Home > A Lord for Miss Lily(5)

A Lord for Miss Lily(5)
Author: Maggie Dallen

Which was exactly why, as the evening’s dancing had begun, he’d requested a set with Daisy.

On the dance floor with Daisy in his arms, he eyed the grim duke on the sidelines with a laugh. Griff was so clearly beside himself with jealousy, as Merrick had known he would be.

Really, his friend might have been powerful and he was no doubt intelligent, but when it came to matters of the heart, he was remarkably dull. Anyone could see that he only had eyes for Daisy, and yet he seemed intent on ruining his chances with the best woman who’d come into his life.

When their dance drew to a close, Daisy asked to be escorted to her friends on the veranda rather than back to the duke. The reason became clear when he noted her pretty blush and the duke’s dark gaze as he followed her every move.

They wished a moment alone, and of that he wholeheartedly approved.

He saw Lily in the shadows when they moved through the French doors leading to the garden. She waved at Daisy with that wide, welcoming grin he hadn’t seen in far too long. Though it was for Daisy, not for him.

The sight of it now made his ribcage feel too tight and his jaw clenched painfully.

It was nostalgia, that was all. A wave of memories and the urge to turn back time.

He cleared his throat, glancing inside toward the duke’s current companion and Daisy’s family meaningfully. “I cannot promise that your presence will not be missed.”

Daisy laughed off his concern. “Do not concern yourself, Lord Merrick. I am certain my friends will assist me there.”

He bowed before leaving her to her private rendezvous. When he caught sight of the duke heading for the veranda he grinned.

His job there was done, it seemed. He scanned the crowd of young ladies with their fluttering fans. Perhaps now it was time to set his sights on a match of his own. His parents would be pleased at least. Perhaps for the first time in his life.

He made no move to approach anyone. Weariness stole over him at the thought of all that was to come. The small talk, the dancing, the subtle art of feeling out interest and trying to gauge just how well it was returned.

He moved toward the refreshments. Perhaps he’d just have a drink first.

He was still hovering by the refreshments, eyeing his options, when a ball of fire rushed toward him.

“What do you think you are doing with Miss Daisy Merriweather?” Lily demanded.

He jerked back in surprise. “Pardon me?”

“Miss Daisy Merriweather,” she bit out. “What are you—”

“Lily,” he interrupted, leaning down until his face was close to hers. “Is this your idea of snubbing me? If so, you are remarkably inept at it.”

Rage flashed in her pretty green eyes and he felt his own lips curve up in triumph.

Until she continued. “I only came over here to tell you to stay away from her.”

He had a feeling his scowl matched hers perfectly as he growled, “Keep your voice down, I beg you.”

She drew in a breath, about to start in on him again, but he caught her by her elbow, forced a smile, and led her toward the dance floor. “Not here,” he gritted out through clenched teeth.

Did she not see the viscountess to their left who was listening with open curiosity or did she just not care?

Either way...he cared. There was no way he’d let his loudmouthed former friend drag him into some scandal.

And that was how he found himself holding the little hellion in his arms.

Her scowl had faded into a frown of confusion, as though she too was wondering how exactly she’d ended up here. On the dance floor…with him.

“Now,” he said slowly as they moved in time to the music. “What were you saying?”

She blinked a few times. “Uh…” She gave her head a little shake and he watched her eyes come into focus. “What are your intentions toward Daisy?”

He opened his mouth.

She didn’t give him a chance to answer. “Whatever they are, you need to drop them at once.”

He arched his brows. “Pardon me?”

Her hand moved on his shoulder, her grip tight and her expression filled with meaning. “She is not yours to woo, Merrick. I happen to know that she and the Duke of Dolan are meant for one another and if you even think of standing in their way—”

“I have no intention,” he finally interrupted.

She pursed her lips, her eyes narrowing. “You don’t? But...I saw you dancing and laughing and—”

“I was trying to make my friend jealous,” he said.

He watched as understanding dawned and, if he wasn’t mistaken, perhaps a bit of disappointment that he was not the villain she’d thought him to be.

So sorry to disappoint.

Her eyes were trained on his chin as she stewed over what he’d just said. When she glanced up, they were filled with wariness and his heart lurched at the sight of it.

What had he ever done to make her look at him like that?

“So then you agree that Daisy and the duke…” She trailed off, biting her lip.

“Indeed, I would love nothing more than to see them happily paired.” He let out a huff of laughter at the rare sight of her looking uncertain about anything, least of all him. “It seems that for once you and I are in agreement, Lily.”

Her face fell. “So we are...on the same side, then?”

He gave an exasperated laugh as he spun her around the dance floor. “Don’t worry. I’m not happy about it, either.”



Chapter Three



The cad.

What he failed to understand, what he’d always misunderstood, was that she wasn’t being cross with him as some personal vendetta.

All right, perhaps it was a tiny bit personal.

But mostly she didn’t like everything he’d come to stand for since returning from his tour. She still missed him. Nearly every day.

Once upon a time, Merrick had been exactly like her. A flaunter of rules and an unrepentant believer of life outside their circle.

The circle where the Abigails of the world reigned queen. As did his parents and, at one point in time, her mother.

The believers in perfection, rules, and the unrelenting pursuit of best rather than of happiness or self-fulfillment.

She had always—and would always—refuse to live such a life. Even more so after everything she’d been through. One never knew when their time would come to an end. She’d enjoy every moment she had without worrying what others thought about her actions or behavior.

But Merrick...he cared tremendously. The change had been evident the moment he’d returned from his tour of the continent and immediately began courting Abigail.

She gave her head a little shake to forget the past. Right here and now, Merrick was not courting Abigail. He was holding her in his arms instead.

His movements were graceful and effortless. Hesitantly she followed. Despite having attended dozens of balls over the past few years, she rarely engaged in the activity.

Lily supposed there were certain pursuits in which perfection was preferable. Riding was always a pursuit of excellence. Becoming one with the horse until rider and animal practically flew over the earth, barely touching the surface.

Then there was dancing.

Merrick moved with a grace that stole her breath. And for once, since her illness, she exuded that same grace as they spun about the floor, her slippers barely touching the ground.

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