Home > Glow(76)

Author: Molly McAdams

“We’re going in there to talk,” I reminded him. “To sort everything out.”

“I’d like to talk to you before we do. Just us.”

I sucked in a slow breath, my head pounding something fierce as I followed him away from where we were having our mediation.

The past week had been a nonstop shit-show with Rafael and Madelyn from the moment they’d picked us up from the airport . . . together. Madelyn had tried to hug my daughter while simultaneously welcoming her back and announcing she was going to be Avalee’s new mom.

I could’ve laid her out right there in baggage claim from the way Avalee looked at me with confusion and betrayal before bursting into tears.

It’d taken all night for Raf and me to calm Avalee down and assure her I wasn’t going anywhere. All night to explain who Madelyn was and what she’d meant. But Avalee hadn’t gotten over that first meeting and still refused to talk to Madelyn. I didn’t blame her or push her, and I didn’t offer my opinions on the new woman in Raf’s life. Our daughter was allowed to have her own view of people, and Raf just had to deal with it. No matter how much the disconnect was bothering him.

But that was only Madelyn and Avalee. Madelyn’s issues with me went way above and beyond anything.

She didn’t think I deserved access to my clothes and other things since I’d left without them, and continued to remind me how kind it was of her to gather my possessions for me . . . in garbage bags in the garage. She lost it when Raf put Avalee and me up in a hotel, saying I was a leech. And when he let me borrow one of his cars for while we were in Seattle? You would’ve thought I’d drained our bank accounts.

She was not my favorite person. And as each day went on, it got harder and harder to hold my tongue around them.

It was a small mercy that Avalee was spending the day with Raf’s parents. I wasn’t sure I could control my facial expressions any longer.

“What’s up?” I asked when we were far enough away that Madelyn wouldn’t overhear. Something Raf had done a lot over the week. Even he knew any conversation with her led to chaos.

“You were right,” he said softly, his head bouncing quickly. “I talked to my agent this morning. We accepted Dallas’s offer.”

My body sagged with the relief that burst from me.

“It’s a good one,” he went on. “And hopefully, they’ll keep me the full five years.”

“I can’t imagine why they wouldn’t,” I said honestly. “Raf, you know you’re great. You’ll find a groove with them and be great there too.”

“Yeah, well . . .” He shrugged quickly. “We’ll see. But I wanted you to know.” He reached for my hand but quickly withdrew his when I stepped back. As if he’d realized a second too late that wasn’t something he could do anymore. “I know you’ve been struggling with what was going to happen and that you want to go back. So, until the transfer happens, we’ll figure something out. And we’ll figure a new something once it does.”

“Thank you,” I said, so much emotion in those two words. “What did Madelyn say?”

His stare darted around before falling. “Yeah, she doesn’t know yet. But she’ll be fine—longer contract and all that.”

The gratitude swelling inside me was replaced with the same worry and alarm that flooded me anytime Madelyn opened her mouth. “Raf—”

“Whatever you’re about to say, I don’t want to hear it, Madison,” he said in warning.

He started stepping away, so I put myself directly in his path. One hand up in silent plea for him to hear me out. “I have to say this because I will always care about you and because you’re the father of Avalee.”

His stare cautioned me not to continue, warned me that our civil conversation would implode if I did, but I couldn’t let this go.

“Rafael think about her and this relationship y’all are in. Think about relationships we have seen over the years from guys on the team that crashed and burned because their partner was only in it for the money and fame.”

Raf’s head shook quickly, but I didn’t give him the chance to speak.

“Nearly her entire social media is filled with things you’ve bought her. Her main goal was to break us up, and once she succeeded, that goal changed to pushing me out even though I left willingly.” I took another step when Raf did, refusing to stop until I’d said my piece. “She has you saying and demanding things I know you never would. You have to leave wherever she is to have a calm and respectful conversation with me. She had you planning a wedding and trying for a baby the same week we split up. And her biggest concern is your millions that I’m not even touching. There are so many red flags, and you’re looking away from them.”

“No, I see that you’re hurt by what we did, and you feel threatened by her.”

A disbelieving laugh left me. “Threatened by the girl who is currently wearing a bikini top and cut-off shorts to our that?” I asked, pointing toward the dining room behind me. I lifted a brow and just barely resisted rolling my eyes. Madelyn had to be the least threatening person in my life anymore. “Rafael, she is going to get you exactly where she needs you, then she is going to do this all over again with someone else. You know it as well as I do—we have seen this too many times before.” I lifted my hands placatingly when his expression shifted, letting me know I’d crossed a line. “Do what you want. I don’t care. As long as Avalee doesn’t get dragged through it too.”

I followed him when he stormed past me, heading directly for the dining room and looking all kinds of pissed.

I rubbed at my pounding temple, part of me regretting what I’d said because it put him in that mood, the other part knowing he needed to hear it.

“Finally,” Madelyn mumbled when we walked in. “What was she doing?”

Our lawyer cleared his throat and gave me a look that said this was sure to get awkward fast. “Let’s get started.”

“She can’t have half our money,” Madelyn snapped.

“Maddie,” Raf whispered, her name leaving him like he was already exhausted.

“Well, you know that’s what she’s trying to do,” she shouted and sent me a look as if I disgusted her. “She’s already taking cars and making you pay for hotels and who knows what else?”

“Why are you even here?” I shot back. “This has nothing to do with you.”

“I’m making sure you don’t bleed us dry, you leech.”

“Okay,” the lawyer murmured, hands raised over the table like he was trying to calm a bunch of rowdy children.

“First,” I began, holding up my middle finger and earning an outraged gasp from her, “it isn’t your money yet. Second,”—I added my index finger—“if you knew anything, you would know that I’ve already told Rafael I don’t want the money.”

“I’m sure,” she sneered. “And you’re just going to keep up that perfect little housewife act until you rake him over the coals and run away with his daughter again.”

“I think we should—” the lawyer began, but Raf spoke over him. Voice hard and filled with ice.

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