Home > The Gift of Love(20)

The Gift of Love(20)
Author: Meara Platt

He nodded.

“I think I’ll mention the sense of smell next.” She eased closer and put her nose to his neck to inhale him. “Your scent is awfully nice. Is it sandalwood? My cousins, Honey and Belle, work in their family perfume shops. Belle designs the fragrances, as you must know, since your brother is married to her. She taught me a little about this. Sandalwood is an ancient fragrance. It feels timeless, doesn’t it? It smells very nice on you.”

He was still grinning at her affectionately.

“The sense of touch next.” She took hold of his hand. “This feels awfully nice as well. There is strength in your touch, again, something that inspires trust and confidence. As for taste, I don’t know how I am to test this.”

“Our kiss.”

She hadn’t thought of that, but they did have their lips pressed together for a while. “I tasted ale on your lips. Your breath was pleasing, although that really belongs with the sense of smell. I’m not sure what else to say about this sense. Perhaps that I would feel very favorably inclined toward you if I tasted chocolate on your lips next time?”

He laughed. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Your turn now. I’ve done enough talking.”

“All right, Queen Pea. I’ll count them off in the same order as you did yours. How does that sound to you?”

“Perfect.” She took a deep breath, eager to hear his comments.

But Violet knocked on the open door and ducked her head in. “I do apologize for the interruption. It is getting late, and Heather is yawning, and–”

“Of course.” Dahlia jumped out of her seat. “How thoughtless of us.”

“No, not at all.” Violet smiled at her. “I’m glad you were having such a nice time together.”

Ah, yes. Well-meaning cousin whose matchmaking instincts were on fire. Dahlia turned to Ronan. “Shall we expect you at the same time tomorrow evening?”

When he stood up beside her, his shoulder lightly grazed hers. Of course, his mere touch sent tingles shooting through her body...something that never happened with Gerald. Yes, she had been so foolish.

Ronan did not seem to be at all affected by their bodies in such close proximity. “No, I have something altogether different planned. Will you three be available tomorrow afternoon?”

Dahlia glanced at her cousin, and when Violet nodded, she turned back to Ronan. “Yes, we are. What is the plan?”

“I’d rather keep it a surprise.”

Oh, she hated surprises. What did he have in mind?





Dahlia was ready when Ronan drew up in a carriage in front of Uncle John’s townhouse the following afternoon. Violet was feeling a little under the weather, so Ronan had picked up their sister, Holly, along the way. Since she was now married to Ronan’s brother, she had agreed to serve as a chaperone for her and Heather.

This had originally been Holly’s designated role when the three of them had come down to London from York. As a young widow, she’d had no plans to put herself on the marriage mart, but all that had changed upon meeting Ronan’s brother, Joshua.

Dahlia was pleased to see her. “Do you know where he is taking us?”

Holly shrugged. “No, he wouldn’t tell me anything.”

She looked up at Ronan. “Why are you being so mysterious?”

He smiled at her as he helped her into the carriage. “You’ll find out soon enough.”

They were on their way a moment later. It did not take them long before they turned off Park Lane onto a beautiful, tree-lined street that was as lovely as Chipping Way.

Dahlia put her nose to the cold glass to peer out the window as they passed one well-maintained home after another.

She was still peering out of the window when they turned onto a small square. In its center was a gated garden with yew trees and boxwood shrubs that looked quite beautiful covered in snow. Their carriage slowed as they drew up in front of one of the elegant houses. “Are we to pay a call on someone?”

He nodded. “Yes, Lady Wellbrook. She’s expecting us.”

Dahlia exchanged confused glances with her sisters. After her humiliating encounter with Gerald, she really was not keen on surprises. But this house intrigued her. There was just something about it, a stately charm and an aura of faded elegance she found captivating. “Oh, I could do so much with this grand house,” she muttered under her breath.

Ronan must have heard her, for he was smiling once again. “Are you eager to go exploring?”

She nodded. “But will Lady Wellbrook allow me?”

“Yes, I’m sure she will. Perhaps after tea.” He took Dahlia’s arm as they walked to the front door. Holly and Heather followed close by their side.

“You are being very secretive,” she whispered to him. “What is this all about?”

The door opened before Ronan could reply. “Captain Brayden,” the frail, elderly butler said with a nod and stepped aside to allow them in. “Lady Wellbrook will be down in a moment. She asked me to show you into the winter parlor.”

Dahlia’s eyes widened as she took in the beautiful detailing in the entry hall. The cornices, the niches, the high ceiling, and grand staircase. She was so busy looking everywhere, but where she was going, she bumped into a wall.

“Give me your hand, Queen Pea.” Chuckling, Ronan tucked it securely under his arm and then placed his hand over hers so that he could draw her closer to him each time she was about to walk into something.

She turned to him, giddy with excitement. “I am in love with this house.”

“Good. I hoped you would be. I bought it yesterday.”

She inhaled sharply. “What?”

“Well, it isn’t mine yet. But I put in my offer. Lady Wellbrook has accepted. Now our solicitors are handling the transfer.”

Dahlia’s heart beat faster. “Do you plan to make any changes to the house? The detail work is exquisite, but much of it is lost among the clash of colors. Will you paint the rooms? Oh, forgive me. It isn’t even yours yet. I know it isn’t polite to ask. But this place is quite splendid. How did you come across it? I had no idea you were even looking.”

“I don’t mind your questions. I’m glad you like the house. It’s quite grand, isn’t it?” He shook his head and laughed. “I can see you hold some strong opinions about it.”

“I do,” she blurted.

There was a glint in his eye as he laughed again. “Queen Pea, you look as though you’re about to burst. Do you have any suggestions? I wouldn’t mind hearing them.”

“You wouldn’t?” Her heart was now soaring. “I do, in fact. Would you...that is...could I..., you can tell me to mind my own business...”

He arched an eyebrow. “Are you asking if you can help me decorate this place once it is mine?”

“Would you consider it, Ronan?” She held her breath while awaiting his response. “It would be a dream come true for me.”

“Well, who am I to dash your dreams? The answer to your question is yes. I would greatly appreciate your advice.”

Had they not been in company, she would have thrown her arms around him and possibly kissed him. “Thank you,” she said with a depth of feeling that surprised even herself. But this was exactly what she needed to move beyond Gerald and reclaim a part of herself.

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