Home > Code Name : Sentinel(49)

Code Name : Sentinel(49)
Author: Sawyer Bennett

Never been on a frivolously fun vacation ever.

We fly home to Pittsburgh tomorrow. I’m thoroughly whipped, but there is one more thing that must be done.

She twists slightly. “If you want to do sex stuff to me, you better make it fast,” she mutters.

I snort because as tired as I am, I’m never too tired to do sex stuff with her. But right now, I have other stuff on my mind.

I roll off my side of the bed, then head toward the mini-fridge I had secretly stocked while we were at Universal today. After I open the door, I pull out a bottle of chilled champagne and two glass flutes.

Barrett lifts her head from the bed with interest. “You know one glass of that will put me out. No sex stuff tonight.”

“I’m sure I won’t die if we don’t fuck on at least one night a week,” I reply dryly as I proceed to uncork the bottle.

Giggling, Barrett climbs out of the bed. Truth is that we don’t have sex every night, but we damn sure come close to it. We can’t get enough of each other, and I’m all right by that.

Pulling the towel off her head, she tosses it on the end of the bed, sauntering toward me as I pour two glasses of champagne at the TV stand. She grabs her glass and holds it up, waiting for me to tap mine against it, but I shake my head and take her free hand.

“Let’s go out on the balcony,” I say.

Grumbling, she follows me out into the muggy Florida night. “It’s so humid… I’m going to need another shower when we go in.”

“Damn right you are,” I say. “I’ve got my second wind. Later, I’m going to do sex stuff with you, so you’ll definitely need another shower.”

Barrett snickers, leaning forward to press her stomach against the railing. We stayed at the Grand Floridian in a room that faces the Magic Kingdom across the water. It’s the first evening we even stepped out onto the balcony.

I glance at my watch, then at Barrett. “Have a good time this week?”

She looks away from the Magic Kingdom, swiveling slightly toward me while still holding her glass of champagne. “I’ve had the absolute best time in my life, and it’s all because of you.”

“I’m glad,” I say, then finally hold my glass of champagne up to her. She clinks hers against mine. When she moves it to her lips to take a sip, I say, “I’d give you anything in the world.”

Her glass halts millimeters from her lips, and she smiles. “I’d do the same for you.”


She nods and lowers her glass, head tilted in curiosity.

“Would you marry me?” I ask as I reach into the front pocket of my cargo shorts, then pull out the black box I’d stuffed in there when she went into the bathroom earlier. I’d known I was going to propose to her this week, but I wanted it to be the perfect time. We’ve been on the run so much since getting here, there hasn’t been a great time, but there is now.

Like right now.

The first boom of fireworks cracks the night sky as the sound reaches us before the lights. In the next second, an explosion of fiery speckles fills the area over the castle.

Barrett jumps slightly, whirls to see the array of fireworks filling the air, then gasps. “Oh, wow.”

I don’t look at them, though.

I only watch her as she takes in the fireworks, still holding her glass of champagne that hasn’t been touched, as I wait patiently for her answer.

Luckily, she doesn’t make me suffer for long.

Turning back to me, she looks at the box. “Going to open that up?”

“Nope,” I say with a grin. “Not until I know what your answer is going to be.”

“I don’t get to base my answer on the size of the diamond, huh?” she quips with a saucy grin.

Laughing, I shake my head.

“In that case,” she drawls, pausing to finally takes a delicate sip of her champagne to drag the moment out. “I think my answer will be ‘yes’.”

My hands are occupied with a ring and a champagne flute, which is not convenient at all. I hurry to set them both on the small patio table flanked by two chairs, then pull Barrett into my arms. She tips her head back, already anticipating my kiss, and I can see her smiling as I bring my mouth to hers.

It’s fucking perfect.

This night is perfect.

She’s perfect.

She said yes, and my life is perfect.

When I pull back, I ask, “Want to see the ring?”

Barrett shrugs. “I guess.”

I kiss her again, until she finally starts making a grab for the box, then I open it with a flourish.

The diamond inside is massive, and I’d expected the gasp that comes out of her mouth. It’s so big, in fact, I can see the reflection of the fireworks in its surface.

“Oh, Cruce,” she murmurs, her voice shaking. “That’s way too much.”

“Nothing is too much for you,” I assure her as I pluck it from its resting spot and take her left hand in mine. When I slide the ring onto her finger, my first indication she’s crying is a tear splashing on the back of my hand as she bends to marvel over it.

“Hey, no tears,” I admonish gently. Inside, though, I’m secretly warmed to my fucking toes that she’s crying with joy over this moment.

I want to give her the dream we’ve talked about. I want to give her everything because she’s already given it to me. And by everything, I mean her heart.

Barrett looks up, dashing the tears away with the back of her hand. “I love you, Cruce. You’ve made me so happy.”

“I love you, too,” I say before I kiss her yet again.

The fireworks boom and shake the ground, the lights sparkle, and the world seems to burn around us.

But neither one of us notices.




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