Home > The Keeper's Retribution (The Keepers #2)(18)

The Keeper's Retribution (The Keepers #2)(18)
Author: Meg Anne

Kael let out a low groan. “As far as he wants. He took my Kaelpas stone with him.”



Chapter 10



Tension permeated the cave as the implications of Kieran’s selfishness took hold. The glower on Lucian’s face told her that Kieran would receive an earful once he was found. As for the rest of them, with Lucian’s stone low on charge, only two people would be able to return to the citadel as planned. The others would have to stay behind and wait for someone to return with a fresh stone.

Assuming of course there was a stone available.

As far as Effie knew, the Guardians were the only ones at the citadel who regularly had access to the stones. If anyone else used them, she wasn’t aware of it. Since time or powerful magic was required to recharge a stone, most Keepers relied on more traditional means of travel.

Effie glanced at Ronan. “Do you still have your stone?”

Ronan scowled. “Not on me. Not that it would do us any good if I did. I left it at the citadel to be refilled.”

“Oh!” Effie said, causing the others to snap their attention back to her. “I have the stone Helena gave me. It’s in my room at the citadel. Whoever goes back can use it to return for the rest.”

She was guessing that Kael and Lucian would return first, since they would need to report their findings to the Triumvirate. Afterward, they could come back for her, Ronan, and Reyna.

Some of the tension in the cave ebbed as the others realized they would not be stuck idle or having to face weeks of travel to return to Bael.

“Alright, that problem is resolved for now. What are we going to do about Tinka?” Ronan asked.

Tinka let out a low growl at the sound of her name.

“Can she understand us?” Effie asked.

Khouman shrugged. “I hope not. I can’t bear to believe anything of her is still trapped inside that thing.”

Effie’s mind was racing. If Tinka was still in there somewhere, perhaps they could find a way to save her. Her eyes marked her as a Shadow, but which version? The mindless fanatic that was little more than an animal, or the sentient one still capable of accessing its power? Tinka was the only Shadow Effie knew about that hadn’t been created by Rowena, so it was possible she was something else entirely.

Maybe there was a way to find out . . .

“Lucian?” Effie asked.

Her Guardian shifted to face her. “What are you thinking?”

“Does Tinka’s essence match the Shadows we came across in the jungle?”

Khouman flinched, his eyes dropping to the ground.

The bronze flecks in Lucian’s eyes seemed alight with inner fire as he considered her question. “Similar, not identical,” he answered thoughtfully, scrubbing his free hand along his jaw.

“Different source?” Kael asked, picking up on the direction of Lucian’s thoughts.

Ronan and Effie exchanged confused looks. They were having a bit more trouble connecting the dots.

“It’s possible,” Lucian said. “But I don’t think that’s the reason.”

“Speak plainly,” Ronan demanded, arms crossed over his chest.

“The corruption appears like a black stain blotting out life’s natural light. In reality, it is far more than just a stain. It is a parasite, consuming its host until it perverts it entirely. In this way, the corruption is the same everywhere we have found it,” Lucian explained.

“So, if the corruption acts the same regardless of the source, how are Tinka and the Shadows different?” Reyna asked.

Lucian’s lips pulled down in a frown. “Not an easy answer, I’m afraid.”

“Try,” Ronan said, his tone making it clear this was not a suggestion.

Lucian’s eyes narrowed, obviously not appreciating being given orders by someone he still considered an outsider. He remained silent as he considered how to respond to Ronan’s question. With a shake of his head, Lucian finally answered. “It is almost impossible to explain the essence of life to one who cannot experience it.”

Effie gave his hand an encouraging squeeze.

Closing his eyes, Lucian returned her gesture. His lips lifted slightly as she stared up at him. Letting out a long sigh, Lucian began talking.

“When I peel back the layers of a living thing to look into its essence, I always see the same thing. Glowing, interwoven strands that vibrate with the force of what powers them. The stronger the being, the purer their soul, the more intense the glow and the more powerful the vibration. This is true no matter the species. Sometimes the smallest creatures glow the brightest,” Lucian said.

Effie sucked in a breath as Lucian speared her with a look, his slight grin growing until he looked back at the others. He paused for a second, his eyes resting on each of them to ensure they were still following. After a few nods, he continued.

“These vibrations are unique, although the more similar the beings, the more alike the vibrations.”

“Sort of like a song, right? We are all different instruments but the notes are the same?” Effie asked.

Kael grinned at her, his dimples flashing. “Exactly. Using your metaphor, humans would all be drums but a tree might be a wind instrument.”

Ronan and Reyna nodded to show they understood. Khouman’s expression was distant as he stared with furrowed brows down into the cavern below.

“Despite the differences in their vibrations,” Lucian said, picking up his explanation, “every living being is in harmony. The corruption is a break in the harmony. A dissonance, if you will.”

“Someone’s singing off-key,” Ronan muttered.

Kael snickered. “That’s one way to put it.”

Reyna shushed them. “Let him finish.”

Despite the levity of the others, Lucian looked somber as he said, “The dissonance I sense in the woman, is not the same as when I looked within the Shadows . . . yet.”

Effie’s heart sank at his assessment.

Lucian continued, “My assumption is the difference between them is only temporary. I would have to look at her again once her transformation was complete to know for sure.”

Silence filled the cave. Not even Tinka, who had been snarling and shuffling below during the entire exchange, made a sound.

Effie was the first to speak. She tried to phrase her next question carefully, still clinging to what was left of her mostly shredded theory, but not wanting to give Khouman false hope. “But, if Tinka is different, is it possible that she will not become like the rest of them? That we can reverse this?”

“It is more likely that she is still in the midst of transition,” Kael said, giving Effie an apologetic frown.

“So there’s nothing you can do for her?” Khouman asked.

“We do not yet have a way to undo the corruption. It is unlikely we will be able to help her in time,” Lucian said.

His expression was unreadable and his voice firm, but Effie could feel the tension rolling off of him. Lucian was used to having all the answers and always being in control. For both to elude him now . . . it was wearing on him.

“Then I have one final request before you go,” Khouman said, his gruff voice thick with emotion.

“Anything,” Ronan promised.

“Kill her. Please.”

“Khouman—” Effie started.

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