Home > The Gift of Love(15)

The Gift of Love(15)
Author: Meara Platt

“Did ye have the chance to visit Dahlia today?” Robbie asked as they finished their soup course, a white soup made from veal stock, and waited for the next courses to be brought out.

He nodded. “We read a little of the book together. I’ll meet her again tomorrow. I’d like to get through as much of it as I can before the week is out. Romulus returns soon, and I don’t think he’ll appreciate having others around when his time with Violet is so short.”

Joshua joined in the conversation. “Perhaps by then, Dahlia will feel better about coming over to our home. Holly will gladly help out in any way she can.”

Ronan nodded. “I appreciate it. I think that will work out.”

Robbie waited for one of the footmen to refill his glass of wine before responding. “Have ye done anything with yer house search? Does Lady Miranda know ye mean to move out?”

“Yes, I told her last night. To my surprise, she’s been most helpful.”

Joshua laughed. “You mean she actually wants you out?”

“No, she did her abandoned mother act. Tears, the vapors, wailing, and moaning. But she has a friend who lives close by and happened to mention she wants to sell her London home. I went to see it this afternoon. I think it’s perfect. Good bones. Great location. A little run down and in need of Dahlia’s touch. Couldn’t ask for anything better.”

Robbie arched an eyebrow. “Impressive.”

Joshua raised his glass in toast. “Here’s to success on your mission.”

“Cheers.” Ronan drained his glass that had also been refilled.

The evening ended late, but he was pleased with all he had accomplished. He stripped out of his clothes, handed them to Harrigan to be freshened, and fell into bed. His last thought before sleep overcame him was to wonder what tomorrow would bring.

Unfortunately, it brought an angry summons from the Lord Admiral to meet him at the Admiralty that morning. Ronan had just settled in his office in the Parliament building when a messenger arrived with the urgent note. “Bollocks, what now?” he muttered, waving to Joshua and Robbie, who were just walking in as he hurried off.

The Lord Admiral had one of the local gossip rags open on his desk when Ronan arrived. “Brayden,” he said, his face red as he motioned to the paper, “what the hell is this?”

“With all due respect, my lord. What are you talking about?”

“You and Lady Melinda? Stoke’s daughter. I thought your affair was over and done. You were seen at the theater with her last night.”

“The theater?” Ronan groaned inwardly. “If you will recall, I was with you and His Grace all evening. I went straight home afterward. Although we have made great scientific advances, I do not think we have advanced far enough to allow me to be in two places at once.”

“Don’t take that smart tone with me, Brayden. This is serious. If Stoke withdraws his support, we’ll lose our funding. You have to end this with his daughter.”

“Happily, sir. But how am I to end something that does not exist? She and I were never having an affair. I am not courting his daughter. I am not interested in courting his daughter. I never was. However, I suspect she is the one sending this misinformation to the papers.”

“Why would she do this?”

“To make a certain marquess jealous and get an offer of marriage out of him. I am being used as her pawn for this purpose. Over my strenuous objections, I might add. Lady Melinda does not particularly care. His Grace must realize what his daughter is doing. I can ask her to stop, but I doubt she will listen to me since she never has before. It seems more prudent for me to avoid all contact with her. If I’m seen talking to her, even if it is merely for the purpose of asking her to stop, the gossips will report it.”

The Lord Admiral put his hands to his temples and groaned. “I believe you, Brayden. But I don’t know that Stoke will. Oh, he might be persuaded that this theater nonsense was a mistake, but what if it happens again and you are not in his company? Unless his daughter confesses to him what she is doing, we are sunk.”

“I can seek an audience with the Duke of Stoke. Explain to him what is going on with his daughter, assuming he isn’t already aware.”

“You know how stubborn that old goat can be. He won’t see you. He’ll think you are requesting to see him in order to offer for his daughter’s hand in marriage. Even if she has told him what she’s doing, he will still wonder why she’s chosen you in particular and worry that something more is going on behind his back. No, I have a better idea.”

Ronan’s stomach twisted in a knot. “I’m certain a talk with the duke will be all that is required.”

“Did you not hear what I just said? As long as your name is involved, the duke will suspect you...unless...”

The knot tightened in his stomach. “Unless what, my lord?”

“Unless you are seen courting another young woman. Then you will be of no use to Lady Melinda. She needs someone who is unattached in order to lure the marquess. So, attach yourself to a young lady. I’m sure it will be easy enough for you to find one who is willing. You only need to keep up the pretense for a fortnight. The House of Lords will vote on the budget just before Christmas. You can quietly end matters as soon as the vote has taken place.”


“That is a terrible idea. How is it all right for me to use an innocent girl and then drop her at Christmastide?”

The Lord Admiral pounded his fist on the table. “You will do it for the sake of England! Find a girl. Tell her your plans if it eases your conscience. But make certain she can keep her mouth shut. If she ruins this for us, it will be your hide I’ll be flaying. Oh, and she has to be beautiful, clever, and from a good family. The duke has to believe this is not a ruse...even if it is a ruse.”

“All the more reason why we shouldn’t do this.” He held out his arms in supplication. “Let me talk to the duke. I’ll even enter a monastery for a fortnight if this will help.”

“Out of the question. I need you here to answer questions on our funding requests. And what of our research projects? You’re the only one who understands the incomprehensible science behind the steam mechanism. This discussion is over, Brayden. Let me know who this girl is, and I will make certain Stoke and his daughter hear of it. In casual conversation, of course. I do not want this courtship to look staged.”

Ronan clenched his jaw. “And you will talk to the duke about his daughter? Get her off my back? Maybe talk to the daughter as well and let her know the importance of what we are doing and how she must stop interfering. She isn’t a bad sort, just used to getting her own way.”

The Lord Admiral glowered at him. “You are dismissed, Brayden. Report back to me first thing tomorrow morning, and you had better have a name.”

“Yes, my lord.” He strode out, mad as a bull.

Joshua and Robbie were in their offices, so he stopped in at each. “Conference in my office,” he said, popping his head in and then striding back to his.

He was looking for something to pound on or toss across the room when the two of them hurried in. “What’s wrong?” his brother asked, settling into his usual chair.

Robbie did the same. “Ye look as though ye’ve just been through a court-martial. Are ye going to tell us what happened, or must we guess?”

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