Home > Reformation(41)

Author: Chelle Sloan

My body is sore in all the right places, but that’s not stopping me from rubbing against him, wanting more. I feel him growing harder and all I want is him. Again.

We might have done it twice last night, yet somehow I haven’t had my fill of him just yet. Honestly, I’m not sure I’ll ever have my fill of him. At first I wondered if I had been missing out, only having been with a few guys I have dated. However, I have a feeling that this could have only happened with Garrett.

He was so attentive. Demanding. Soft and sweet. He took what he wanted but always made sure that I was taken care of as well. I didn’t tell him this, but he gave me my first, and second, and third orgasms last night.

And now I want number four.

I roll over, which makes him stir a little. Good. It’s better if he’s awake for this. I would feel bad except he woke me up for round two last night, so it’s only fair that I return the favor.

I’ll call it payback. One I’m sure he won’t mind.

I take his length in my hand, gently stroking it from root to tip and I can feel the second he responds to my touch. God, this is such a powerful feeling. Knowing that just the touch of my hand makes him react like this.

I wonder what it would be like to have him in my mouth? To have him wake up with me pleasuring him?

Before I can make that fantasy come true, I feel two hands underneath my arms. Next thing I know, I’m straddling and staring down at a sleepy, and ever so sexy, Garrett.

This also isn’t a horrible way to wake up.

“What are you trying to do, woman?”

Oh God, that gravelly morning voice is really, really working for me.

“What I was trying to do was give you a wake-up call. Did it work?”


Yes, I really like morning-voice Garrett.

I start moving my hips over his growing thickness, loving the way it feels against me. I’m getting wet just from the friction and I know I’m going to want more soon. Even after one night, I’m already addicted to the feeling of him inside me.

“Angel, you need to stop… I don’t have any more condoms.”

I shake my head, his words only propelling me faster. “I’m on the pill. Have been since I was in high school. And I trust you. I trust you with every piece of me.”

I hope he knows what I mean by that. Because I do. I trust this man with my body. And I trust him with my heart. I trust him in every way possible.

“Fuck, Paige. Yes…”

With one thrust he enters me, and oh my, I can feel him so deep inside me. The two times we did it last night, I never made it on top, though it wasn’t for lack of trying. Admittedly, I didn’t try too hard. Every position Garrett put me in felt so good, who was I to argue with his direction?

But this? With us bare and me taking everything I want? It’s a feeling I’ve never had before.

“Damn, Paige. You feel so good. So tight. I don’t know if I’m going to last.”

His words spur me on and I begin riding him faster, rolling my hips and pressing myself deeper into him each time.

Eventually, he takes over, and I let him. His hands are on my hips, and the pace he’s setting is driving me absolutely insane.

“Garrett… so close…”

“Now, Angel. Come now.”

And I do. With one more thrust into me, I collapse onto him, our releases following each other.

We don’t move for a long time. I think both of us want to bask in this bubble for a little while longer, because the second we move, we go back to reality.

Unfortunately, our little bubble bursts when Garrett’s phone starts ringing from his pants that are somewhere on my bedroom floor.

“You get that,” I say, kissing his chest before reluctantly getting up. “I’ll go make us coffee.”

“Sex and coffee? Damn, baby, you are too good to me. Oh, one thing.”

I look over to him as I slip on his shirt from last night. Why? Because I’ve always wanted to do this.


“Hold the sugar. Because you’re sweet enough for me.”

Rolling my eyes, I pick up his pants and throw his phone at him as he laughs hysterically at his own really bad joke. “You’re lucky you give me orgasms. Because I can’t with you. Answer your phone and then come get coffee.”

I laugh as I exit my room. I can’t even be mad. His cheesy lines might make me roll my eyes, but they are the side of Garrett that I know no one else sees. And I love that.

And frankly? I love him.

I’m all smiles as I start the coffee, and while it’s brewing, I go on the hunt for my phone. I know it was in my purse, which I’m pretty sure I dropped by the door when Garrett… I blush even thinking about what he did to me there.

I pull my phone from my purse and head back to the kitchen to pour myself a cup of coffee before making my way to the couch. As expected, I see a message from Cassie.

Cassie: The fact that it’s 10 a.m. and you haven’t texted me yet better mean you’re having morning sex.



Paige: For the first time ever, I’m going to have quite the story to report Monday at lunch.



Cassie: EEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKK. Oh my God. Tell me everything. No. I’ll wait. No. I won’t wait. Tell me something!!!



I smile, thinking of what I should tell her.



Paige: Four.



Cassie: Four… what is… OH MY GOD, YOU HAD FOUR Os!!!!!!! You bitch!



I laugh as Cassie sends another text.



Cassie: Just kidding. I hate you only a little bit.



“What’s so funny?”

I almost choke on my coffee as I see Garrett coming down the hall.

Good gracious, how is this man mine?

His brown hair is adorably disheveled from sleep and sex. Considering he doesn’t have clothes here, and we really didn’t plan on a sleepover last night, all he’s wearing are his boxer briefs. His broad chest is perfectly cut and the V that goes down to his… damn, I need a minute to process him.

“You know you can take a picture? That way you have something to look at when I’m not here.”

“Who said I’m letting you leave?”

He smiles, which I’m glad because I really didn’t want that to come out as clingy. “Oh, don’t worry, Angel. I have no intention of leaving anytime soon.”

I smile as he leans in for a kiss, which is cut short at the sound of my phone vibrating. Probably Cassie not happy with my abrupt departure from our conversation. I’m so distracted by Garrett and his mouth that I don’t even look at the caller ID when I swipe to answer it.

“Cassie, I’ll call you later. I’m kind of in the middle of something.”

“Oh, Josephine… you don’t want to talk to me? That hurts, pumpkin. Then again, you probably had a long night with that hot doctor of yours. Where did you find him? Does he have a daddy for me?”

My body goes stiff and I hurry up and hang up the phone.

“Baby, what’s the matter? You’re shaking. Who was that?”

No. How did she find me? She was never supposed to find me, much less be anywhere near me. That was the agreement. I was leaving Alabama and she was staying there. I was done with her. I was done with that life.

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