Home > Keep My Heart : Top Shelf Romance #7(300)

Keep My Heart : Top Shelf Romance #7(300)
Author: Lex Martin

We finally set a date for a fall wedding in September, and even though I’m more than ready to become Mrs. Travis King, fitting into my wedding dress after having a baby has stressed me out. That led to stress eating, which ultimately led to more stress about not fitting into the wedding dress.

Travis has been amazing through it all, and no matter how crazy my hormones were, or how stubborn I was on wedding details, he’s stayed by my side. I didn’t think it was possible, but I love him more now than I ever have before. He’s an incredible father, and watching him with our kids is a daily reminder of how lucky I am.

As I lie in bed with James on one side of me after an early morning feeding, and Ginny on the other side, squeezed between Travis and me, it’s easy to see how much our lives have changed in just two years. King Marketing was named as one of Fortune’s 100 Fastest-Growing Companies of the Year, which was a surprise and a blessing. The amount of exposure the company received was beyond anything we ever imagined. Small and large businesses from every corner of the map have contracted our services. Before James was born, I helped out at the firm when I could, but since Ginny is still little too, I’ve chosen to be the most kick-ass stay-at-home mom ever, and I love every minute of it. I’ve even started blogging about mommy stuff and books—two of my biggest passions.

Between diaper changes and constantly picking up toys, Courtney’s dragged me to wedding vendor events, dress fittings, cake tastings, and worse of them all, shoe shopping. I don’t mean metaphorically, but has dragged me out of the house, pushed me into the car, and held my hand as we walked into my last dress fitting.

“As my maid of honor, I expect you to keep all carbs away from me until the wedding. Got it?” I say as the bridal stylist laces me up. “It’ll be a miracle if my boobs can squeeze into this.”

Officially unable to breathe, the stylist gets me in my dress. It’s not over-the-top glam like Courtney tried to make me wear, but sweet and simple. A strapless sweetheart neckline, embroidered bodice, and lace skirt. If I even look at a cheeseburger, I will bust out of this thing, but the moment I tried it on, I knew it was the dress I’d be wearing when I stood in front of Travis King to say, “I do.”

“Oh, you look so beautiful,” my mother gushes, dabbing a tissue under her eyes. Ginny is sitting on her lap as James sleeps in his car seat next to her feet. She loves being a grandma, even if she refuses to be called one.

“You think so? It looks okay?” I ask, chewing on my lower lip. All I can think about is the stretch marks on my boobs and the dark circles under my eyes. “I feel like a whale,” I pout.

“Nothing a good facial and vagina steam can’t fix,” Courtney assures me, cheerfully. My face turns red as the stylist looks away, pretending she doesn’t exist right now.

“Court!” I scold, frowning. “Don’t make me laugh. I’ll pop a button.”

“There are no buttons,” she deadpans.

I flash her a pointed look, and she laughs.

“Do you want to try it on with your veil?” the stylist asks, and I nod with an eager smile. The veil is my favorite accessory— a gorgeous lace that reaches my ankles but also doubles as a headband. I plan to take it off after pictures and wear only the headband piece for the reception.

“Don’t forget the shoes,” Courtney says as she grabs them out of the box. My feet swelled up during my last trimester, so shoe shopping was a nightmare. I ended up finding a pair of lace, peep toe heels, and best of all, they’re super comfortable. However, I did size up, so I basically look like Big Foot.

Once I’m completely put together with jewelry, shoes, veil and all, I step on the pedestal and look at myself in the mirrors. I hardly recognize the woman who stares back at me. Showered, hair brushed, and even a little makeup on today, versus the sporty-spice look I’ve managed to nail.

Watching everyone’s reactions in the mirror, I see Courtney snapping pictures of me and smiling as her fingers fly over the screen. Except she’s not smiling about me. She’s smiling about something else.

“Who are you sending those pictures to?” I ask, knowing she’s up to something.

“Just Drew. I told him I’d give him a preview of your dress.”

“He’s not going to care what my dress looks like, Court.”

“Yes, he does! He told me so.”

Rolling my eyes, I mutter, “Doubt it.” But she’s too involved on her phone to notice. Ever since she and Drew became roommates, they text nonstop like a pair of teenage girls. She swears up and down that they’re only friends, which I actually believe, considering Drew isn’t one to sleep around, but Courtney is the one I’m most worried about. Her crush has only deepened over the years, and Drew has shown absolutely zero interest in anything more than a platonic friendship. In fact, sometimes I wonder if Drew even realizes she has a vagina. He treats her like one of the guys, or rather, as another sister. She claims to be over it, but I know better. I see the way she looks at him. I see how giddy she gets when he responds to her text messages, and I see the hope in her eyes, that one day he’ll stop seeing her as his little sister’s best friend.

Once the fitting is over, and I’ve managed to peel myself out of my Spanx, we meet up with Travis and Drew for a late lunch. My parents are over the moon about Travis and me finally getting married, and they love being grandparents but hate that we didn’t move closer to them. I’m more than fine with it, considering my mother is just as bad as Courtney on the wedding planning details. Sometimes I wonder whose wedding it actually is.

“There’s my gorgeous bride-to-be,” Travis says with a beaming smile. He engulfs Ginny and me in a hug and then grabs James’ car seat from my aching arm. “How’d everything go?”

I give him a wide-eyed look that tells him everything he needs to know.

“That good, huh?” He smirks. He takes my hand and leads us to the table he’s saved for us all. Once Ginny is settled in her highchair, I unbuckle James and swaddle him to my chest. My parents and Courtney find their seats, and when the waitress comes to ask for our drink order, I realize there’s still an empty chair.

“Hey, where’s Drew?” I ask Travis. He looks down at his menu, and I can tell by the way his lips twitch, something’s up.

“He’s on his way. He had to do something quick.”

Courtney leans over and speaks in my ear so no one else can hear her. “By the noises coming from his long shower this morning, I’d say he doesn’t do anything quick.” I shoot her a disgusted look as she flashes me a smile.

“And there goes my appetite.”

She laughs and winks at me. Sometimes, I wish they’d just fuck and get it over with. Whatever game they’re playing is getting a little out of hand.

“So, since carbs are out of the question, looks like I can have water and lettuce.”

I glance over at Courtney, wondering if she heard me, and her face is white as a ghost.

“Holy fucking shit,” she mutters, looking behind me.

“What?” I turn around to where she’s staring, and gasp when I see what she’s freaking out about. “What the hell is he doing here with her?” I mutter, getting Travis’ attention.

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