Home > The Soldati General (Soldati Hearts #3)(17)

The Soldati General (Soldati Hearts #3)(17)
Author: Charlie Cochet

Segreti frowned. “Before I fell asleep, I felt his palm on my brow.”

“Blasted hell.”

“What is it?” Segreti asked, concerned.

“He’s having a vision, but not of the future, of the past, something the Eye needed him to see. I fear it did not take Ezra’s possible reaction into consideration. Ezra is a healer, as you know, but there are times when he’s not in control of his gifts.”

“What do you mean?”

“When Ezra touched you, his soul found a source of great pain, and it triggered a vision. The power of the Eye flows through him. Its knowledge is infinite, and as it’s connected to Ezra’s soul—a soul whose purpose is to heal—it’s drawn to great suffering. It’s taken his mind to the source of your pain. Unfortunately, his gifts can’t distinguish between pain of the body and pain of the mind. Ezra can’t heal wounds to the mind, only to the body. When an attempt to heal the mind through a vision occurs, the Eye quickly pulls Ezra back.”

“So why isn’t it pulling him back now?” Riley asked.

Khalon shook his head sadly. “Because Ezra isn’t allowing it. He’s called on the power of the Eye, determined to stop whatever he’s witnessing, keeping him stuck in that vision.” Khalon’s eyes filled with concern and heartache as he turned back to Segreti. “He cares for you, my old friend. Whatever pain he’s found inside of you, it’s taken hold of his heart and won’t release him.”

“No.” Segreti shook his head, the horror of what he knew his sweet Ezra was witnessing making him feel sick to his stomach. He blinked back his tears and grabbed Khalon’s arms. “You must do something. We must wake him from that nightmare.”

“I don’t know how,” Khalon admitted. “This has never happened before. Ezra is nothing but steadfast and rational. He doesn’t make connections of the heart easily.”

“Um, guys,” Riley said, taking a step back. “Something’s happening, and I don’t think it’s good.”

They turned their attention back to Ezra. The pain in his beautiful face had been replaced with anger. He lifted off the ground, arms held out at his sides as a gust of wind swept through the trees. It quickly turned into a squall, the howling like agonized wailing.

“Ezra,” Khalon shouted over the wind. “Ezra, listen to my voice!”

Ezra placed his arms over his chest in a cross, and Rayner grabbed Segreti. “Everyone, get down!”

Before they could do as Rayner ordered, Ezra threw his arms out, and the blast knocked them all off their feet. Trees were torn from the ground and fell onto their sides. Black clouds swallowed the sun, pitching them into darkness, as if the sun had set. The boom of vicious thunder resounded in the sky, and lightning struck down from the heavens.

“Perhaps Riley can reach him,” Toka shouted over the blustering wind. “He is Sauger.”

Riley shook his head. “I don’t think I’m the voice he’s waiting to hear.” He met Segreti’s gaze. “He’s trying to stop your suffering, Segreti. You’re the one he needs right now.”

Segreti nodded. He forced himself to his feet—no easy task when the wind kept trying to tear his limbs from his body. All this… for him? Segreti pushed forward, one foot in front of the other until he was almost close enough to touch Ezra.

“Ezra,” Segreti called out. “Love, listen to my voice.”

Ezra tilted his head in Segreti’s direction.

“I’m here. Please, come back to me.”

“He is causing you great suffering,” Ezra replied, his voice echoing as if several voices were speaking along with his. Was it the Eye speaking through him?

“He’s dead, remember? He can’t hurt me anymore.”

Ezra threw his head back, an agonized wail echoing through the gardens. Damnation, what had he done now?

“Ezra?” Segreti hoped Ezra, or the Eye, or both, were listening.

“He must pay for what he’s done, even if it means going to the veil beyond. That vile creature belongs in the farthest depths of hell, his soul to be ripped apart by demons for all eternity!”


Ezra lowered his head, his eyes glowing a bluish white. “Do you not wish for retribution?”

Segreti placed his palms together, pleading. “I wish for you to stay here with me and help heal me with your soft touch and tender smile. Let’s fill our hearts and our lives with warmth and love. That is what I wish.”

Slowly, Ezra descended, until his boots were once again on the ground. Segreti dared to take a step closer. He placed his hand to Ezra’s cheek.

“You once told me not to damn my beautiful soul for a beast so undeserving of me. I’ve taken your words to heart, and now ask the same of you. That foul creature has taken so much from us. Let’s not allow him to take our future.”

The wind stopped, the trees set themselves to rights, and the sun once again shone in the brilliant blue sky. Ezra closed his eyes, and when he opened them, they had returned to their former beauty. Tears quickly filled them, and Segreti caught Ezra before he crumpled to the ground. Ezra buried his face against Segreti’s chest, his body wracked with shivers and quiet sobs, and Segreti lifted him into his arms. Riley appeared before them and silently motioned for Segreti to follow.

Ignoring the concerned looks of the castle’s court, Segreti accompanied Riley into the royal wing of the castle to a vast bedchamber he knew immediately to be Ezra’s by its rich blue hues and walls lined with bookshelves from floor to ceiling.

“My chair,” Ezra mumbled against Segreti’s neck.

Riley pointed over to the fireplace and the large wingback chair with plush pillows that sat before it.

“I’ll be close by if you need me,” Riley said softly before leaving the room and closing the doors behind him.

Segreti prepared to place Ezra in his chair, but Ezra tightened his arms around Segreti’s neck, his voice almost a whisper when he spoke.

“Please don’t leave me.”

“Whatever you wish, love.” Segreti took a seat on the chair, grateful for its enormous size. It was soft, warm, and wonderfully comfortable. He imagined Ezra spent a great deal of time in it as he read one of his many books. Segreti put his feet up on the large footstool so he was better situated, and Ezra curled up against him. He held Ezra tight and laid his cheek against Ezra’s soft hair, running his hand in soothing circles over his back.

For hours they remained huddled together, and a sense of peace washed over Segreti. He’d never felt so at ease. This was what he’d always secretly dreamed of—to curl up in front of the fire with a kind mate who looked upon him with affection, someone he could share his life with. He didn’t know how long this would last. Ezra might wake up and decide Segreti was far more trouble than he was worth. He might never forgive Segreti for what he’d witnessed. Segreti’s heart squeezed in his chest. He would have given anything to spare Ezra the vileness.

For now, he would bask in this moment. He inhaled Ezra’s sweet scent and let himself drift in and out of sleep, with Ezra’s soft body cradled in his arms. Together they dozed, huddled in each other’s warmth. At one point, Segreti stirred to find moonlight filtering in through the balcony doors, a cozy fire flickering in the hearth causing dancing shadows across the room.

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