Home > Grease Babe(56)

Grease Babe(56)
Author: Elle Aycart

Adrian glanced at her, amused. “You mean he ran away, like on those intervention shows?”

“Pretty much. Next intervention, I’m wearing sneakers, just in case.”

“Did you get the kid into rehab?”

She nodded, looking proud. “I did. I hope he makes it. Statistics are against him: very few succeed on their first try.”


“On my third,” she admitted. “It was after my second OD.”

“Ricky overdosed too. Several times. One time I arrived at the ER, and he was escaping on his hospital gurney. He wanted to keep the IV in so he could use it for his next fix.” Adrian still had nightmares about that.

Rachel grimaced. “Drug addicts do the craziest things. When they hear about an overdose, many ask for the location so that they can go there to get the strong shit. They don’t care it might kill them. All that matters is getting a more intense high.” She turned to him. Whatever she saw in his face must have been bad, because she faltered. “Do you want to change the subject? I feel like I’m shooting myself in the foot. I’ll shut up.”

He took her hand and kissed it, trying to reassure her. Hating the hint of nervousness in her voice. “No, of course not. I actually like hearing you talk about it. It’s good for me.” He used to detest any mention of addicts, despising them and stubbornly blaming his brother and refusing to understand. It was about time to try a different approach, preferably one that didn’t leave him with a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach whenever he thought of Ricky. “You were right. I need to learn to be less judgmental. I don’t want you to be scared of talking to me ever again. Besides, being a drug counselor is a part of who you are. During the day you fix cars, and in the evening you fix people.”

She shook her head, smiling. “Not exactly like that, but I appreciate the sentiment. So, where are we going, Boomer?”

“What do you think about a quiet night in?” Adrian suggested. “We’ve got my place all to ourselves.”


“Yes. XL told me he’s going out and will spend the night at Sara’s.”

They remained silent the rest of the way, their fingers interlaced. Every now and then, he stole a glance at Rachel, his heart bursting at the sight. She was with him, sitting in his car, and she wasn’t mad or yelling at him. Relief flooded him–and fear too, terrified as he was of fucking it up again.

When they made it home, they noticed the table was set, candles included, and a bottle of champagne was on ice.

She beamed. “You prepared this?”

He winced. “I’d love to say I did, but I didn’t.” Why the fuck hadn’t he thought about that?

They walked to the table. There was a note. Rachel read it and laughed. “It’s from the OGs. It’s their way of apologizing for the elevator kidnapping. Roast is in the oven; we just need to heat it. Oh, and XL has taken my place in the bowling competition so that we can spend a quiet evening together.”

That was good. Just the thought of getting close to any OG holding a bowling ball now gave Adrian nightmares.

Suddenly, Rachel turned fucking red. She covered her face, her shoulders shaking.

“What? What’s wrong?” He slipped his arms around her. Was she upset she’d been replaced on the bowling team? Or that he hadn’t thought of making this romantic gesture?

She looked up, laughing. Thank God. “Do you understand they’re all going out of their way so that we can sleep together? Frigging embarrassing.”

True. “Do you realize we haven’t ever made love in a bed?”

That made her laugh louder, leaning her forehead on his chest.

“On a car in the middle of the forest. On a couch, several times. My kitchen, Max and Annie’s bathroom, a public stall in the community center, the storage room in your garage, the elevator. Most of that while injured. You know what we’re missing? We should sneak into the B&B and do it in the swimming pool.”

It was a miracle they hadn’t gotten caught yet. The elevator had been a fucking close call, although to be honest, he wouldn’t have given a rat’s ass about getting arrested. He would have given anything for a chance to be inside her again.

“Risky locations seem to be our speed. Which I really don’t get. Before you, I was more a lights off, under the sheets, missionary style kind of girl.”

Really? Adrian would have never guessed. “I don’t care much about lights off or under the sheets, but I love missionary style.” He lifted her in his arms and headed for his bedroom. Then he stopped. “You hungry?”

“Not particularly, no.”

“Good.” He resumed walking. “I want to make love to you without hiding or having to be quiet. I want to take my time kissing and licking and inspecting every inch of your body, and then watch you sleep in my arms afterward, exhausted and satisfied. In the morning, I’ll start all over again and wake you up with my dick buried deep inside you.”

“Sounds like a plan, Boomer,” she whispered.

Once in his bedroom, they began undressing each other. Adrian stopped her, grabbing her hands. “We need to talk about something before we…”

She studied him, looking somewhat amused. “Are you getting shy on me now?”

“I don’t want us to use condoms anymore,” he stated, feeling bashful for the first time in his life.

She stilled. “What is it that you want, Adrian?”

He cupped her face and whispered against her sweet lips, “I love you, babe. I want to be with you for as long as you’ll have me.”

It was a good thing the lights were off, because if the heat radiating from his face was anything to go by, he was blushing like a motherfucker.

“For as long as I’ll have you?” she asked. “What if I decide to keep you forever, Boomer? What then?”

“Fine by me. Nothing could make me happier, grease babe.”

Rachel stared at him for a long while.

“Please say something,” he begged.

“Before we had the fight at the garage, I went to the gynecologist, and I got an IUD.”

It wasn’t exactly what he’d expected to hear from her. Well, it was, but he wanted to hear something else too.

“After you regressed to being an asshole, I was going to get it taken out, but Alden’s gynecologist is very chatty with everyone. Confidentiality isn’t a top priority, and I didn’t feel like giving any explanations. Long story short, you can come inside me.”

He wanted to do much more than come inside her—although he wanted that in spades, so when she resumed undressing him, all his blood traveled south and he couldn’t find any words. He kissed her, walking them toward the bed, until the backs of her legs touched the mattress. After pulling her shirt off, he lowered her onto the sheets and got rid of her jeans and panties.

“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he said, lying on top of her.

For the first time since they started their relationship, Adrian could take his time with Rachel. His cock was yelling at him to hurry up, but he reined it in. He kissed and caressed her, starting at her face and moving down until she was writhing in anticipation. Then he went to his knees on the floor and parted her legs.

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