Home > Delinquents Turned Fugitives

Delinquents Turned Fugitives
Author: Ann Denton




The walls felt like they were closing in as I stared into the murderous face of my stepfather. He’d caught us red-handed, breaking into the Pinnacle’s vault.

How did he even know?

My knees nearly melted into jelly as fear threatened to make me freeze like a deer in headlights.

Fuck no.

I took a deep breath and shoved away any emotion that might get in the way of our mission. It didn’t matter how Claude knew we were here. The more important question was—what was he going to do about it?

Nothing good, that was certain.

His maniacal expression made my blood grow cold and my stomach churn with dread. He stood in front of me, grey hair disheveled, breathing raggedly, still in his tux, looking—and feeling, no doubt—like he was motherfucking James Bond.

Only … Claude was the Russian spy, the bad guy, the asshole. I was Bond.

We faced off across a dark corridor, my crew behind me and Claude just three feet away, glaring at me. To my right, the vault door composed of steel and magic gleamed—but only because I held my hand aloft, using my natural-born Darklight power to light the space with magical sunshine, since there were no light fixtures down here.

Attack first, think later.

I lifted my hand and shot shadows at his eyes to blind him, but the asshole ducked and threw a magical flame at me. I dove for the ground, scraping my palms on the cement as the flames whooshed by above me. The pain shoved away my fear and let fury override everything else.

That dick was helping hide a magical serum that could save hundreds of thousands of lives. Hiding it because doing so made him money; apparently vampire blood had immortal qualities that helped increase a spell’s longevity. Everyone with a seat at the Pinnacle Council table had vampire blood on their hands, because they’d traded in morality for cold hard cash. Those bastards had hidden the cure for vampiric insanity because they didn’t want to lose their free and easy immortal blood source. As it stood, vamps were the forgotten, the ignored, the hush-hush, swept-under-the-rug, black sheep of magical society. No one had to bother looking the other way at what the Pinnacle was doing, because no one bothered to take a second look at the magicals who failed the Unnatural Spell and transformed into vampires. Regular magicals were too busy locking vamps up in mental institutions and forgetting they existed, which created the perfect situation for Pinnacle bigwigs to exploit them.

No more. My fingers curled into fists and I shoved myself off the floor to face my stepfather and his arrogant smile.

I wasn’t gonna let my brother be a blood bag for the Pinnacle. If I could help it, no vamp would suffer that fate again.

“Hayley, I’m disappointed.”

His tone made me want to lash out and bite him like some wild animal. Claude’s disdain had a way of chipping away my logic like cheap-ass nail polish. I forced myself to take a breath and remember why I was here. I forced my hand to stay at my side; I refused to let myself reach up and touch the serum—the cure—which lay in a pouch zipped securely inside my fireproof shirt. We’d gotten what we’d come for—a cure for Matthew. Now we had to make it out.

But my stepfather stood in our way.

My gut tightened because I knew that the only thing we could do to escape was kill Claude. On a soul-deep level, I knew that if we just knocked him out and made a break for it, he’d hunt me down for the rest of my days. I’d never sleep.

We were one-hundred-fifty feet below the earth’s surface and we’d stolen one of the magical government’s top secrets. Getting out had already been a challenge before he’d shown up.

Now … it was going to be him or us. He’d make sure of it.

I felt woozy at the thought.

I stared into Claude’s cold blue eyes and magically youthful face and tried to harden my resolve for what needed to happen. Had to happen.

My stomach still frothed with guilt and apprehension.

“You okay?” Z whispered, checking on me. My sweet, seductive, brown-eyed boy showed no hint of his normal humor. His voice was tight, and taut as a wire.

I didn’t answer him; I was too busy trying to decide my next move as I watched my stepfather create a burning lasso in the air, harnessing his power as an Icefire to create a weapon.

I saw Grayson lift a dark hand, ready to use his Force power to blow the flames away from us, but I shook my head. He was too spent.

Claude gave a brutal laugh and let the huge ring of fire descend. I felt my hair start to curl from the heat.

“Run!” I screamed at them, before the blaze could surround us.

We all ducked the fire and barreled back down the corridor. I dropped my magical light so that Claude would have a harder time seeing us. But a wall of jagged ice sprang up out of thin air and stretched from floor to ceiling sending us stumbling to a stop.

I forced myself to spin back around, hands up, light dancing in my palms again, ready to fight. I ignored my aching muscles, and pulled harder on my magic, drawing on any reserves I had left. I couldn’t be tired yet. Tired and scared would be a fatal combination.

I glanced at the vault door. We didn’t have time to reopen it and toss wretched Claude inside. The spell writing to unlock it took too long and we’d already closed the door. The vault was locked, secured as though we’d never been here. We’d been two seconds from leaving, from navigating our way out and walking away as if nothing had happened.

But victory was about to be wrenched from my fingers unless I sank to Claude’s treacherous depths.

“Claudia,” I gritted through my teeth, using the nickname I knew he hated. I kept my blue eyes on my stepfather, but opened my free hand behind me and let loose some of my shadow magic, trying to cast a veil of darkness between him and us.

But it was too damn thin.

I kicked myself for keeping the serum on me instead of bringing an extra vial and splitting it so that someone else carried some. Then we would have had a better chance of one of us making it out with the serum intact.

I ground my teeth together, scolding myself for my overconfidence, for my lack of foresight.

I should have realized someone might be onto us.

I took a small step backward as thoughts pummeled the inside of my skull.

How did the dickwad appear out of thin air?

There had to be a second entrance. One I didn’t know about. One Dad hadn’t found. One we could use to escape.

My gaze flickered over Claude’s shoulder and I saw the faint edge of a door.

I turned my head to tell the guys, but that’s when Claude blasted me with ice magic that stung my left eye and burned my cheek.

A screech erupted from me as I raised an arm and tried to shield myself. The fucker had waited until my magic was exhausted and then attacked.

Malcolm, the anarchist I’d recruited for his brilliant mind and tendency to blow things up, immediately threw a ball of flame at Claude’s face—but the asshole blocked it with an ice shield and let out a chuckle that pulsed with arrogance and evil.

“Do you really want to wear yourself out so soon? You have a long fight ahead of you.” My stepfather’s haughty voice was like nails on a chalkboard.

I wanted to hit him, but I needed to hand off the vial first.

My hands reached behind me, searching for one of my crew.

“Or should I fight fire with fire?” Claude shot flame in my direction and I ducked, turning to see Malcolm’s blond hair ripple as the flames died just in front of him; Malcolm let his cold aura steal the flames’ heat. Claude and Malcolm were both Icefires and could control either element, so it was useless for them to keep attacking each other, particularly since Claude had just started to fight and we were so exhausted.

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