Home > Orlando(67)

Author: Elizabeth Reyes

Now Danica glanced at him as he smiled a bit too satisfied, but still she refused to give him anything. Her heart thudded, wondering why he was really there. What else had Felicia told him that gave him the balls to follow her tonight?

“Aren’t coincidences the darndest things?” He crossed his arms in front of him, smiling smugly. “You ending up with the same guy who came on to you just a week before you moved out of my place is just crazy, right?”

Danica glared at him, her insides going hollow as she inwardly prayed he didn’t know everything. But he went on, obviously not done with whatever it was that had him there to begin with. “What do you say, after everything I’ve done for you, you give me the only thing I’ve been asking from you for weeks?” He motioned to his car. “Have coffee with me. I just want to talk to you for a few minutes.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you, Ted.”

“Why? Because it would upset your new boyfriend?”

“That, and the fact that I have nothing to discuss with you anymore.” She lifted her chin, determined to end this once and for all. “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, but things between you and me—”

“Does Orlando know everything about your dark past, Danica?” Pushing away from the car, he pulled his keys out of his pocket, the satisfied smirk just a little too smug. “I think having that cup of coffee with me is in your best interest now, sweetheart.”

“He does know. I’ve told him everything, and I told you I’m not going anywhere with you.” She stood her ground firmly, despite the growing unease of what else he might try to threaten her with, so she went first. “Whatever you have to say to me, you can say it to me now because, after tonight, if you continue to follow me or even call me, I’ll get that restraining order and then go to the press about it.”

“Tell me something. Does he really believe you’re there for him?”

Peering at him, Danica shook her head. “What are you talking about?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe like when you used me to pay your bills, foot your attorney’s fees, and put a roof over your head, you might have ulterior motives for moving in with the successful business owner.”

“I never asked you to pay any of my bills. I didn’t pay anything when I lived with you because you refused to let me, and you paid for Blaine on your own, remember?” She clutched the bag of pan dulce, angry that he’d be implying she used him but worse that she might be using Orlando. “I didn’t even know you’d retained Blaine until he called me to set up our first meeting.”

“Blaine said you’d be seeking new representation. You expect me to believe you’ll be paying for that?”

“It’s none of your business who’s paying for—”

He scoffed, shaking his head. “I knew it. Just admit it, Danica. There’s no way I’m buying that you’d get over me and move on this fast. You’re with this guy out of convenience.” She shook her head adamantly, but he went on before she could retort. “Danica,”—he took a step toward her again—“you have no idea what being away from you has done to me. I just wanna chance to prove to you that I can be the man you need.”

“That’s your problem, Ted. I don’t need a man.” In hindsight, Danica knew now that she’d put up with Ted longer than she should’ve because she had needed him at the time. But it’s not why she’d originally started seeing him. “I don’t need Orlando either. I’m with him because I want to be.”

“Really? No other reason?”

Danica shook her head, searching his eyes because she didn’t know what to make of the cryptic way he was staring at her.” Alright,” he said to her surprise. “Have it your way.” Without warning, he leaned in and hugged her hard. Danica didn’t hug him back, just stood there stiffly until he pulled away. “But I think you know right here”—he pointed at her chest—“why you’re really there. Because there’s no way I’m feeling everything I’m still feeling for you and you’ve moved on. No way. That boyfriend of yours will figure it out sooner rather than later. Just remember, when he does, I’ll be waiting.” Just as he had in the courthouse parking lot the day he’d made a spectacle of himself falling to his knees, he turned and walked away. Danica watched as he got in his car without another word and drove away.

She walked slowly back to the house, clutching the bag with the sweet bread, thinking about everything Ted’s delusional ass had just said. Did he really believe she wasn’t over him? Her feelings for Ted were never even remotely close to everything she felt for Orlando now.

Her sister was in the dining room, placing the cups of coffee down. Dominic was already there sitting down in front of his glass of milk. “What’s wrong?” she asked as soon as she looked up at Danica. Danica started to shake her head but then thought better of it. She’d already told Delia about Ted’s knee-dropping antics and then about the stunt he pulled the day of her hearing and how pissed Orlando had been about it. They sat down at the table with Dominic. “Ted was parked outside the panaderia when I walked out.”

“Oh my God, that man is not gonna give up, is he? That scares me, Dani. What did he want?”

Danica explained his theory of why he thinks she moved on so quickly and that she was just using Orlando. How he refused to believe she didn’t have feelings for him anymore.

“Thing is . . .” She hesitated to tell Delia the whole truth about how things really started between her and Orlando, but it was eating her up to not be able to tell anyone, so she took a deep breath and started, “Orlando’s baby is Angie’s baby.” Instantly, she felt choked up. “Angie died of an overdose. Only Orlando didn’t even know about the baby until I left him at his doorstep with a note. He still doesn’t know it was me who left him.”

Delia’s jaw had dropped with the first revelation and as expected was speechless the entire time Danica explained every sordid detail. “So, while I may have had ulterior motives for getting the jobs Orlando and Nine offered, it has nothing to do with why I’m with him now.”

“Does Ted know Orlando is the father of Angie’s baby?”

“No.” Danica shook her head. “That’s huge. He would’ve said something.”

“Would he?” Delia raised her brows. “You know what a calculating bastard he is. I’m sure he grilled Felicia for every detail she could offer about your relationship with Orlando. If she mentioned the baby, don’t you think the first thing he’d question would be about the mother?”

Feeling her gut drop, Danica shook her head, thinking back to her conversation with Ted. Really? No other reason? “Why wouldn’t he mention it?”

“I don’t know, Danica.” Delia shook her head before taking a sip of her coffee. “But I don’t trust the guy for shit. I think you need to tell Orlando the truth before Ted gets to him first.” Bringing her hands to her mouth, Danica gasped. “He said Orlando would figure it out sooner rather than later and that, when he did, he’d be there waiting.”

Her sister pointed at her phone. “Call Orlando.”

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