Home > The Keeper's Vow A Chosen Novel (The Keepers Book 3)(32)

The Keeper's Vow A Chosen Novel (The Keepers Book 3)(32)
Author: Meg Anne

Her breath caught on a giddy laugh as streaks of sunlight moved through the spider-web-thin strands of gray that comprised the walls. The mice looked like shooting stars, their tiny hearts pulsing a blinding white as they scuttled past.

“Amazing,” she whispered.

Lucian’s hands settled on her shoulders, grounding her. Lifting her arm, Effie looked at herself for the first time. Her limbs were a network of shimmering white-gold strands. As she twisted her arm, she made out the snaking runes. Instead of inky blue, they were a stunning shade of silver, transparent but impossible to ignore.

A soft “oh” of wonder left her lips as she lifted her eyes and made out the same ghostly shapes on both Nord and Kael. The runes had always seemed a bit eerie, nothing like the masculine beauty of a jaka—the warriors’ tattoo that branded both Ronan and Von—but now, seeing them in their true form, she was drawn to the ethereal markings.

Twisting beneath his hands, Effie turned to face Lucian, suddenly desperate to see what he looked like with the trappings of mortality no longer between them.

It hurt to look at him, he shone so brightly. Like staring up at the sun. If she was white-gold, Lucian was liquid metal. The core of each thread white while the edges shimmered a lovely, burning bronze. It was almost the same color as the flecks in his eyes, but more potent. Everything about him in this form was more. Lucian had always called to her on some subconscious level. First as a protector, and then simply as a man. But that paled in comparison to the effect he had on her now. Perhaps because she knew she was as close as she’d ever be to seeing his soul, and it was breathtakingly beautiful.

Her feelings were a complicated tangle as she stood before his glowing form. She felt equal parts unworthy and utterly at peace. As if she was in the presence of some holy figure. But this was Lucian. The man who knew her as well as, if not better than, she knew herself.

Desire spiraled through her, making her more aware of her physical body and its reaction to him. It was hard not to reach out and touch him, pull him to her and remind herself that he was in fact real.

Lucian’s hands spasmed on her shoulders, his fingers digging in as she stared up at him. The pressure in her chest grew painful, and Effie realized she’d forgotten to breathe.

The outline of his runes shimmered, and her fingers itched to trace them. Lifting her hand, she murmured his name, still concentrating on his runes when a thundering knock sounded on the door. Effie blinked and the world was dark once more. For one long second, she couldn’t see anything in the sudden gloom.

Lucian let out an angry hiss. “Get rid of them,” he told the others.

Nord’s eyes were wide, staring pointedly at Effie. “How do you suggest I do that without anyone catching sight of her?”

“Effie, I need you to hide your runes,” Lucian said, his voice low and insistent in her mind.

Effie was disoriented, her body feeling ungainly and cumbersome in the abrupt absence of her power. She blinked up at him. “What?”

Worry flickered in his dark eyes. “Your runes. While you were accessing your power you managed to manifest them. You need to undo it.”

The knocking sounded again, even more impatient this time.

“Undo it? I don’t even know what I did in the first place.” Panic was making it hard to breathe. She absolutely could not be caught with her runes on display. She’d been a Guardian for a few days, and she was already about to give away one of their most closely guarded secrets.

Before Nord or Kael could say anything, the door started to swing open. Lucian moved fast, grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her body behind his. As he did, she felt heavy cloth settle around her head and shoulders. He’d managed to conceal her with a cloak in the space of a heartbeat, although it’d happened so fast she hadn’t seen what he’d used to make it.

“Apologies for the interruption, Guardians, but there’s someone that’s insisting on speaking with you.”

A muffled, clearly feminine voice was muttering something indistinguishable from just beyond the distressed-looking speaker.

“Now really isn’t the best time,” Lucian began.

Lucian’s worry lapped at her. It was a mirror of her own. From behind the folds of her hood, Effie watched a pale hand wrap around the messenger’s arm and pull the boy back.

No longer muffled, Effie’s heart stopped when the voice spoke again. “Trust me, they’ve been waiting for me long enough.”

Helena. Ronan’s messages must have finally reached her.

The Kiri had arrived.



Chapter 21



“Where is she? Where’s Effie?”

Effie’s mouth opened, a response on her lips as her body prepared to launch itself in her friend’s arms, only to come up short. The flash of scarlet in the corner of her eye reminded her just in time why Lucian hid her in the first place. Am I still runed? How do I check without alerting everyone to the fact I’m not actually a member of the Triumvirate? Or explain what I’m doing pretending to be one of them in the first place?

“I’m right here,” a soft voice called.

For the second time in as many minutes, Effie’s heart stopped. There, just beside Kael where Nord had been leaning against the wall, stood . . . well—her.

While Lucian had sprung to action robing her, Nord must have cast an illusion to take her place and thereby maintaining the pretense of their meeting.

“This isn’t your first time doing this . . .”

None of the Guardians’ expressions betrayed them, but Lucian managed an infinitesimal shake of his head.

Helena threw her arms around Effie. “I’m so sorry it took me so long to get to you. Can you ever forgive me?”

Effie couldn’t help her mental snicker as Nord awkwardly hugged Helena back. The Guardian almost reminded her of herself. He clearly wasn’t used to physical affection, and she hadn’t been either for a long time. Her friendship with Helena and her Circle had changed that.

“There’s nothing to forgive. I’m just so glad to see you,” Nord-as-Effie replied.

Helena pushed back, her aqua eyes searching the illusion’s face. “Do you promise? I feel horrible.”

She watched Nord grin and gave an involuntary shudder. It was entirely too bizarre watching this impromptu portrayal of herself.

Nord’s voice filled her mind. “You can feed me your responses through our link.”

Effie jolted, the unexpected convenience of their abilities momentarily rendering her speechless. She hadn’t even thought about trying to carry on an actual conversation with her friend via her proxy.

“It will give her less of a reason to doubt the illusion’s authenticity, but due to the strength of her power we shouldn’t draw out your reunion. She might see through what others would not.” That was Lucian; forever cautious and protective.

“Don’t beat yourself up,” Effie replied, hearing Nord repeat the words as soon as she thought them. “How could any of us know Rowena’s death wouldn’t be the end of it?”

Helena frowned, her lovely face darkening with self-recrimination. “I should have known better. Nothing that bitch did was ever by half-measure. Of course she would find a way to mock me from the grave.”

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