Home > The Keeper's Retribution (The Keepers #2)(21)

The Keeper's Retribution (The Keepers #2)(21)
Author: Meg Anne

Effie’s eyes were still glued to the door he’d identified as his. Curiosity ate at her. What would she find if she peeked inside?

“What about that one?” Effie asked, turning her back to his room to try to remove the temptation to ask to see it.

“That is the exit. It will take me directly to the Triumvirate’s quarters, which is where I am heading now. Wait for me here, this shouldn’t take long, and then we can go get the stone from your room and return for the others.”

“You don’t want me to come with you? Tell them what I Saw?” she asked, more surprised he’d willingly leave her in such a private space than disappointed he would be seeing the trio without her.

Lucian’s lips lifted. “Ah, there she is. I knew your blanket acceptance wouldn’t last long.”

Effie rolled her eyes but fought her own smile.

“As for your vision, I am sure they will be eager to know what you Saw. I wouldn’t be surprised if they summoned you.”

“Are you eager?” she asked, wondering why he hadn’t brought her vision up before now.

“You said it wasn’t anything new,” he replied, brow lifting. “Was that a lie?”

“Well, no . . .”

He shrugged. “Then I can wait. Besides, I’m not really the one you’re supposed to be sharing your visions with.”

“Are we still clinging to that nonsense? You can’t honestly be telling me it’s still expected I filter my visions through Kieran after everything that’s happened. Besides, when has something as silly as a rule stopped me?”

Lucian laughed. “I expect nothing less from you. If you Saw something you thought I needed to know, you would have told me by now. I will never push you to reveal something before you are ready. As for Kieran, we’re in agreement. The Triumvirate need to know what he’s done. His actions the last few days have made it clear he cannot be trusted where you are concerned. We’ll see about finding someone else to work with you.”

Effie briefly wondered if Kieran would face any sort of formal discipline for his actions in the cave. It wasn’t like he had broken an official rule, but he had left two of their Guardians in a potentially sticky situation. The Triumvirate wouldn’t be pleased about it.

“Will I get a say in who tutors me this time?” she asked, returning her thoughts to their conversation.

Lucian’s lips quirked. “Doubtful.”

“I figured as much. You’re all a bunch of control freaks.”

Her Guardian shrugged. “Guilty.”

Sighing, Effie settled into the nearest chair. “Alright then, better not keep them waiting.”

Lucian nodded and started for the door. He paused with his hand on the knob. “I’d bring you with me if I could. The Triumvirate operate under layers of formality and ceremony. A breach in protocol is not tolerated—by anyone.”

“Not even you?” she teased.

“Especially not me.”

Effie was surprised by the admission. Lucian seemed untouchable. It was hard to picture him answering to anyone other than himself.

“They do love to hoard their secrets,” Effie murmured, picking up a heavy book from the table beside her.

Lucian snickered. “That they do.”

The unexpected irreverence in his tone made her look up. “Not a fan?”

“Let’s just say things would be a lot easier without all of the fanfare.”

Effie could only imagine how exhausting it must be to work for three such beings. “I don’t envy you.”

Chuckling, Lucian opened the door. “Alright, I’ll be back. Make yourself at home.”

Effie lasted all of three seconds before she sprang out of the chair and crept toward Lucian’s room. It was his own fault. He had to know she was going to snoop if he left her alone. He’d practically goaded her into it by telling her to be at home.

She didn’t hesitate as she opened the door and pushed inside, his scent immediately enveloping her. Effie closed her eyes, savoring the smell. It was like standing outside at night in the rain: clean, dark, and a little earthy. It was utterly masculine and wholly Lucian.

You don’t have much time . . . a more rational part of her brain reminded her. Effie’s eyes flew open. Unless she wanted to get caught snooping, she’d better make this fast.

As far as rooms went, it was fairly nondescript. There were no personal touches scattered around to indicate that it was his sanctuary. If not for the delicious smell of him, Effie would have thought Lucian never used the room.

The bed was neatly made, a red blanket folded at the foot of it. A large chest, similar to hers, was filled with folded clothes. Not so much as a quill sat on his desk and its accompanying chair was tucked beneath it. There wasn’t even a rug on the floor to add a bit of warmth to the space. It was completely lacking in deep, dark secrets.

Effie fought back a wave of disappointment. How underwhelming.

There was a door to the right of the space that was partially open. Effie pushed open the door, expecting to find more of the same. What she was not expecting was the black tiled bathing chamber, which was easily bigger than the one she had to share with the other female Keepers.

“Not fair,” she whispered in awe, her voice echoing around her.

As she stepped inside, hidden orbs sprang to life, illuminating the room with a soft glow. Unlike the rest of his room, this was a space he clearly used. Everything about it screamed relaxation. There was a deep tub set into the floor, large enough for three or four people, with benches carved into the sides. Thick red candles lined the tub, most held in place by hardened pools of wax.

Effie had to force herself to look away from the tub before the image of a naked Lucian—submerged in water and surrounded by candlelight—made her combust.

A recessed section of the back wall caught her eye. Effie moved closer, trying to figure out what Lucian used the space for. She stumbled when the floor dipped, not noticing the cubicle was slightly lower than the rest of the ground. Squinting, she bent over, noticing small holes evenly spaced along the bottom.

“Huh, what are those for?” she wondered, using the wall to push herself back up.

As she did, her hand moved over a silver square she hadn’t noticed. Effie shrieked as warm water began to fall from the ceiling. She was drenched in an instant, her stunned brain struggling to make sense of what just happened. When it finally caught up, she slapped at the silver square until the water stopped.

“Mother’s tits,” she groaned, shoving her damp hair back.

She was sopping wet. There’d be no hiding her snooping now. Even if she managed to make it back to her room and change before Lucian returned, the wet trail she’d leave behind would give her away.

Effie froze at the sound of low chuckles. No. Please, no. Lifting her head slowly, she cringed at the sight of Lucian standing in the doorway, arms crossed as he leaned against the door frame.

Shivering a little as the cooler air touched her wet skin, Effie lifted her chin. “Back so soon?”

“I forgot something,” Lucian said, still laughing.

Effie nodded as if she should have expected as much.

“Find what you were looking for?” he asked.

“Not quite,” she said, stepping out of the cubicle and slipping a little as her wet boots slid over the tile.

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