Home > The Keeper's Vow A Chosen Novel (The Keepers Book 3)(35)

The Keeper's Vow A Chosen Novel (The Keepers Book 3)(35)
Author: Meg Anne

Nord had already said she’d been able to manifest her runes because she’d wanted to see them. If that were true, it really should be as simple as wanting them to fade.

“Call your power. Picture what you want in your mind, and then, once you are ready, impose your will on the world around you. Do not ask for permission; demand obedience. You are a Guardian. The universe serves at your whim.”

“No wonder you’re all a bunch of egomaniacs,” she muttered with a small smile.

Smoke’s rustle of laughter floated past, but his voice was stern when he replied. “Focus. There is a room full of people gathering even as we speak, preparing to determine the course of Elysia’s future. Don’t you wish to be at the table helping to make those decisions instead of merely having to follow them?”

“Of course I do.” Her response was vehement. Immediate. After a lifetime of having to obey, being part of the team—a participant whose voice was actually heard—meant everything to her.

“Then remove your runes and let us go. You cannot join the others until you wear the form they need to see. If you cannot manage this small task, then you will remain here.”

He’d struck a nerve. Of course he knew that being left behind was guaranteed to cause a reaction within her.

“The hell I will,” she snarled, her power rising swiftly, filling her until energy all but crackled from the tips of her fingers.

He didn’t need to speak again for her to sense his approval.

Holding the image of her rune-free skin in her mind, Effie released a breath and pushed her power out. Or at least she hoped she did. She was still working predominantly on instinct.

There was no sizzle of magic as the transformation took place. No flare of heat along her skin to tell her it was done. Opening one eye, Effie risked a peek at her arm. The subtle shimmer from the flowing marks was gone.

She let out a relieved huff of breath and was about to turn when Lucian was at her back, his hands warm on her shoulders.

“Well done.” His breath flowed across the back of her neck, the damp warmth causing goosebumps to explode across her skin. “I knew you could do it,” he said, pressing a kiss to the top of her spine.

“I’m glad one of us did,” she murmured, distracted by the feel of lips against her skin.

He chuckled and pulled back slightly, the cool rush of air against her skin causing her to shiver.

Effie turned to face him. “Lucian?”


“Thank you.”

His expression was tender. “I should have realized it sooner. The bond between a Guardian and their mentor is always strong.” He let out a little laugh. “How could it not be when you practically live in each other’s mind?”

Effie tilted her head. “But Smoke mentored me as a Keeper. It’s hardly the same.”

Lucian returned her inquisitive gaze. “Isn’t it? Memories were experienced, concerns shared, guidance offered.”

“I suppose so . . .”

He reached out and brushed a knuckle against her cheek. “Never apologize for missing Smoke or what he represents for you. I know that there are few people you’ve been able to trust. I am happy to be that person for you whenever you need.”

Effie grabbed his hand before he could pull it away. “Lucian, you are. I don’t want you to think—”

Lucian pressed a finger against her lips. “There’s no need to explain. Smoke is part of me. It is no hardship to give him reign if it brings you peace. But,” he leaned close, his eyes flashing molten bronze, “if it will make you feel better, I know how you can thank me.”

Blood rushed to her cheeks and her mouth went dry at the heated look on his face. “Oh?”

He nodded, never once dropping his eyes from hers. It was so potent she could feel it racing across her skin. “Tonight, once we’re alone, I want you to wear your runes for me.”

His voice was low, barely more than a rumble. Her heart began to pound.

“My w-what?”

“Your runes. Just your runes.”

Her breath stuttered.

“You looked so beautiful standing there, practically glowing with your power. It was all I could do not to reach out and trace them. So tonight, that’s what I want to do. Trace them. First with my fingers.” He brushed his lips against hers. “Then with my tongue.”

Effie’s insides went liquid, her mind wiped of everything except Lucian.

“Why wait?”

He pulled back. She would have thought he was completely unaffected by the exchange if not for the bit-off growl and flash of longing in his dark eyes. “I’m sure our absence has already been noted.”

Right. The Council. Effie forced out a ragged breath. “Later, then.”

Lucian nodded and held out a hand.

Effie stared at it for a moment before wrapping her hand around his wrist and tugging him back toward her. The move wouldn’t have worked if Lucian hadn’t allowed it. He was entirely too big for the slight but insistent pull to have any real effect. But since their wills were aligned, Lucian closed the small space between them.

“Just one more,” she whispered.

He gifted her with one of those rare, stunning grins and pressed his lips against hers. He lifted his head just far enough to whisper, “For you . . . always.”



Chapter 22



A storm was coming. Effie didn’t need her gift of prophecy to tell her. Tension filled the formal meeting room, heavy and thick. What was less obvious was when the storm would break, and who would be left standing once it did.

She glanced uneasily around the room. Four members of the Valen Council lined one ivory-colored wall. Helena, Von, Ronan, and Reyna stood facing them. Effie had made to join her friends, but one look from Lucian had her checking the impulse and remaining at his side. She was standing with the three other Guardians in between the two groups, while Nord’s illusion of the Triumvirate completed the square by hovering along the final wall.

Effie made a point not to look at the three robed figures. It was surreal knowing that nothing was actually there. She was afraid she’d draw attention by staring, so she looked everywhere but at them.

As far as she could tell, everyone who was coming was already present, but no one seemed to want to be the first to take a seat and officially start the proceedings. They’d spent the last few minutes standing around and eyeing each other without trying to be obvious about it.

Rather, most of them tried. Trinity, a striking woman with red hair who Effie had only met in passing, openly glared at her. It had been awhile since anyone had such outright hostility for her. She’d almost forgotten how physical a sensation it could be.

Effie fought the urge to squirm under the weight of it. She’d left much of her old life behind during her time with Helena and then with the Keepers, but those old insecurities were harder to shed. Especially when she was caught off guard. Effie kept her expression carefully neutral, knowing better than to let Trinity see that her vitriol was working.

As always, Lucian missed nothing. From the corner of her eye she watched as he took in her rigid posture, then as he lifted his chin the smallest fraction to look at Trinity. His reaction was palpable. Effie almost flinched away from the icy rage, but then Lucian’s fingers found hers, infusing her with his strength.

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