Home > Keep My Heart : Top Shelf Romance #7(13)

Keep My Heart : Top Shelf Romance #7(13)
Author: Lex Martin

Mila nods and wipes away snot. “I can make Daddy Pop Tarts for breakfast so he’s not hungry.”

“Thatta girl. And you remember how he likes his coffee, right? Two sugars and a good helping of milk. Don’t use half-and half even though he likes it because he should watch those trans fats now while he’s young.”

Hearing the two most important girls in my life worry about me makes my chest ache.

I’m wondering how I’m gonna get Mila out of my mom’s arms when Tori approaches them and whispers in Mila’s ear. Not sure what she says, but Mila starts laughing, and Tori picks her up and swings her around so she’s on her back, clinging to her neck.

“Have a great trip, Beverly,” Tori says cheerfully, like my whole family isn’t on the brink of an apocalypse. “Mila and I are going to have a big surprise for you when you get back, aren’t we, Mila?”

My daughter wipes her eyes and nods and smiles at my mom. “Big, big, big surprise!”

I stand there, a little dumbfounded that this train wreck has turned around, until Tori mouths, “It’s okay. Go.” She turns her back so she and Mila are facing the other way.

As I’m walking my mom out, I pause in the doorway to look at my kids, who are playing with Tori like nothing happened.

Only one thought comes to mind—thank God she’s here.



It’s dark when I get back, much later than I thought I’d be. Austin traffic sucked, as always, and Mom’s flight was delayed. That was when I realized I didn’t have Tori’s cell number, and she didn’t have mine. I was thinking I was the worst parent ever when I remembered my mom had shown Tori the emergency numbers.

My brother’s sprawled on a couch, flipping through baseball channels, when I stride into the house.

“Thanks for coming over.”

When I realized I couldn’t call Tori’s cell and she wasn’t picking up the office phone—why would she?—I called Logan and asked him to check on the kids and let Tori know I was running late.

“No problemo. Wasn’t like I had plans.” His brow lifts meaningfully.

“On a Monday night?”

“Yeah, with this hot-as-fuck waitress I met last week. Thanks for cockblocking, by the way.”

I roll my eyes. God forbid my brother doesn’t get laid regularly.

He waves the remote in my direction without taking his eyes off the TV. “Do you need Joey to babysit for you this weekend? She says to call or text if you do.”

“Yeah, I might need an extra pair of hands.” I told Tori she could have the weekends off, and I don’t want to break that promise.

Joey is my brother’s best friend. She’s a couple of years younger than Logan and has helped my mom with the kids once or twice, but the girl has her hands full at home. Even though I thought to ask her about babysitting full-time, I know she’d never be able to.

“Where is everyone?” The house is quiet. Too quiet.

“Asleep, I guess.”

“Tori got Mila and Cody to bed?”

“Yuuuuup.” He keeps clicking channels. “No thanks required, bro. Don’t even mention how I found a Disney princess to be your nanny. I don’t need a pat on the back or anything.”

I roll my eyes and kick off my boots so my shoes don’t wake up the kids.

If Tori were a princess, she’d definitely be Ariel the Mermaid. Only with thick, brown hair and a rounder, bitable ass.

The back hallway is dark, and I tiptoe into Cody’s room. Sure enough, he’s nestled in bed and zonked out to the world.

Leaning down to give him a kiss, I realize Tori must’ve given him a bath because he smells like clean little boy instead of the stinker I handed her this afternoon. I check the kids’ bathroom, certain it must look like a hurricane blew through it because my kidlets are hellions in the tub, but everything is neat and clean.

I’m half-ready to thank my lucky stars for our new nanny when I get to Mila’s room and find her bed empty.

Panic builds in my gut as I fly down the hall to Tori’s room. The door is open and the bedside lamp is on, and there, in the middle of the bed, are Tori and Mila, curled up on the comforter, sound asleep, with a copy of Bedtime for Francis next to them.

Seeing my daughter, safe and sound, makes me feel foolish for freaking out.

Reaching down to scoop up Mila, I gently move Tori’s arm, and her lids flutter open.

“Hey,” she whispers.

I hold up one finger to tell her to hang on while I pick up my daughter. Mila’s like a sack of potatoes in my arms. After I tuck her into her own bed, I stop back in Tori’s doorway.

My eyes widen when I realize how intimate this is. Tori on her bed in a tiny black tank top and sleep shorts. Her gorgeous hair tumbling over her shoulders. The quiet house and soft lighting.

Taking a step back, I look away to give her some privacy.

“Did they wear you out?” I ask, realizing she must be as tired as my kids. “Sorry I woke you. Didn’t think you’d want Mila kicking your face in the middle of the night. She sleeps like a starfish.”

“No worries,” she says as she yawns. “I tried to follow your mom’s directions on that sheet. Got them fed and bathed and in bed on time, but I have to confess they ate pizza for dinner with nary a vegetable in sight.”

I chuckle and pull off my baseball cap to push my hair back. Reversing the bill, I pull the hat on backwards. “If that’s the worst crime, I think you did as well as I could’ve.” It’s true. Given how upset Mila was this afternoon, the fact that the rest of the day went smoothly is nothing short of a miracle. “Thanks for taking care of dinner and their bedtime routine. Usually, I can do that so you have your evenings free.”

Thinking back to my crisis earlier today and not being able to reach her, I tap on her doorframe. “Before I forget, I need your cell number.”

Her lips tug up in one corner as she stretches like a cat. “No sexting, remember?”

My eyes shoot up to hers. At first, I can’t tell if she’s joking or if she really thinks I’m the dick who sends out, well, pics of my dick. Or dirty messages. Can’t say I’ve ever done either of those with a girl, even in college. Would Allison have been into that sort of thing? Hell, I never thought to test those waters.

She laughs. “Just messin’ with you. But you should see the look on your face.”

She calls out her digits, and I tap out her number on my cell, shaking my head the whole time.

When I’m done, I slip my phone in my back pocket. “Ya know, you’re kind of a menace when you’re not playing Mary Poppins.”

As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I’m worried I offended her, but the smile she gives me is brilliant and wide and more than a little mischievous. “Don’t think I don’t know this.”

Shaking my head again, I start to close the door. “Night, Tasmanian Devil.”

She snickers. “Night, Wolverine.”






Lying in bed, I wonder why I flirted with him tonight. In the moment, I didn’t think it was that flirty. I’ve said worse things to my friends.

But Ethan isn’t a friend.

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