Home > The Gift of Love(52)

The Gift of Love(52)
Author: Meara Platt

Dahlia had to admit the idea had merit. “Having them read it together may not be such a bad idea. If she reads it on her own, she will miss the entire point of the book.”

He smiled at her. “So? What’s your verdict?”

“Robbie it is.”

A few minutes later, the very man in question strode in. “We found the minister. Are ye two lovebirds ready to get married?”

They both stared at him.

Robbie arched a wary eyebrow.

They continued to stare at him.

“What’s wrong with ye?” He glanced down at himself and checked his uniform. “Why are ye grinning at me like a pair of hyenas?”





Ronan was concerned Dahlia would be disappointed by their wedding ceremony, but to his surprise, she wasn’t. In truth, she appeared to be relishing his scandalous nakedness - no matter that he was wearing a banyan borrowed from Joshua and his vitals parts were securely covered.

Still, he wore nothing underneath that itchy robe.

It took him a moment to realize the source of her glee. She was looking forward to claiming the title of Most Shocking Farthingale Wedding.

Finally, at the appointed hour, and with much logistical planning, the immediate family members were permitted into his bedchamber. His mother, his brothers, their wives, and Dahlia’s sisters. Also permitted were Sophie and John Farthingale and Robbie. It took a bit of doing to fit them all in and leave space for Dahlia to make her grand entrance as the bride on the arm of her Uncle John.

The quiet affair had spun out of control, but it was to be expected considering the nature of their families. They were fourteen in all up in his room. More were downstairs. Cousins and their spouses who had stopped by out of concern for his injuries. But now they were staying to celebrate their wedding.

He supposed this was how their lives would be from now on. They each had large families with close bonds, and it was not unusual to have relations come by with regularity. “Ready, Queen Pea?”

The minister was horrified to find Ronan standing before him in bare feet and a black silk robe. Ronan did not know what the man had to complain about. He had shaved and wiped the unguent off his chest so the odor would not overpower everyone in the tightly packed room.

He’d reapply it later.

He had also authorized Finn to promise the minister a king’s ransom to perform the bedside ceremony, so it was going to get done no matter how much this man of the cloth disapproved. Of course, knowing Finn, he’d bartered the man down to nothing. “This is most irregular.”

Ronan did not care. “Is it lawful?”

“Why, yes,” the minister said with an indignant huff.

“Then get on with it.”

Dahlia’s smile and the look of love she cast him whenever glancing up at him, stole his breath away. He’d ruined her first gown, but this one was just as lovely, a pale lilac which brought out the violet swirls within the beautiful ocean colors of her eyes. Her hair was as she’d first styled it, drawn off her face and left to tumble in a silky waterfall down her back.

His heart swelled with the knowledge she would soon be his, just as he was permanently and irrevocably hers.

The minister had a dull, droning voice.

Ronan struggled to pay attention, and more than once had to stifle a yawn. But he snapped to attention as the end approached. “Captain Brayden, do you take Dahlia Farthingale to be your lawfully wedded wife...”

Ronan took Dahlia’s hand. “I do.”

The minister asked the same of Dahlia, and she responded with an “I do.”

The cheers were deafening as the minister proclaimed them husband and wife. Everyone straggled out of the room shortly afterward to join the rest of the family downstairs. “Most odd,” the minister grumbled on his way out.

Tynan grinned at him. “We’re giving you five minutes alone with your lovely wife, then we’ll be back to put you properly into bed. George will have our hides if you take a tumble and crack more ribs.”

“And ye’ll need that unguent back on yer chest,” Robbie remarked, wincing as he turned to Dahlia. “Yer uncle’s orders.”

“I know.” She blushed. “I’ve already been admonished not to...well, I’m to keep away from him for the next two days and perhaps more.”

Ronan groaned. “All right. Everyone out. Not you, Queen Pea. I want you in my arms.”

His brothers and Robbie hurried out, shutting the door behind them.

He and Dahlia stood a moment, facing each other in silence.

From the laughter, the clink of glasses, and clatter of china downstairs, Ronan realized their families were about to partake of the wedding meal Holly’s cook had hurriedly prepared for the occasion. It felt odd not to be there with them, but there had been nothing normal about this past week or this day.

Dahlia must have understood what he was thinking. “Don’t you dare apologize to me about this wedding. I’ve married my hero. This is the happiest day of my life.”

“Mine, too, Queen Pea.” He held out his arms to her. “Care to share a kiss with your new husband?”

“I had better take advantage before you stink like moldy cheese again.”

She came into his arms, feeling so soft and sweet against him.

He ignored his aching rib cage and the fire in his chest.

He ignored his unsteady legs and the pain searing through his body merely for standing.

While he could not make love to her yet, there was nothing wrong with his lips, and he meant to use them to full advantage. His mouth captured hers, and he kissed her with all his heart, soul, and happiness.

He also kissed her with barely leashed passion and all the love a husband ought to hold for his wife.

The innocent ardor of her response affected him deeply. In the past, his kisses were meant for seduction. But this one was all about promise for their future, for the bonds of love that would strengthen between them over time. Of course, he still wanted to seduce her, to hear her soft, breathy moans of pleasure. But he also wanted to fall asleep holding her in his arms and wake to her warm body pressed to his.

“I love you, Queen Pea,” he said upon ending the kiss, for he no longer trusted his legs to hold him up. He released her and sat heavily on the bed.

“Oh, Ronan!” Her eyes reflected her concern. “You have beads of sweat along your forehead. Oh, I knew it. You’re in pain again.”

“No, love. You take away my pain.”

“Says the man now struggling for breath.” She rolled her eyes. “Let me help you lie back down.”

He shook his head. “I have to take off this robe first. Turn around.”

She refused, smirking instead. “And miss the sight of your body? I can do this now. I am your wife. You are my husband. Doesn’t it sound wonderful?”

He was not keen on showing himself off when he could do nothing productive with his given attributes. But he was glad she was no shy miss who would need coaxing into his bed when the time came. Two days. He would not be healed yet, but sufficiently along not to do himself too much damage when he finally claimed her.

Besides, there were ways to minimize the strain on his ribs.

He did not have to be the one on top.

A knock at the door took him out of his thoughts and relieved him of the need to refuse Dahlia’s offer of assistance. “That will be my brothers and Robbie come to help me back in bed.”

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