Home > Orlando(12)

Author: Elizabeth Reyes

This wasn’t a malicious act she was committing. Orlando had nothing to worry about leaving the baby in her care. Hell, she’d sooner give her life for that baby than ever bring any harm to him. So why the hell couldn’t she stick to the damn plan? Adding his number in her contacts, she promised him and Nine they’d hear from her in a few days. She realized that, as a possible new babysitter to his son, she should show more interest in the baby. But she was this close to losing it again. The way things had gone so far, she was now afraid focusing too much on the baby would have her blurting out the truth about being the one who left him at her door. That he was the real reason why she’d been an emotional mess all these months, and she’d blow the whole thing.

Getting it together, she excused herself and assured him he’d hear from her soon then got the hell out of there as fast as she could.



Chapter 6



With her heart still bursting, Danica pushed open the door to Crudos, feeling a pep in her step. It had taken her a little longer to get there than what she’d said to Ted in her text. But then she did have a face full of triumphant tears to clean up before she could get out of the car. Ted waved her down as soon as she walked in. He was at a corner table with two of his friends and their wives. Danica had only been out with them a few times, so she didn’t know them all too well yet, but she smiled big as she neared the table. Elena, who was closest, greeted her first. “Hey, you,” Danica leaned in and hugged her.

“How you doing, honey?” Elena asked.

“I’m doing great.” Danica smiled big, her heart still all aflutter. Greeting the rest one by one as she went around the table, she finally got around to where Ted sat, pecked him on the lips, and then took the empty seat next to him.

“Someone’s in a good mood.” Ted placed his hand on her knee, peering at her a little strangely.

Realizing now maybe she was being a little too perky for someone who’d been miserable these last three months, Danica attempted to tone it down a bit by shrugging. She glanced away, reaching for the chip bowl on the table but lowered her voice as she quickly explained to Ted, “Talked to my sister for the first time in a while. We had a good talk.”

True story but it’d happened that morning, and as happy as she’d been about talking to her sister then, it was nothing compared to her chirpiness now.

Ted’s expression eased instantly. “You did? That’s good.”

Her smug smile instantly went flat as the chip she’d bitten broke and a glop of salsa promptly landed on her blouse. Grabbing a napkin, she started to clean it as Alma, his other friend’s wife, asked about her work. “Are they still cutting your hours?”

“Yes.” Danica feigned a frown as she dipped the napkin in her water and dabbed at her blouse. “I’m gonna have to look for either another job altogether or get another part-time. I’m scheduled just twelve hours next week.”

“Damn.” Alma shook her head. “Have you tried any banks? My niece just got hired on with First Community Savings earlier this year, and she says they pay well. Full benefits and everything.”

Danica and Ted exchanged glances as she reached for another napkin and she nodded. She was lucky to have the crap-ass job she had now. No way would she pass a bank’s background check. “I’ve put in a few applications at some, but no luck getting a call back.”

“Or you could just quit your job, go back to school full-time, and let me worry about paying the bills.” Ted waved down the waitress before adding, “What do you want to drink?”

“Margarita.” Danica dipped her chip in the salsa without addressing the other part of his commentary.

“Must be nice.” Elena eyed her husband Howard playfully. “Wish I had someone to pay all my bills so I could quit my job.”

Not if he were a control freak like Ted you wouldn’t. Danica could only imagine what her life would be like if she agreed to what Ted had been trying to get her to agree for months now. He certainly made enough to support her and even put her through school full-time if she let him, but no thanks. She could already see it. If he acted entitled now about knowing every detail of what she did and who she saw when he wasn’t around, he’d be intolerable if she gave into him supporting her. As it was, he didn’t allow her to pay for anything. He paid all the utility bills and mortgage. Which was fine for now since she could barely afford to pay for her gas and car note every month on the few hours she got. But she was working on it, and after today Danica might finally be able to gain more independence. Not to mention regain the dignity she’d given up ever since she’d had no choice but to move in with Ted.

“As soon as I get this next promotion, we’ll talk,” Howard said, sipping on his beer bottle.

“How’s that going?” Ted asked. Howard was Ted’s longtime friend. He filled them in on the process of trying to get promoted to detective with the Sheriff’s department. Danica listened as Ted nodded, pretending to be all for Howard’s goal of moving up. But Danica knew all too well what Ted thought of it. The same thing he thought of her goals of getting into something that involved child development. She could do better.

Danica’s sister Delia had laughed when she told her how Ted’s career had started. He’d gotten hired as the controller for the city, before he moved up to city council. But even that wasn’t enough for him. He had bigger dreams. He was aiming to be elected to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors in the next year. According to what he’d told Danica so far, he had a really good chance.

“Controller?” Delia had laughed. “Can’t think of a more perfect job title than that, for that anal-retentive control freak.”

Tonight, Ted had quickly deflected any talk about Danica’s job. It’s what he always did since he obviously thought very little of her part-time retail job. It wasn’t even worth discussing. In fact, she was sure he was embarrassed whenever anyone happened to ask her about it. If whomever she was speaking to about her job didn’t already know, he’d make sure to slip in the fact that it was only a part-time and temporary job while she took her online classes. Because both Danica and one of the other women had to work early in the morning, they were out of there early. They said their good-byes and all of them headed out. “Give me your keys,” Ted said, reaching out his hand to her as they made their way through the parking lot.

“We’re leaving your car here?”

“No. I took a Lyft to get here. I knew we’d be drinking, and last thing you need is to get pulled over while under the influence.”

Danica didn’t bother arguing that he’d been drinking also because she already knew what he’d say: that he was bigger and therefore could handle more liquor than she could. In tonight’s case, he’d be even more accurate since he’d only had a few light beers as opposed to the stronger margaritas she’d had. Though she felt fine, she actually agreed with him on this. No way should she be taking any chances, so she handed the keys over without further comment. As they got in the car and Ted adjusted the driver’s-side seat to his height, Danica didn’t miss the subtle but very thorough way he inspected her car. He glanced down at her cleavage, his jaw instantly tightening as he looked into the rearview mirror. “Babe, you know I love all your assets. But out in public, less is always better. Do you always have to wear those kinds of tops?”

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