Home > The Sea Witch(5)

The Sea Witch(5)
Author: Katee Robert

Some of these things, I’ve never even heard of. I can’t take my gaze from the list. “And if I only want sex in the, um, vanilla way?”

Again, that hesitation, like he doesn’t want to answer truthfully. “I’ve only seen one auction in the last year, though it was with several people and set up differently. From that experience, the more interests marked, the higher the starting asking price. If you’re serious about needing money, I’d consider putting as much on the list as you’re comfortable with.”

As much on the list as I’m comfortable with. The very idea is laughable.

But he’s right. If I’m doing this, I have to make it count.

“Okay.” I accept the pen he offers. “This may take a bit.”

Hercules looks like he wants to bundle me into a hug until I feel less shaky. “Take as long as you need.”

I take a deep breath and settle in to read.



Chapter 3






“What game are you playing, Ursa?”

I lean against the bar and smile at Hades. “Darling, you’re going soft. It’s not like you to be so protective of strangers who are more than eager to make you money.”

He ignores the drink that Tisiphone set at his elbow and stares at me. It’s a good look, firm and icy. One I’ve seen bring even the most dominant and dangerous people in Carver City to their knees. I’ve been playing in deep waters for nearly as long as he has. I’m old enough to remember when Hades was betrayed by Zeus and driven out of Olympus, though I was less than a year into my position under Poseidon at the time. I lasted another year before being driven out as well. He should really know better than to try to intimidate me.

“You brought her here. It would lead a man to believe you have a vested interest in the girl. I’m not interested in playing pawn in your games, Ursa. I’m neutral territory for a reason.”

He’s also developed a soft spot since he and Megaera took up with their precious golden boy, Hercules. Zurielle needs help, and he’s in a position to give her that help—and make a profit in the process. It’s only my presence that has alarms blaring for him. Ah well. I can throw him a bone. I pick up my drink and swirl it a little, enjoying the way the ice clinks against the glass. “You know the circumstances surrounding my leaving Olympus.”

“I know Triton was behind it.”

Even hearing my old enemy’s name sends fire simmering through me. He was a friend until he wasn’t, until I reached too high and he decided I was a threat to his position as Poseidon’s favorite. It’s his fault I can never go home again, his fault I wasn’t able to see my parents again before their deaths. His fault that I had to come to a strange city and start over with nothing. If I were another woman, that exile would have spelled my death, and Triton still orchestrated it. It doesn’t matter that I’ve climbed higher in Carver City than I ever could have in Olympus. That betrayal still stings despite the years that have passed. I take a slow breath and shove my anger down. It has no place here, and I can’t afford to do anything but put Hades at ease. “Zurielle is Triton’s youngest daughter. His favorite.”

Hades sighs. “And you expect me to believe it’s merely coincidence that she’s here with you, about to agree to something that’s sure to infuriate her father?”

“Of course not.” I laugh a little, keeping my tone light. “But I am only guilty of baiting the hook. She wanted freedom, so she jumped at it. If this auction angers her father, all the better.”

He studies me for a long moment and finally shakes his head. “I’ll agree to this auction on one further condition.”

I already know I won’t like it, just like I know I don’t have a choice but to agree. “I’m listening.”

“We will hold it tomorrow night.” He barely pauses. “And she’ll stay here in the meantime.”

“You really are going soft.” I smooth a hand over my hip and lean in. “Hades, darling, you’re underestimating the girl. She’s already set her course. Whether it happens this morning or in thirty-six hours won’t make a difference.”

“All the same.”

I shrug. She was already committed the second she snuck out of her father’s house and boarded a bus to Carver City. Another day or so won’t make a bit of difference, not when I hold the leash to the one thing she wants. “Whatever you think is best. It’s your show.”

He narrows his eyes. “Remember that.”

“She’ll need the full treatment.”

“I expected no less.” He waves that away. “Hercules will take care of it.”

“And no doubt spend the entire time attempting to change her course.”

His lips curve the tiniest amount. “If she’s as set on her path as you claim, you have nothing to fear.”

“Regardless of her choices, I have nothing to fear.” I tap my nails on the shiny wood bar. “I would like a private playroom to keep me occupied while Zurielle wades through the paperwork.”

“Your usual?”

“Of course.”

He nods slowly. “Aurora will take you back when it’s ready.”

“You’re a gem, Hades.” I sip my drink and watch him walk away. He’s gone soft in the last year, but not soft enough to cross. It’s just as well. I have no interest in ruling the Underworld. Neutral territory is useful, but being the one to enforce it would be tedious in the extreme. Hades might irritate me, but he’s good at what he does.

I’ve barely finished my drink when Aurora appears. She’s been in the Underworld for years now, a pretty Black girl who started as a virginal plaything and who now has stepped into the role as Megaera’s second-in-command. Today, Aurora’s wearing a blue dress that flounces around her upper thighs. It practically begs someone to bend her over their knee, flip it up, and spank her. Her hair is nearly the same deep blue, having now fully transitioned from the pink it was last season. “Aurora.”

“Ursa.” She dips into a cute little curtsy. “You’re here early.”

“You know how it is, darling. Business waits for no one.”

She gives an impish smile. “Should I be hurt that you don’t want to play with me tonight?”

“Aurora, I always want to play with you.” I tap her under the chin. “But tonight I have other pursuits.”

She arches a brow. “And here I thought it was because Malone’s warned you off.”

That surprises a laugh out of me. There was a time when this girl wouldn’t dare mouth off like this. She’s not entirely wrong, though. For all that Malone hasn’t touched her since that first time, my friend gets tight around the mouth whenever I play with Aurora. Which means I do it often enough to irritate her, but not so often as to damage our friendship irreparably. We’re complicated like that.

I lightly drag my nails down Aurora’s neck, enjoying the way she shivers in response. “Another time.”

“Promise?” She’s breathy just from this touch. Gods, I don’t know what game Malone is playing with this girl, but she should get off her ass and do stop wasting time. Aurora is a gift of a submissive and Malone’s too smart to let something so priceless escape her.

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