Home > A Lord for Miss Lily

A Lord for Miss Lily
Author: Maggie Dallen




Five years earlier…


Laura clapped a hand over her mouth at the sight of the gleaming black stallion before her.

“Like it?” Merrick’s voice was impossibly smug beside her.

She choked on a laugh. Did she like it? “I love him.”

Merrick laughed at the awe in her voice as she reached out to let the giant beast sniff her hand.

She turned to look up at him. “But where did you get him?”

“A new present from my father.” Her friend’s eyes flashed with bitterness. “For Simon.”

Ah. Well, that explained it then. Laura clamped her lips shut to keep from saying something he wouldn’t wish to hear. He did not need her sympathy.

“But as Simon does not even enjoy riding, and I’ve been stuck with his old nag for years now, I thought it was only kind to give Wildfire here a run for his money.” He shot Laura a sidelong look filled with mischief. “Let’s see what he can do.”

She let out a long, exaggerated sigh. “It’s nearing two in the afternoon.”

Merrick raised a brow. “And?”

She pushed his arm, a light playful touch had him grinning. “You know that means it’s time for my embroidery lesson.”

He made a face, his nose wrinkling in the funniest way. “What is the point of attending? You’re never going to master the skill. You hate it with a passion.”

He had a point there. It was another of those activities meant to keep women docile in their sitting rooms while men had all the fun.

She grinned over at him. “Let’s do it.”

She opened her mouth to tell Merrick his self-righteous, conceited dandy of an older brother didn’t deserve such a fine horse. Simon might have been the heir, but he wasn’t half the person that Merrick was.

Before she had the chance, her older brother rounded the corner in the stables and caught sight of them. “What’s this?” He laughed as he smacked Merrick’s shoulder. “You actually did it, then?”

Merrick shrugged. “No one will even know he’s gone.”

Sebastian shook his head, his expression torn between awe at Merrick’s nerve and fear at the idea of getting caught.

Neither Merrick’s parents nor his brother were known for their tolerance when it came to Merrick’s pranks.

“Come on, then, let’s go for a ride.” Laura said, already moving toward the stall where her mare waited.

“You’re coming too?” Sebastian arched his brows. “Mother won’t approve. And you’ll miss your lesson…again.”

Laura narrowed her eyes in a glare. “She can’t disapprove if she does not know, now can she?” She knew it was a lie, of course. But she’d take whatever disapproval came her way. This ride would be worth it.

Sebastian sighed. He knew better than to argue with his stubborn sister. “All I’m saying is, if you get caught, you’re on your own.”

“Aren’t I always?” she shot back.

Sebastian sighed again, but Merrick gave her a small smile of understanding. Between the two of them they were forever making poor Sebastian sigh. They were perpetually in trouble, causing trouble, or about to stir up trouble at any given moment.

“She specifically told me to find you and send you back inside,” Sebastian grumbled.

Laura rolled her eyes behind her brother’s back, making Merrick snort with amusement. “Tell her you never saw me.”

“Like she’ll believe that,” Sebastian was muttering to himself. He knew very well that his griping would not change her mind.

Nothing would.

Once Laura set her mind on something, nothing could deter her.

“You’re supposed to be having your lesson with the Morris sisters,” he reminded her. As if she did not know that.

“They’ll all be sitting around, repeating boring old gossip while sewing.” She gave a little shudder that had Merrick laughing outright.

“You make it sound like torture,” Sebastian said.

“It is,” Laura shot back. “Have you ever tried to embroider?” She did not wait for an answer before turning to Merrick. “Have you?”

Merrick shook his head, still laughing. “Never.”

“It cannot be that bad,” Sebastian said.

Merrick winced, eyeing Laura with sympathy. He knew better than to say anything, just as she’d known her sympathy wasn’t wanted earlier. Neither of them wished to be pitied for their lot, but both understood the other’s plight.

For Laura’s part, she dreaded the day she’d become a true young lady. Right now, she hovered on the edge of childhood, young enough that she could still get away with youthful adventures. But if her mother had her way, that would all be a thing of the past soon enough.

She reached for the reins of her horse and hoisted herself up into the saddle.

Unfortunately for her mother, Laura had other plans.

Those plans did not involve sitting around with a bunch of old biddies, biding her time with embroidery. Which was exactly why she’d participate in this ride. Laura bent to no one’s will.

“I’m just saying,” Sebastian said as he seated his own horse. “If mother asks—”

“Relax, Seb,” Merrick interrupted. “Of course Laura is coming with us.” He shot Laura a wicked grin. “Who else will give me a run for my money?”

Laura grinned at his teasing. “Who indeed?”

Sebastian sighed once more, this time in exasperation, but he did not argue.

He knew it was true.

Laura was the only one who could keep up with Merrick and they all knew it.

“Come on then,” Merrick said, already urging his horse toward the stable doors. “Show me what you’ve got.”

Laura drew in a breath of fresh air and tilted her head up to the sky as they trotted off toward the meadow. For the first time all day she felt free.


Merrick galloped past her on his horse. “Think you can keep up?” he teased as he passed.

She laughed. “Just watch me.”

They left Sebastian in their dust as they raced one another, neck and neck for the most part. With the wind in her hair and the sun on her skin, Laura tilted her head up to the sky and said a prayer of thanks for this day, this horse...this friend.



Chapter One



Five years later...


Lily peered through a rose bush, attempting to avoid the thorns even as she pushed closer. If she just shifted a bit to the left, she would both be able to see and hear the Duke of Dolan as he escorted Miss Pearson through the rose garden. Balancing on one slipper, she peeked through a rare gap in the leaves, now able to see the path where the tour of the garden would end.

“It’s not polite to spy, you know,” her friend and ally, Marigold, softly whispered from just next to her as she also hunched trying to see through the dense, thorny foliage.

Marigold was naturally more shy and cautious. Both traits Lily loved about her friend. Except for right this very moment.

“Hush,” she replied, not looking at Marigold. “You know you want to hear what he’s saying. Daisy is counting on us.” She reached out and patted her friend’s shoulder even as she leaned further to the right, trying to catch a glimpse of His Grace. “Now head over to the next row so that we might be able to piece together the entire conversation.”

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