Home > Brash Boss(31)

Brash Boss(31)
Author: A.S.Roberts

I leant over her with my loose shirt touching her beautiful skin and placed a kiss to her forehead. Then I pulled the dark green throw up from where it had been draped at the bottom of the bed and covered her up.

With one further look in her direction, I walked away.



Chapter Twenty




The sound of running water woke me. A bright, sunny day hit my eyes and for a few seconds I closed them again to stop the sudden pain that the light had caused inside my head.

Why can I hear water?

I sat up in bed and ignoring the brightness of the new day, I looked around. Slowly, with sleep still clouding my mind, I took in the room, remembering just where I was and just who I was with. I quickly skimmed through my memories of yesterday and felt my face flush and my core tighten as I recollected the feel of his tongue on me and how hard I’d come after he’d sucked my clit into his mouth.

I looked down at myself quickly and saw I was still dressed in my wedding dress. Something didn’t make sense. The last thing I could recall was being carried in his arms back home up the long walkway from the beach.

Well that’s embarrassing. I’d got mine and had obviously passed out. I rolled my eyes up into my head and sighed out loud.

The water stopped suddenly and my heart began to beat frantically in my chest. Straining my ears for the slightest clue of what was happening in the room behind me, I heard the man in question as he vacated the ridiculously large walk in shower. Then the chrome towel rack rang out loudly as what I thought must have been one of Nico’s rings contacted against it. I finally heard his feet pad across the marble floored bathroom.

My head turned on instinct and I watched him walking into the bedroom knowing that I couldn’t have torn my eyes away from him even if I’d have tried. He was a vision. Still wet from the shower, I watched entranced as droplets of water ran down over his olive coloured skin, occasionally colliding with each other and conjoining to run even faster over and around his well-defined muscles. My mouth salivated with the need to trace their route with my tongue.

With a towel tied around his waist, he rubbed a smaller one over his wet hair which meant that his face was obscured from my view. Knowing he couldn’t see me looking I stared at him even harder. When he suddenly stopped rubbing at his hair, I knew without a doubt he could feel my eyes boring into him. My eyes found his the moment he dropped the towel in his hand to the ground.

A smile that I wasn’t expecting lit up his face.

‘Buongiorno,’ he offered.

‘Morning…look I’m really sorry about last night.’ I gesticulated around me and touched the skirt of my dress attempting to show him how mortified I was at having so obviously fallen asleep fully clothed.

Nico dropped the towel from his waist as he turned his back on me and as I took in the naked body of my husband for the first time, I felt my mouth fall slackly open. He was amazing, just beautiful to look at. He reminded me of a statue, the sort you could see at all historical places. Every single muscle on the man was taut and in perfect condition. But luckily, I already knew that there was where the similarities ended between him and the statues I’d giggled at as a child back in the U.K. His cock was far bigger than they depicted in the statues, I’d felt the size of it yesterday when he pressed it firmly into my body. I stared at him harder willing him to turn around.

‘Don’t be sorry, I enjoyed myself and you were undoubtedly tired,’ he replied and thankfully broke me away from any further musings about his cock before my body spontaneously combusted.

I watched as he thrust both of his legs into some smart Chino shorts and then as he jumped slightly to pull them over his butt cheeks to fasten them. I made sure I closed my mouth before he turned back to face me.

‘You need to be ready in one hour, can you do that, Bee?’ He looked over his shoulder at me.

‘What for?’ I questioned, still feeling sleepy.

‘I’ve made some arrangements this morning, there are places I want to show you around the island and although we can drive to them all in a day, it’s better if we stay in a couple of the places as it’ll be more relaxed for us all.’

Nico walked down the side of the large bed and picked up his wristwatch, which was on the low table in front of the couch that looked out of our large window and onto the balcony. For the first time, I understood that he had spent the night on the couch when I saw that the bed was neat beside me and that blankets were strewn on the floor next to the low table.

Slowly, he began to fasten his watch and then turned back to me when I didn’t answer immediately.

‘For us all?’ I questioned.

‘You, Trip, Kendall and me… they’ll be here in an hour.’

‘Did they not all stay here last night?’

‘No…’ He looked at me amused. ‘It was our wedding night, remember?’

‘Again, I’m sorry,’ I offered, feeling sheepish and wondering if somehow he was punishing me for falling asleep with some sort of mind fuckery.

‘Don’t be. It was my grandmother who planned that they would all spend the night away from here, not me.’

Not him?

‘Why would she do that and not you?’ was all I managed to ask, when there was so much more going around my head that I needed an answer to.

‘There was no need, was there?’ For a few seconds the room fell uncomfortably silent as we looked at each other. ‘I didn’t see the point in making sure we had privacy, because I knew we wouldn’t be needing it.’ I could feel my face contorting into a puzzled expression at his words and pain began to unravel inside of me. The room was so full of things that needed to be aired it was almost stifling.

Why is he being so distant?

Very gingerly I held out my hand to him. I saw him look at it once or maybe even twice before his shutters came down and everything that had happened between us yesterday evening was pushed so far into the past it was unreachable.

‘Why won’t you touch me?’ The words left my mouth and even I was stunned I’d had the balls to ask. I refused to drop my arm, even though it was beginning to ache.

His long eyelashes closed as he tried to erase the question. When he opened his eyes again, I was still in the same position offering him my hand.

‘You just don’t get it, do you?’ He almost spat the words out and hearing the Italian accent back in his tone I readied myself for what was to come next.

I couldn’t answer him, my throat was tight with the constriction of the emotion I was just about managing to keep a lid on.

‘These hands.’ He lifted his hands and stared down at his palms as if he could see something on them. ‘They’ve taken lives… stopped hearts from beating. I refuse to taint your skin with them.’

Oh God!

‘But, Nico… you don’t understand… if I don’t feel your touch on me, you inside of me… then my heart will stop beating and you will have effectively killed me too.’

Silent tears began to run down my cheeks.

I kept my eyes on his so he could experience my pain, but his feet remained fixed to the spot. I knew then that he one hundred percent believed the words he had just spoken, and I could see that nothing I could say or do in this brief moment in time would convince him otherwise. Once again Nico cleared his throat and I knew the moment was over. He started moving around the large space to break our connection. I wanted to hide under the blanket that was still draped over my legs, but I refused to let him off the hook that easily. I wanted him to feel the strength of my presence, and if possible to experience my pain.

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