Home > Logan : Darlington Brothers Series Book 3

Logan : Darlington Brothers Series Book 3
Author: Avery North

Chapter 1



Logan mingled with the crowd at the annual Help the Needy food drive that Darlington Realty sponsored every year. Normally, Lucas and Jason attended the event on behalf of the company, but this year both were busy with previous appointments, so had asked Logan to do it.

He hated these types of events, but more than that, he hated that he had to get up to give a speech, presenting the drive with a check donated by Darlington Realty. As confident as he was, he still hated having to speak in front of a bunch of strangers.

“Logan, so glad you could make it. It’s always nice to have someone from Darlington Realty here to present your donation,” Mabel Simms, the president of Help the Needy, said as she approached Logan.

“I’m glad I could be here,” Logan said, putting on a fake smile. "It's such a good cause, and Darlington Realty believes in helping those less fortunate.”

“We should be starting in a few minutes. Did someone tell you where you need to stand once the announcements start?” she asked.

Logan nodded. “They sure did. If you’ll excuse me for a moment, I’m just going to run to the restroom. I would hate to be standing on stage when nature calls.”

Escaping to the washroom, Logan splashed some cold water on his face, then leaned against the counter, looking at himself in the mirror. “Get a grip, man.”

The bathroom door opened, making Logan stand up and grab a towel. Drying his hands, he looked at the man who had entered and smiled.

“Logan Darlington,” the man said. “I just want to say thank you for everything.”

Logan smiled at him. “Not sure what I’ve done, but you’re welcome.”

“Are you kidding? That check you give to the fund every year helps so much! Last year I was able to feed my family when I was down on my luck. I didn’t know where to turn; I had lost my job, our house. We had to move into a crappy basement apartment in a bad part of town. We were struggling to make ends meet. You have no idea how the money that Darlington Realty donates helps people.”

Logan looked at the man. “Wow. Have you been able to get back your feet?”

Nodding, the man said. "Yep, I got my job back with a great raise, and we were able to buy a smaller house in a good neighborhood, so this year I am here to give a small donation. It certainly isn’t as much as you give, but every little bit helps.”

Logan smiled at the man. “I’m really glad to hear that, good for you. How many children do you have?”

“Five altogether. My wife and I had two each from previous marriages, and we have a child together. We've struggled for years, but now we are finally settled and happy."


“Well, it was nice to meet you. Congratulations on your success,” Logan said, shaking the man’s hand before walking out of the bathroom.

After walking out of the men’s room, Logan stopped for a moment to compose himself. There was a man who had lost everything but stayed positive and was happy despite everything life had dealt him. Logan wanted that type of happiness. He wanted to wake up in the morning with a wife and be more in love with her than he was the day before. He wanted to hear the pitter patter of little feet on the floor, and watch a big goofy dog running after a frisbee while his family played in their yard on a hot Saturday afternoon.

He wanted all that and more, but he knew that if he didn’t do something with his life, he would never get it. He needed to make changes, but he just didn’t know what.

He hoped that as he went through this crazy thing called life, a miracle would happen, and one day he would open his eyes, and everything would be there, right in front of him.





Boys night out. Connor’s at eight. Lloyd just announced he’s getting married. Logan read the text on his phone and grinned. That was exactly what he needed − a night out with the boys.

He shook his head in amazement. Of all the guys he hung around with Lloyd Jackson was the last one Logan had imagined getting married. Tall and lanky with large dark glasses, Lloyd was not the greatest looking guy. He was always very awkward around women, and the guys teased him constantly for it. His last girlfriend had broken up with him eight years ago, saying he was too boring.

Walking into Connor’s, Logan waved at a few people he knew before joining his friends.

“So, where’s Lloyd?” he asked the group. “Shouldn’t the guest of honor be here?”

“Maybe his bride-to-be won’t let him out,” Jason, one of Logan’s friends, teased.

“Anyone met her?” Logan asked.

“Yeah, I have. She’s actually really nice. Her family owns the Bowers Carwash in town, and she's a real nerd just like Lloyd. They make a really sweet couple.”

“Here he is,” one of the men said as Lloyd approached the table.

"Sorry, I'm late. Paula is spending the evening with her grandmother, so I had to drop her off," Lloyd said. "Thanks for organizing this."


“So, Lloyd. Out of all of us, how are you the first one to get married?” Logan asked. “What’s your fucking secret?”

Lloyd shrugged. “My shining personality, I guess. Seriously, I don’t know how. I met Paula completely by chance, and it was love at first sight. Almost like we were meant to be together.”

Logan smiled at Lloyd. “Well, I'm happy for you, man. I can't wait to meet Paula.”

Holding up his beer, Logan made a toast. He was happy for Lloyd but in a strange way, very envious. One day, he kept telling himself − one day.



Chapter 2



Summer was Logan Darlington's favorite season. He didn't know why, but he felt different then. Normally a happy guy, when summer came, Logan felt like he could conquer the world. He didn’t know if it was because of the warmer weather or the fact that nature was alive around him, giving him a much-needed boost.


Pouring himself a coffee, Logan leaned against the counter, trying to decide what he wanted to do. Saturdays were usually spent showing houses or working on some new real estate deal he had going, but this Saturday, he had nothing planned. It was very rare he had a free day, and he certainly didn't want to waste it.


He was surprised he was up so early after spending the evening at a baseball game with the guys then heading to Connor’s bar for a nightcap. He had figured he’d sleep in but instead was awake with the birds. The two Tylenol he had taken earlier were helping, and the fog that had filled his brain was slowly lifting. If he was lucky, he’d feel much better by the afternoon and be able to go out somewhere.

He had drunk way too much last night and remembered meeting a group of girls who had joined the guys at their table. Lloyd had left early to go home, leaving the guys with the ladies. One young girl had cozied up to Logan. Inviting her up to the dance floor when a slow song came on, Logan enjoyed the feel of her tight body pressed up against his. As they moved to the music, Logan felt her hand wander down to his crotch, and she slowly began rubbing him. She never said a word, just kept dancing slowly, resting her head on his chest with her eyes closed. Looking around, Logan realized that despite the crowd of people on the dance floor, no one could see what she was doing. He could feel his erection pressing against his zipper, yearning to be freed. Finally, the music stopped, and she quickly removed her hand, looking up at Logan and smiling.

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