Home > Dragon's Destiny (Red Planet Dragons of Tajss #20)(21)

Dragon's Destiny (Red Planet Dragons of Tajss #20)(21)
Author: Miranda Martin

“Ladon, they wanted the meteorite glass,” Timothy, another human says. “They’re done gone now that the showers are over.”

“No, they aren’t!”

I glare at the crowd around me. They’re fools. Blind. Refusing to see the truth that I see. Pent-up frustration and rage thrum through my muscles. In my mind’s eye I see Calista and Illadon. Laughing, happy—then I lose them. I’ve been dreaming this scenario over and over. Now I see it here, wide awake.

“Something terrible is going to happen,” I say. “I know it.”

The Zmaj exchange a look with each other, and the humans do the same.

“He could be right,” Luke says. “We don’t know what they wanted.”

Every beat of my hearts is pain. Pain of a loss that hasn’t happened, that I can’t let happen. Calista is my world. I must protect her and our son. I know I’m right. This irritation, like an itch in my brain I can’t scratch, won’t stop.

Sverre comes and places a hand on my shoulder.

“Ladon,” he says. “You have become my brother in arms and in spirit. I am at your side, and I believe you. We will do what we must.”

Murmurs of agreement come from those assembled.

“Good or evil is in the intention of the user,” Visidion says. “My memories of this place are vague, and as I recall, they were but whispered myths and rumors even then. No one knew if this place was real, but now we do. We know it exists, and we know that things happened there for some unknown purpose.”

“They were preparing for war,” Archion says.

“War? Then?” Visidion asks.

“Yes,” Archion says. “The war that we all knew was to come. The war for the soul of Tajss.”

Silence follows his pronouncement. The members of the Order I’ve interacted with all love their cryptic pronouncements. As if they want to be seen as visionaries. I’m not buying the act, but I see its effect on the others, especially the humans.

“The soul of Tajss?” I ask. “What does that even mean? I’m not fighting for some mystical soul of the planet—I fight for my family.”

“As it should be,” Archion says, not elaborating further.

I’d really like to punch him in the face, but it would accomplish nothing. If anything, it would further anger Calista. I hear her admonishment in my head, which is enough to stop me from taking action.

“So we’re agreed? We go to the bunker?” I ask.

“Yes,” Visidion says.

“I’m going, too,” Addison says.

The Zmaj suddenly become interested in the ground, leaving Visidion and me to handle her.

“No,” I say.

“You can’t stop me,” Addison says. “You’re going to need me.”

“No,” I say.

“Addison, let us go first,” Visidion says. “We will bring you once we’ve done further exploration.”

She purses her lips and clenches her fists then opens them and sighs. “Fine.”

“Very well,” Visidion says. “I want this to be a small task force. Archion, the Order seems to have better understanding of pre-Devastation tech, will you go?”

He’s nicer than I would be. I’d order him to go and let him shove his Order.

“We do and I will,” Archion says.

“Good. Then we will leave tomorrow mor—”


I’m thrown into Visidion. Entangled, we fall to the ground together. Debris falls from the ceiling, pelting my back. My ears are ringing, and sounds are distant, but people are screaming.

“Calista!” I roar, fighting my way free of Visidion.

A quick glance shows no one here is seriously hurt, and I’m out the door.

My nightmares thrust to the fore, consuming my thoughts with random still images. Calista bleeding. Illadon lying lifeless, face down. My hearts pound as I race through the City streets. People rush up and down the streets screaming, covered in dirt, some bleeding, but I don’t see anyone seriously hurt.

I run faster. Slamming down one foot after another, powering my way forward. I open my wings to bound from one leap to the next.

“What happened?” a human male asks, stumbling into my path.

He’s covered in dirt and blood trickles down his head. He’s staring wide-eyed as he blocks my path.

“Out of the way!” I yell.

“Help her,” he says, pointing, shaking his head. “Please!”

The pleading in his voice cuts through the noise in my head. I follow his pointing hand to a building. A plume of dirt drifts out of the broken window, and past the ringing in my ears, a distant female screams.

Cursing, I run for the building. The dirt obscures my sight, and I stumble over debris, blindly working my way towards the sound of the female’s voice. The male is right behind. He curses and yells too.

Emerging from the roiling dust cloud into an open floor space, I find her. A beam has fallen from the ceiling, pinning her legs. She has long, dark hair, and for an instant I see Calista. The dragon roars, and I can’t hold it in. I roar as I rush forward.

The female stops screaming, looking at me in wide-eyed terror. This is not Calista. It is not Calista.

I grab the beam, bend my knees, and lift with all I have. The movement causes creaks and groans, and more debris falls from the ceiling. It lifts off of her, but she is lying still, unable to move.

“Help her!” I bark at the male.

He stumbles forward and grabs her arms, pulling her free. Something in the ceiling cracks loud enough to be heard over the ringing in my ears. We need to get out of here. I grab both the humans, one in each arm, and run.

Rumbling begins behind us, and then the ceiling crashes down as we emerge. A blast of air slams into my back, and I’m thrown to the ground with the humans. I climb to my feet and help the male up.

“Take her to the medical,” I order. “Can you do this?”

“Y-ye-yes,” he stutters.


A bright light flashes, leaving afterimages on my eyes, and then the boom sounds again. The sound hits my chest with a palpable force, making me step back. The human male falls on his ass.

I do not have time for this. After running to him, I get him on his feet. Holding him by his shoulders, I stoop to look into his eyes.

“GO!” I yell again, and he nods.

Only now do I look up, and my stomach clenches as my muscles thrum with pent-up energy. A huge ship hangs over the City, and it is firing on the dome.

I was right.

No pleasure comes with being right, only horror. I do not know where my mate or my child are. Terror comes with that thought, and I’m running. I run faster than I’ve ever run before.

She is okay. They are fine. They are fine. They are fine.

I repeat the mantra every time my foot hits the ground. Buildings blur as I run. Another flash and bang but I ignore it. Reaching Calista and Illadon is all that matters.

I turn a corner, and ahead is the City center. The fountain looms large. She should be here. Dozens of humans mill around the streets in confusion. They see me charge towards them and part, letting me pass through unimpeded.

“CALISTA!” I roar, spreading my wings and leaping to gain height.

I don’t hear her, but I feel her. I’m drawn to the left, so I turn and keep running. I call for her, over and over, but as I run, my dragon guides me. Pulling and guiding me towards her.

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