Home > Releasing the Djinn : My Monster Boyfriend(39)

Releasing the Djinn : My Monster Boyfriend(39)
Author: Katerina Winters


Pushing her head down until her nose nearly touched his lower stomach Idrak spoke. "You will never allow yourself to be touched by any other man, am I understood?"


Lifting her head, he slowly let his cock slide from her throat until it popped from her lips. Taking a gasping breath of air, Nadira blinked away the tears until she looked at him, clearly nodding in his grip. "Yes," she managed to get out.


Pushing her head back down roughly, Idrak bobbed her head along his shaft, grunting slightly as she pumped him with her fist on each stroke. Her pussy was drenched, and the sounds she was causing him to make did not help. Nadira found herself wanting more, so much more. More of this harsh treatment and more of him. Without prompt, she began to increase the suction of her mouth, enjoying Idrak's sudden intake of breath.


Pulling her head up with a sharp pain, he leaned forward and stared at her harshly. "I mean it, Nadira, you are mine. You have no idea what I'll-"


"I'm sorry," she whispered, ignoring the shout of her own pride deep in her mind. Feeling his grip in her hair loosen, she lowered herself back to his cock and took him back down her throat once more before coming back up. "I didn’t mean what I said, please forgive me."


Swirling her tongue around the fat tip, Nadira sucked it into her mouth and let the tip of her tongue trace the tiny hole. Letting his head fall back between his shoulders, Idrak gave her a grunt of approval before losing himself into her mouth.


Idrak had taken her on her hands and knees two more times before allowing her to dress back into her restored clothes. Planting a hard threatening kiss on her lips, the demon disappeared, leaving her alone in the car with her thoughts.


Dressed now, Nadira sat with her knees pulled up to her chin and stared out of the tinted windows to the large mall beyond. For a moment, she felt nothing, but like a dam with a tiny crack that grew by the second, her body calmed and her mind began to race. She wanted to cry. She wanted to yell, scream, and laugh all at once. Shame replaced every cell in her body as she buried her head into her knees. How could she have acted that way with him? How could she even leave this vehicle? Memories of those people's faces as they tried to confirm their suspicions of the rocking vehicle mortified her. Did he let them see her? Did they see her breasts jiggling as she rocked back into the demon fucking her? Tears stung at her eyes even as her body heated from the memory. She couldn’t go out there, Nadira realized. Lifting her head, she turned around and looked at the front driver's seat. She would just order some clothes online. Maybe she would stop by a bank and deposit some cash into an account or something. But she could not step out of the car, she could not face the looks people would undoubtedly give her. Crawling towards the front driver's seat, Nadira jumped when the back driver's side door opened suddenly. Looking over her shoulder in shock, Nadira saw Idrak standing in the same human form he wore at her parents' house that day he took her from her home.


"Surely, you don't plan to leave before you even go inside?" he asked as he latched one strong human hand around her arm and tugged.


Nadira tried to resist, but it was useless. Pulling her from the confines of the car and into the light, Idrak gave her a satisfied smile as she finally stood nervously on the hot ground next to the car. Running a fidgeting hand through her hair, Nadira looked around with held breath praying she would not see anyone standing and staring at her. No one was. The few people she could see walking down the other aisle of cars were conversing happily amongst themselves as they headed towards the mall entrance.


Having slid his grip from her arm to her hand, Idrak laced his fingers through hers and pulled her along as he walked forward. There was an excited energy running through him as if he was looking forward to the shopping experience. If he was or wasn't, Nadira resigned herself to never knowing, her chest and throat burned with an odd mixture of shame and embarrassment. Images of what they just did in the vehicle would not leave her mind, all she wanted to do was go back home and curl up in a closet somewhere.


Walking through the automated double glass doors, Idrak pulled her forward until he was no longer leading her but walking next to her. "I can feel your hand sweating and your pulse thrashing, my dear."


Nadira opened her mouth to apologize like a knee-jerk reaction and stopped herself. Throwing him a scowl, she reluctantly led him to the correct department of clothes.


After some time, he asked. "Are you still angry with me, wife?"


"Yes," she hissed before looking around. Leading him behind a tall rack of dresses, she glowered up at him, trying to see past the handsome fake façade he was wearing to the ebony demon she was used to beneath. "What we did—what you made me do—it was…it was in public," she squeaked in mortification. Just saying the facts aloud made her want to die all over again.


The human Idrak smiled, showing off his perfect, white teeth. Resting both hands on her shoulders, he pulled her to him until their chests touched. "Yes, we were in public, but no one saw a thing," he assured her, chuckling a little as he saw hope widen her eyes into a doe-like expression. "And even if I were to let people see, which I did not, as soon as they turn their heads, I would make them forget."


"But you didn't let them see, right?" she demanded needing to be absolutely sure.


The dark eyes of his human form faded, leaving them a bright empty white as he gave her a devilish smirk. "I did not," he confirmed. Dropping his voice until it was low and dark, his smirk faded and his eyes brightened as he leaned his forehead against hers. "You're mine, Nadira, and as I tried to make clear to you today, I never plan on sharing."


Swallowing the lump of fear in her throat, she nodded at the disguised djinn.


"Good," he smiled, standing back straight with the excited gleam in his eyes. "Let's explore these shops and make a few merchants happy in the process.”


By the time Nadira got home, she was dead on her feet. With bags and bags of clothes covering her closet floor, Nadira groaned at the thought of having to take a shower. She wanted to just flop in bed and let her spirit pass into the afterlife of permanent sleep, but she very much needed to shower. Idrak had dragged her to each and every store in the mall, even stores that had nothing to do with why they came to the mall in the first place.


It may have been a little arrogant on her part, but as he led her from electronic stores to sporting goods stores, she was a little dismayed the immortal djinn never once asked her about any of the items. As if sensing her disappointment, Idrak had turned to her with a knowing grin.


"Though I was trapped in that stone, I was still able to hear the outside world fine. Over time I was able to understand that technology had progressed."


"I see," was all she said, still disappointed nonetheless.


Turning from the row of black glimmering cell phones, Idrak had faced her with a mischievous grin. "Don't be upset, I still need you for other much more important things," he drawled.

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