Home > Releasing the Djinn : My Monster Boyfriend(40)

Releasing the Djinn : My Monster Boyfriend(40)
Author: Katerina Winters


Crossing her arms, she had given him a sound of humph. "Oh yes, I know exactly what you "need" me for," she said scathingly.


Unexpectedly the handsome fake face faltered, and his smile dropped away, leaving him with a serious expression as he stepped closer to her. "No," he whispered more to himself than to her. "I don’t think you do, because I am not even clear on how much I need you, I just know that I do."


Nadira had felt the urge to kiss him ignite within her and had even parted her lips when he leaned forward to do just that, but she raised a hand at his chest at the last moment, causing him to frown.


With her own wicked smile, she gave him a level look. "I really hate this disguise."


Blinking, Idrak let a slow grin tug at the corner of his lips. Leaning back, he cocked his head arrogantly. "Nearly every woman we have passed has found my disguise absolutely beguiling. If my mind was not filled to the brim with every aspect of you, wife, I could leave here with no less than twenty very willing women on my arms."


Jealousy sprung to life inside of her, she had noticed the stares too and hated every single one of them. Resisting the urge to cross her arms over her chest, Nadira turned and looked at the cellphone closest to her, one she had been considering buying. "Well, I prefer the real you," she said in a quiet tone. "I much rather have your midnight skin, your long curving horns, and teeth as sharp and knives over this…this," she flapped one hand in his direction without looking as her brain searched for the right word. "This counterfeit version of you."


There was no response from the man at her side and Nadira feared he had disappeared like he usually did at the house, but as the strong arms circled around her from behind, she felt his lips next to her ear.


"Tonight, I think I shall have you on your hands and knees again, wife."


Ignoring her all over flush, the djinn went back to perusing the phones.


Now, as she showered recalling that moment in the mall, Nadira let out a small tired laugh. He could certainly try, she thought, but she would not be an active participant. She was so tired she was very close to laying on the built-in bench in the shower and just passing out.


Stepping out of the shower, she paused at the sight of the empty shelf that just a few minutes ago held dozens of fresh folded white towels.


"Idrak," she groaned, too tired for this.


"Come here," his omnipotent voice echoed around the room.


"Idrak, please," she whined, covering her bare wet breasts with her folded arms. "I'm too tired."


"I know, my darling, trust me," she could hear the amusement under his patient tone.


With little choice, she walked cautiously down the short walk into their bedroom. Standing next to the bed in his regular form and wearing a surprisingly plain white wraparound dhoti, Idrak stood waiting for her. Next to him, the bed was already turned down and had a small wooden tray holding two glasses of hot tea. The sight looked so inviting her knees nearly buckled.


Looking back to Idrak, Nadira took a sharp intake of breath. Breathing in and out with deep, even breaths, she watched as his defined chest flexed, and his eyes narrowed at her naked form. She felt like a small animal being cornered by a hungry, carnivorous beast. She could practically see his muscles tensing as if preparing the pounce but instead, he held out one long arm as he politely gestured for her to get in bed. Not daring to push her luck with the demon, she obliged, crawling into the cool surface and resting against the headboard with a sigh.


His narrowed gaze did not leave her as he walked around the bed to his side, watching her as she hoisted up the sheet to cover her breasts. Sitting down next to her, he silently offered her the steaming glass.


Taking a small sip, Nadira turned to him and waited.


His long horns brushed against the velvet tufted headboard as he turned in his spot to look at her. "Now, tell me, why were you so angry with me this morning?"


Not expecting that question, she looked away from him. "I wasn't-"


"Let me speak plainly," he began his tone deadpan while his eyes blazed like white flames against his dark skin. "If you lie to me, I will extract the answers the way I originally intended to, however instead of putting you face down into our bed and withholding multiple climaxes from you, I wanted to be considerate to your state of fatigue. So let us try again, my love."


Shocked, Nadira lowered her glass to her lap with shaky hands. Looking down at the amber liquid, she considered her pride and weighed it against her all over fatigue before glancing back up to look at the very serious demon. No, she had better not test him.


Sighing, she told the truth. "Even though I hate that you lied and manipulated to get me here, that you forced yourself on me numerous times and that I always end up doing exactly what you want, whether I like it or not…I…I hate to see you leave me as crazy as that sounds." And it did sound crazy Nadira thought, weak and absolutely crazy.


"Leave you?" he asked quizzically, his white eyes staring at her blankly.


"Yes!" she exclaimed, frustrated he was playing dumb to her very real confession. "Every day, you leave me before I wake up or just as I'm waking up, leaving me in this humongous, though beautiful, house all day by myself."


"I have never left you," he replied simply.


"Yes, you have I never see you…" her words died on her tongue as realization dawned over her. With a large Cheshire grin of sharp white teeth, Idrak grinned as she sputtered her next words. "You…you have been here the whole time?" she asked half question half accusatory.


"Of course, where did you think I was?"


"I thought," Nadira paused, licking her suddenly dry lips as she thought of all the places she assumed he was visiting. "I thought you were popping all around the world doing whatever it is you do. You know, something mischievous."


Idrak laughed. "I'm very curious to know what "something mischievous" entails in your mind, my lovely wife, but let me assure you I have been here with you the whole time."


"But why have you been hiding? Why make me think you just…"


"I just what?" he urged, leaning closer to her.


"That all you want from me is the use of my body and then to take your leave," she finished in a small voice. She felt a little dumb but raw at the same time. Why didn't he just tell her he was there the whole time?


Very serious now, Idrak looked at her with a considering expression. "Because that was what you wanted," Seeing the argument spark to life in her eyes, he continued. "Back at your parents' house, did you not want days of peace and quiet, time where you could just relax without fear of interruption from your disgusting parents?"

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