Home > The Gift of Love(55)

The Gift of Love(55)
Author: Meara Platt

Ronan’s gaze did not leave her as she was led out of the hall.

His were not the only eyes following her, nor was his heart the only one sad to see her leave. There was something enchanting about Dahlia, a natural beauty and grace that captivated more than a few old lords and several younger ones as well.

Joshua lightly nudged him. “Session’s about to be brought to order. Wipe that besotted grin off your face, or these peers will make mincemeat out of you.”

Reluctantly, Ronan returned his attention to the business at hand. If not for today’s vote, neither he, Joshua, nor Robbie would have been permitted to remain in the main chamber of the House of Lords once the Lord Chancellor opened the session. But this was the special day they’d all been working hard toward these many months.

His budget was brought up first. Despite scowls and grumbling from Lord Peckham, who made a feeble attempt to fault him for The Invictus incident, it easily passed.

Since the lords and the public had also heard of Joshua’s feats of heroism in saving Ronan, it was no surprise that the army budget also passed with little objection.

Usually, he and Joshua would have left the floor once their presence was no longer necessary, but they remained in a show of support for Robbie and the Scottish military forces.

It suddenly struck Ronan that his friend, despite having hordes of women in the spectator gallery swooning over him, was quite alone.

Of course, Robbie would flirt with these women afterward. But right now, his concentration was on the peers, and he did not glance up even once at the ladies. Was there not one among them who had captured his interest?

Ronan knew it would take a very special young lady to claim this tough Scot’s heart.

He was also sad to note there were very few Scottish lords present to support Robbie. Not even his grandfather, the Earl of Caithness, was in attendance. That old fox was among the sixteen Scottish peers permitted to sit in the House of Lords. But most of them were already on their way north because they could not be present to cast their votes and also make it up to Scotland in time for their Hogmanay celebrations.

Indeed, Robbie was alone, the burden of obtaining sufficient funds for the Highlands regiments falling upon his lone shoulders.

As for the holidays, Robbie would be included in all the Brayden festivities, of course. Likely the Earl of Wycke would have him over as well since Wycke’s sister was married to Robbie’s brother. But it wasn’t the same as sharing the holidays with family.

Well, the big Scott was about to get a dose of love once he got his hands on The Book of Love.

Ronan wasn’t sure the book would work on Robbie the way it had on the other men who had fallen prey to its supposed power. In truth, he did not believe the book could make any man fall in love. At best, it helped that reluctant male understand what he was already feeling toward the one woman who would capture his heart.

But Robbie?

If he wanted to raise his prospects, marry into a family of rank and consequence, then Heather was not the girl for him. Nor would Robbie suit Heather’s purposes, not if she wanted a peer of the realm.

He dismissed thoughts of them and the book, and returned his attention to the budget vote, thumping Robbie on the back when his funding also passed. As soon as the session was adjourned, the three of them headed to the spectator gallery. Ronan knew his next action would be frowned upon, but he was newly wed and in love with his wife. Surely, no one would complain when he cupped her face in his hands and gently kissed her on the lips

To his surprise, a sketch of him doing this began circulating in the newspapers by the afternoon. Several papers had put out a special edition on the ‘hero of Tilbury’ as he was now known. He should have been angry they’d included a sketch of their kiss, but it was his fault for the display of affection. The artists present had captured the moment beautifully and with all due respect.

Dahlia was smiling and sighing over it, as were all the women in the family. He supposed it was all right then. But he silently chided himself and vowed to leave these displays for the bedchamber from now on.

They had only been back at Joshua’s home for about an hour when Finn came by. “Congratulations to both of you. I heard the army and navy budgets passed unscathed. I have something for you, Ronan.”

He held out some papers and several sets of keys. “The house is yours. Lady Wellbrook has moved out and is on her way to Bath as we speak. Her furniture is loaded in wagons and will eventually reach her new home, although it will be rough going in this weather. Will you see the house today or wait until tomorrow?”

Dahlia’s eyes widened in delight. “What do you think, Ronan? It isn’t very far from here.”

He chuckled. “Since I doubt I can hold you back, sure. Why not?”

Joshua nodded. “My coachman will have the carriage readied again.”

“That is very kind of you,” Dahlia said. “Would you like to join us in touring the house? And you, Finn? We cannot thank you enough for taking care of this matter.”

“I’ll pass,” Finn said. “Belle will expect me home soon. We’ll stop by one day next week. I’m sure you’ll be there every day to oversee its decoration.”

Holly and Joshua also declined as well. “You should walk through it just the two of you. Besides, Heather will be back soon. She went to Lady Dayne’s tea with Aunt Sophie. It should be ending about now, and I would rather not have her return to an empty house. Besides, she’ll be excited to hear how the Parliament vote went.”

He and Dahlia left shortly afterward.

Climbing into the carriage proved easier than it had this morning. Although he’d already been on his feet far longer than Dr. Farthingale had recommended, there was something uplifting about this day that gave him renewed strength. He might feel the aches tomorrow, but he wouldn’t care then.

In truth, the wonder in Dahlia’s eyes was worth any amount of discomfort. She was so obviously happy, it made his own heart soar. “We’ll just explore these main rooms,” she said, her brow furrowed in concern about his climbing the stairs. “No need to inspect the bedchambers yet. We can do that tomorrow at our leisure.”

She’d brought along her pencils and a sketchbook, and immediately began to make rough drawings of each room. The guest salon, the family parlor, the dining room, the study, the library. But once done with the library sketch, she closed her pad. “We’ve done enough for one day.”

He did not object.

Standing around was far more tiring than walking, and he’d probably done too much of both.

Holly had supper ready for all of them by the time they returned. Heather was back, and he was not surprised to find Robbie seated in the parlor, drink in hand, as he and Joshua discussed the successes of the day.

It was to be just the six of them for supper this evening. Holly’s cook had prepared a hearty stew that the women seemed to peck at, and the men devoured like jungle beasts. Dahlia laughed when he glanced at her questioningly. “If I ate like you, my stomach would explode,” she said with a grin. “I am amazed at the amount of food you are able to shovel inside of you.”

He realized then how different setting up a household with one’s wife would be from living with brothers and a drill sergeant for a mother. A loving mother, of course. But he did not think Dahlia would be smacking him on the head whenever he did something foolish. She would either hold it in or she would spill quiet tears that would rip his heart worse than any smack to the head.

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