Home > Releasing the Djinn : My Monster Boyfriend(44)

Releasing the Djinn : My Monster Boyfriend(44)
Author: Katerina Winters


Idrak understood and obliged.


Using both hands, he fucked her mouth. Lifting her head by her hair alone he pulled her back until he was standing from the bed and she was forced to crouch before him. In and out with dizzying speed, he pumped her mouth onto his glistening cock, reveling in the throaty noises she made as she tried to accept every inch of him. Grunts and low reverberating growls filled the room as he edged nearer to his completion, cursing at the glorious feeling of her hand stroking his taut balls. He was close. He was nearly panting while she moaned a tiny sound over and over again that sounded like a whimper, but Idrak couldn’t be sure. The suction of her mouth was somehow getting stronger and her warm hand against his balls grew torturously gentler in juxtaposition.


"Fuck," he groaned, taking his hands from her hair, fearing he would lose all sense of self and hurt the tiny woman sucking the life from him. "So close," he murmured. Her arousal was permeating the air and Idrak felt as if he would go mad.


Looking down was his mistake. With watery eyes and a look of desperation that shot through his soul, Nadira stared up at him as she tried to maintain his speed and force his cock down that beautifully small throat of hers.


"Nadira," was all he could manage through gritted teeth before his release seized his body.


Spilling down her throat in waves, Idrak let out a strangled bellow that shook the room.


Nadira worked the muscles in her throat over and over again as she slid her head forward and backward along his softening cock, drinking in every bit of his hot, tasteless seed. Once she was sure she had swallowed every last drop, she fell to her rear onto the floor, exhausted but painfully aroused. Her underwear was soaked. She had come once, but it wasn't enough.


With hooded eyes, she watched with a sense of satisfaction as the tall horned demon stumbled backward and stopped. Lowering his head, Idrak shut his eyes and it reminded her of two stars winking out in the dark sky before popping open again brighter than they were before. Looking at her with renewed determination and hunger, Idrak stepped forward.




Their days together seemed to pass like a dream. A fantasy of happiness Nadira had long ago stopped herself from daydreaming about because she had been so sure this type of happiness would never come true.


During the school week, she woke up each morning and made breakfast. Idrak would sit on the other side of the counter, answering all of her questions about his many exploits in the past. Sharing details about once ancient cities or secrets of the daily lives of humans he had observed. It was fascinating and glorious all at once. Never before had she considered skipping class as much as she did now. School now seemed a nuisance in her day, just something that interrupted her time with Idrak instead of the escape it had once been.


No longer feeling his warm malevolent presence in or between her classes, she had asked the djinn what he did all day now that she was out of the house and was surprised by the prosaic answer.


"Mostly, I meditate, occasionally I will remember a place I had visited in the past or a person I had met, and I will go see if I can still find traces of it or any existing lineage," he explained.


"Meditate," she repeated, scrunching up her nose. "I could never seem to do it properly. I would end up getting lost in my depressing thoughts and just quit. It seemed better just to keep going each day," even as she said that Nadira realized how pitiful the words sounded. It was as if she had described the life of a train, just going through the motions each day from point A to point B, having no time to stop and think too much.


Idrak's blank eyes narrowed slightly for a moment as if in a flash of anger before disappearing back to his calm expressionless demeanor.


"I meditate more out of necessity rather than its soothing effects. My magic is enacted by my will alone, which means I must be masterful of my thoughts. In the beginning, when I first came to be, I had no control whatsoever. Every errant thought any whim would become reality making it very chaotic and dangerous."


Nadira's eyes went wide as she considered his words, she had thought of that once when she pondered his powers but never asked. There was no telling how many times the mind liked to slip towards the spectrum of adverse or alarming. She shuddered as she imagined her mind showing her a big black bug, and it all of a sudden appearing. Dear God, that would be terrifying.


As if reading her thoughts, Idrak let out a soft rumbling chuckle. "That is a problem I rectified long ago, do not worry."


Nadira did not worry, she knew Idrak was in control of his powers, but the revelation did open up a new doorway of appreciation for just how powerful the djinn was. It was as if his displays of power thus far had only reached a certain level of realization in her mind until he put it in those new terms. Now she really understood, and it was a bit staggering. For days she found her thoughts drifting from her professors' words in her classes and imagining the sheer scope of what it meant to have any thought, any want to suddenly become a reality. Simply amazing.


That was until her self-doubt kicked in.


She couldn’t help but wonder why someone with so much power would want her?


Today she had gotten home early from school, but the house was empty when she had called out his name as she came through the door.


Hanging her book bag onto the hook in the foyer, Nadira walked into the kitchen. Opening one of the refrigerated drawers, she grabbed the covered plate of leftover fruit and yogurt she had set aside from that morning. Uncovering the plate, she poured a few crackers onto the side of the plate before making her way upstairs. She still had not put up all the clothes she had bought, and it made going into her closet a deathtrap of bags, ready to send her pitching forward at any second.


Setting her plate onto a nearby empty shelf, Nadira happily turned on the built-in Bluetooth speakers with her phone. With the music playing softly, Nadira picked up the closest bag and got to work. Sometimes like now, as she hung up her nice new clothes and snacked on a blueberry, her mind wandered into the negative spectrum and thought, what if this was all a dream? What if that car really did hit her that day, and she was just in a coma thinking up this beautiful world? It made sense in a way. Djinn, warlocks, and witches, it sounded too fantastical to be real, surely?


Her hand shook as she reached for the clothes rod to hang up the dress. No, it had to be real, she thought desperately. And even if it wasn't—she hoped she never woke up.


Pushing her mind away from those disturbing thoughts, Nadira focused on her task and smiled at the fact she only had two more bags left. Picking up the freshly washed and cleaned new underwear, she folded them up and pulled out one of the drawers and paused. Sitting on top of a pile of money was the empty stone necklace. Setting aside the underwear, Nadira picked up the stone. It had all started with this, an ugly little stone that had changed her whole life. Nostalgic, Nadira slipped the stone over her head with a smile and relished its empty cool touch. How did Idrak go so long, living a huge section of his life in this tiny stone? Leaving the necklace on, she resumed her task of putting away the remainder of the clothes.

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