? You’re not even close to repaying in full.”

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