Home > Dragon's Destiny (Red Planet Dragons of Tajss #20)(18)

Dragon's Destiny (Red Planet Dragons of Tajss #20)(18)
Author: Miranda Martin

Two of the Zmaj who aren’t helping my fellow humans break off from our group. I don’t know what they’re doing, but it looks dumb. Dangerously stupid. They’re leaping as they run, and each time they land, they slam the ground with their lochabers, making a resounding cracking sound.

They keep repeating these actions while the rest of the Zmaj gather up all the humans, several of them carrying two girls each. The ones carrying humans are leaping and gliding for long distances, landing lightly for a quick run then another leap.

“They’re pulling it away,” I say, suddenly getting it.

“Yes,” Khabri says, speaking softly.

“Shit…” I exhale.

The zemlja bursts from the ground, but it took the bait, emerging near the two who broke off. They split, running at a forty-five-degree angle to each other, each continuing their weird dance. The zemlja waves in the air screeching, then dives back under the earth.

As it disappears below the ground, the two Zmaj angle back towards each other. They’re almost to one another when one of them disappears. It’s the blink of an eye. He’s there, and then he’s gone without a sound.

The remaining Zmaj leaps towards the spot where the other disappeared, his lochaber over his head. He thrusts the blade down, yelling a blood-curdling battle cry.

Nothing happens. He drops to his knees, leaning over the hole that swallowed his friend. His shoulders are slumped, his tail is flat on the ground, and his wings are shaking. Tears choke me, closing my throat.

I thought I was numb, my heart already shattered, but somehow seeing him there, breaks it anew.

The Zmaj don’t stop running until we’ve put a long distance between us and where the attack happened. It’s obvious they’re exhausted too. They’re barely running, but not a one of them complains.

When the lone Zmaj that survived encountering the zemlja catches back up to us, they come to a stop. We huddle up in silence. I’ve got nothing. Outside my newly repaired armor of numb, the pain of loss slithers. But inside here, I’m cold and calculating. Surviving.

After a long silence, I look at Khabri.

“What was his name?” I ask.

“I’m sorry?” he asks.

“His name?” I ask again.

“Klauth,” Khabri says, understanding what I am asking at last. “And your lost male?”

“Elijah,” I say, my chest constricting so tight it hurts. “His name was Elijah.”

Khabri nods. “May he rest in Tajss’ arms.”

“Yours too,” I say.

Tears sting at my eyes, but they would go with the pain that I’m holding at bay, so I don’t let them have their way either.

“How much fur—”

A loud high-pitched whine grows louder and louder, cutting me off. Instinctively we all look up at once, in time to see two air machines whizz past.

“You’ve got to be shitting me,” Petras curses.









The Invaders’ ships don’t stop, but there can be no doubt we’ve been spotted. We won’t have long before they come for us. My brethren have their lochabers in hand and are forming a circle around the group, staring out and waiting for orders.

We can’t win. Any fight here, in the open, with the humans to protect, we will lose. With a quick look and calculation, I estimate we’re two hours from the City if we carry the humans. If they walk, it will double that.

I look at my males with a critical, judging eye. Doubt creeps into my thoughts, but then I look at her, and I know. They’re exhausted, but able. They will do it because we must. We’ve trained for this, for worse, even.

No matter what, I can’t lose her. We will protect the humans, with more of our lives if that is what it takes.

“How far?” Anna asks.

“Brethren,” I say, pitching my voice to carry and inspire. “We are close, but our best chance is if we carry the humans. We must reach the City before their reinforcements arrive.”

The males look one to another, doubt clear on their faces, but each of them looks at the humans, and inspiration bolsters their souls. They nod almost as one, and each of them goes to a human.

“There aren’t enough of you,” Anna says.

“We can run,” one of the males says.

He’s a scrawny male with a pinched face that is too red and pale for any human, but the determination on his face is undeniable. The other males gather around him, showing their agreement.

“You’re not going to be able to keep up, Jacob,” Anna says.

There’s something on his face when he looks at her. He cares for her. I feel it coming off of him in waves, but it’s more. There’s a steel to him and these males I wouldn’t have expected from humans. The kind of mettle that would have made them candidates for recruitment before the Devastation.

“We’ll do our best,” Jacob says. “Right, guys?”

“Yeah!” the males with him rally a cheer.

Respect swells in my chest for these males. I am proud to share a battlefield with them, but Anna is correct. They will not be able to keep up with my Zmaj. I need a better plan.

“We will split up,” I say. “Humans, the City is close. The best option we have is to hold the Invaders off while you break for the safety it offers.”

“Are you crazy?” Anna asks, jutting her chin angrily. “We split up and it will be worse! If they land by us, we’re screwed. If you stay out here to fight, they’ll overwhelm you.”

A ball of warmth burns in my stomach. She’s fire, heated, and it means only one thing. She cares about my survival. She wants me. I want her so badly it aches.

“Standing here fighting about it isn’t going to get us anywhere,” one of the males says. “We need to move.”

“Right,” Anna says, turning to face the human group. “This sucks, we all know it, but here’s the deal. Either we man up, or we die. These bastards have killed our friends, burned our home, but are we done?”

“NO!” the humans scream, throwing their fists into the air and cheering.

Anna smiles, turning back to me and arching one delicate eyebrow.

“Very well,” I say. “Brethren, help them as we can. We run.”

Every one of our group finds depths of strength. The humans run, stumbling and not fast, but they’re moving. At their front is Anna. I run past the others to be beside her. I help, holding her arm for support, as we run up a dune.

The humans’ exhaustion is palpable. Their bodies are not conditioned for this kind of abuse, but their spirits are strong. Led by Anna.

She absorbs most of my attention. The connection between us is deep, beyond desire. The dragon melds with her. She is my everything. Her strength is unbelievable. Her leadership, the fire in her is all that any warrior could ask for in a female.

“We will have strong, warrior children,” I say.

“We will what?” she asks, eyes widening.

“Our children,” I say. “They will be very strong. They will be forged in the fire of your spirit and tempered by our love.”

“Are you… insane?” she asks, huffing but not stopping.

“I do not understand the question,” I say.

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