Home > Reformation(38)

Author: Chelle Sloan

I let out a sigh of relief. But not a big one. This dress doesn’t allow for big breaths.

When Garrett asked me to attend a charity dinner with him tonight, I, of course, said yes.

Then I realized what I had agreed to.

A fancy dress. Heels. A dinner that likely costs a thousand dollars a plate. People who exchange niceties with air kisses and fake conversations. Women like the ones who were at the champagne lunch.

His ex-wife.

My anxiety was real once I put all of that together, so I called the only person I could think of who could help me in this situation.

Which is how Kelly ended up at my house an hour before Garrett is supposed to pick me up, with ten different dress options for when I make my entrance into high society. Her words, not mine.

I think I’m going to puke.

I turn to look at the dress Kelly finally got on me, and I must admit that despite it being very form fitting, I do look pretty good in it.

It’s navy with the thinnest straps, just enough to hold it up. Which is needed because the V is deep, showing off plenty of cleavage that Kelly had to promise me wouldn’t pop out at any time tonight. I might not be huge in that department, but this dress doesn’t give me much confidence that I won’t be flashing Virginia society tonight. There is a slit that comes up mid-thigh, which I appreciate. I don’t know how I’d move otherwise.

“Panties. Off.”

I blink a few times, wondering if I heard her right. “Did you just tell me to take off my underwear?”

She nods and lets out a sigh. “Yes. This dress is too tight, even for a G-string. You can go commando for one night. And I’m sure Garrett won’t mind.”

She starts waggling her eyebrows as I let out a sigh of defeat. “Fine. Anything else?”

She looks me up and down, appraising what I’ve done with myself. Not in a judgmental way. Kelly is good people. I asked her once why her shop caters to the rich and upper-class, when she clearly doesn’t dress, or act like the women who came to the champagne lunch. Her answer? Their money is green, and they may be snooty, but they are good for business. And she likes pretty dresses.

Couldn’t argue with that logic.

“You look absolutely stunning,” she says, gathering up the rest of the dresses that didn’t make the cut. “You are going to knock them dead. I want to stay for Garrett to see you, but I also don’t want to witness him mess up your makeup.”

“Thank you. So much,” I say, giving her a one-sided hug as her arms are full. “I couldn’t do this without you.”

She leans in and gives me a peck on the cheek. “Anytime. The only payment I ask? Get a video of when his ex sees you two? I really want to see that bitch’s face when she realizes what an upgrade he’s made.”



Kelly was right. Garrett did mess up my makeup. But redoing it was completely worth it for his reaction when he picked me up tonight.

“Have I told you how amazing you look?” he says softly into my ear as we make our way to the entrance of the old mansion where the function is being hosted tonight.

“Only about a hundred times.”

He kisses my cheek softly and I feel it in every nerve in my body. “Good. Then I only have to tell you about a thousand more.”

The mansion is the epitome of old southern money. I’m pretty sure if I imagined hard enough, Scarlett O’Hara would be coming down the winding staircase any minute wearing a hoop dress. And the way that it’s set up, you can’t tell if people actually live here. There are a few chairs against the wall as the front rooms are cleared out for people to mingle. I have no idea where we are eating, but I’m pretty sure it’s in a room that is bigger than my house.

Garrett puts his palm on the small of my back as he leads me through the crowd. “Thank you again for coming with me. You know I didn’t want to come, but Jack and Evelyn are our best donors. I can’t miss one of their events.”

“Garrett, I understand. And it’s smart business. You need investors for the clinic to stay open. You need to network. This is a part of business. Remember, everything you do tonight is for the clinic. Just remember that.”

I know that’s his biggest worry. To him, being at these dinners is a part of his old life, the life where he didn’t care about anything except his social standing and the money he was making. I’ve been trying to remind him that while yes, some of that he likely did for social standing, much of it is needed for the clinic. And to focus on that.

“Thank you,” he says, placing a kiss on my temple.

“Quit thanking me. Let’s go make some money.”

My joke works and we make our way through the crowd. I can’t help but notice the looks we’ve been getting all night. Which I get. I’m new. Annika isn’t on his arm. I expected that. What I didn’t expect was the blatant staring and gossiping. Heck, my kindergarteners do a better job of trying to hide their whispers than these people do.

“Well, look who it is! Garrett Dixon! Good to see you. And my… who do we have here?”

Give this man a monocle and I swear he could pass as Rich Uncle Pennybags, also known as the Monopoly man. “Jack. Good to see you. Jack Robinson, this is Paige Blackstone. Paige, this is Jack Robinson. He and his wife Evelyn are the hosts tonight.”

I plan to extend my hand, but Jack leans in for a kiss on the cheek.

“Well, aren’t you beautiful. Garrett, my boy. When I heard that you and Annika split up, I was devastated. But then I see both of you moving on, so I guess my worries were for nothing. Sometimes things just don’t work out.”

As if on cue, Annika and Trevor come walking over toward us with an elderly woman.

I didn’t get a good look at Annika when we saw them at Marciano’s, or when I saw her at the champagne lunch. In fact, the only reason I know it’s her is that I recognized her hair. It’s long, black, and sleek—the complete opposite of my shoulder-length blonde. In fact, there isn’t one thing that she and I have in common, at least physically.

And from what I’ve heard from Garrett, personality wise as well.

Part of me wants to be jealous. She’s gorgeous in a Victoria’s Secret-model kind of way. Then I remember the kind of person I’m told she is, and I wouldn’t trade anything about myself for her.

Especially the scowl she’s shooting at us. Talk about unappealing.

“Well, look who’s all here. Isn’t this nice?” the woman I’m assuming is Evelyn says as she tucks her hand into Jack’s elbow. “I know some divorces can be messy. It’s good to see you all here and getting along. We’d hate to have a scene.”

“There will be no scene here, Evelyn,” Garrett says, bringing me a little closer to him. “Everyone is exactly where they should be. And please, let me introduce you to my girlfriend Paige.”

I reach out to shake Evelyn’s hand—though I am distinctly aware of the daggers being thrown at me right now from Annika. Unlike her husband, Evelyn accepts it. And as I look at her, I get the feeling I know her from somewhere.

“It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Robinson, and thank you for having us. Your home is lovely.”

“Thank you for coming, my dear. Any friend of Garrett’s is a friend of ours.”

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