Home > The Sea Witch(4)

The Sea Witch(4)
Author: Katee Robert

The nerves that Ursa temporarily tamed flare to life in response. I’ve skirted the edge of power enough to know it when I see it, and Hades drips power even while bathed in darkness. “What have you brought me, Ursa?”

Ursa presses a hand to the center of my back, urging me forward. I stagger a few steps, my legs suddenly not working correctly, and am grateful when she doesn’t drop her hand. She smiles at Hades, but it contains none of the warmth she gave Adem. “An opportunity.”

“What makes you think I’m interested?”

I’m not sure, but I don’t think he’s done more than glance at me since we walked into the room. I press my lips together and let Ursa take the lead. I’m not sure I can speak at this point. I’m out of my depth and sinking fast.

“An auction. You haven’t hosted one of those in ages.”

He shifts ever so slightly. “With good reason. They’re messy, and you know as well as I do that without a good draw, they’re not worth the headache.”

“We have the draw.”

“Do tell.”

She moves her hand to stroke over my hair, her nails prickling my scalp. “An Olympian princess.” A pause. “A virgin Olympian princess.”

Hades leans forward, the light kissing his features for the first time since I walked into the room. He’s a handsome older white guy with salt-and-pepper hair. Not particularly large, but only a fool believes all strength is physical. “I’m listening.”

“I’m willing to give you ten percent.”

His lips curve up the tiniest bit. “You’ll give me thirty.”

“Hades, now you’re just being greedy. The girl is doing ninety percent of the work. She deserves ninety percent of the money.”

They go back and forth, bargaining over the percentage of money Hades will profit off my auction. I have to bite my tongue to not tell him it will all go to him anyways. Ursa hasn’t offered up that information, and I know enough not to give it freely. I’m already at enough of a disadvantage; no reason to add to the scales being tipped against me.

They finally settle on giving Hades twenty percent, leaving me with the remaining eighty.

The amount of money I had to earn was already astronomical. With that added twenty percent on top of it, it feels impossible.

Once again, Hades turns his attention on me. “You may change your mind at any point with no repercussions. Once the auction is finished, the money will be put in a holding account until the terms are met, and then your percentage will be distributed to the account of your choosing.”

It takes me two tries to speak. “Okay.”

His eyes narrow. “There is some paperwork. Sit a moment while my partner retrieves it. Ursa, a word.”

“You know, they still talk about you in Olympus. Or at least they still whisper your name.” I don’t mean to blurt it out, but I can’t seem to help myself. Hades turns those cold eyes on me, and I just keep talking. “You’re something of a boogieman.”

“I know.” He tilts his head. “Ursa.”

I nearly topple over when her hand disappears. I had barely realized she was still touching me, hadn’t noticed how hard I was leaning on that for strength. I manage to keep my feet as Hades rises and ushers Ursa out the door.

Then there’s nothing to do but wait.

I sink into one of the leather chairs across from the desk and do my best not to fidget. Things are in motion; no going back now. I thought I’d have more relief once Hades agreed to it, but all I feel are nerves leaping in my stomach.

I nearly startle out of my skin when the door opens again and a white man walks into the room, but my fear disappears as recognition takes hold. I shoot to my feet. “Hercules?”

“Zuri.” He crosses toward me slowly, and I can’t help comparing and contrasting this man with the one I knew in passing back in Olympus. He’s been gone for well over a year now, and there were rumors that he’d taken up with someone in Carver City, but I didn’t expect him here.

He looks good. There’s a confidence to his walk and the way he holds his broad shoulders that wasn’t there a year ago. His blond hair is a little shaggier, but it looks intentional and almost roguish. The kindness in his blue eyes is the same, though.

He takes my hands and hesitates. “I have to ask several uncomfortable questions.”

Somehow, I didn’t expect this, either. That Hades would send in the one person in Carver City who’s familiar enough with Olympus that he’s capable of getting to the truth of things.

“I’ll answer them as best I can.” I lift my chin. I can tell the truth without giving him all of it. Hades called him a partner. The might mean professional partner or it might mean romantic partner—or both—but the one thing it definitely means is that I can’t really trust Hercules.

“Let’s sit.” He urges me back into the chair I just left and takes the one next to it. “First and most importantly, are you here of your own free will?”

“Yes, of course.”

He gives me a look like there’s no of course about this situation. “You walked in here with Ursa, so forgive the need for more information.”

“She’s helping me.”

“Ursa doesn’t help anyone but herself.”

I give a bitter laugh. “Says the man Hades calls partner.”

Hercules opens his mouth and then shakes his head. “Okay, fair. But she’s not blackmailing or manipulating or forcing you into this?”

“No. I need the money, and she suggested this as a solution.”

He looks like he really, really wants to ask me what I need the money for. “Does your father know you’re here?”

“You knew my father back in Olympus. What do you think?”

“I think he’s going to try to tear Carver City to pieces once he figures out where you’ve gone.” He grimaces. “I think you’re making a mistake, Zuri. If you need money…”

“No.” I’m already shaking my head. “Thank you, but no. You won’t have enough, and even if you did, I need this free and clear. I can’t take out a loan I have no hope of repaying. I’ll just end up back here again.” Without my virginity as a bargaining chip.

“If you’re in trouble—”

“I’ve got it covered. I promise.” I’m lying through my teeth, but if I raise enough money with this auction, I will have it covered.

Hercules hesitates for so long, I’m sure he plans to send me away. But he finally sighs. “In that case, let’s go through it.” He rounds the desk and rifles through the drawers with the ease of someone who’s done it before. A few moments later, he hands me a stack of papers. “You’ll need to fill this out before we can continue.”

I expect a contract, something to tie me in legal knots to ensure my compliance. I don’t expect the several-page list of preferences. I scan them, my eyebrows inching up. “What is this?”

“This is for your protection and the protection of the person who has the winning bid. Only mark what you’re interested in. There will still be a safe word to stop things if you need to, but this cuts down on the possibility of crossing lines.”

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