Home > The Soldati General (Soldati Hearts #3)(20)

The Soldati General (Soldati Hearts #3)(20)
Author: Charlie Cochet

Ezra stared at him. “Segreti?” He couldn’t fathom Segreti being afraid of anything. “You really think so?” Now that he thought about it, about what Segreti had lived through, it dawned on him that Segreti might have his own insecurities where intimacy was concerned.

“I have a question, though,” Riley said, appearing thoughtful. “Why is Segreti claiming you? Usually the Soldati are the ones who do the claiming.”

“Oh, I can’t claim a mate.”


“Because of the Eye. Only one chosen by the Eye can contain its power. No other form can sustain it. Claiming a mate means sharing your power, but in my case that isn’t possible. My mate could be killed.”

“Yeah, I can see how that might put a damper on your relationship. Anyway, I wouldn’t worry about Segreti. The guy’s crazy about you. Speaking of sexy bears…” Riley nodded behind Ezra, and he turned to find Segreti and Khalon deep in conversation as they slowly headed their way. A shiver went through Ezra at the mere sight of him looming so large, his long hair blowing in the breeze, his tunic accentuating his broad shoulders and wide chest down to his tapered waist. His legs were strong, and Ezra pictured himself between those muscular thighs.

“You’re not going to pass out, are you?” Riley put a hand to Ezra’s shoulder. “Breathe, Ezra. Suck in some oxygen.”

Ezra laughed softly and playfully batted Riley’s hand away, making him laugh. Ezra had been so transfixed on Segreti’s handsome form, he hadn’t noticed the books in his hand until Segreti stopped in front of him. He bowed in greeting for Riley, then knelt in front of Ezra.

“You’re a vision,” Segreti said, taking hold of Ezra’s chin and kissing him sweetly. “I have something for you.” He held out the books, and Ezra’s heart did a little flip.

“You bought me books.”

“I spoke with the foxlings who set up the tent of rare books. I asked them if they had any special books I might gift to my mate to mark a very special occasion. They had a few in their collection not on display concerning rare herbal teas and medicines.” He showed Ezra one of the books, and Ezra gasped at its beauty. “They also had this story. It’s quite old, I’ve been told, about a sweet young healer who goes on an adventure and finds love along the way.”

Tears welled in Ezra’s eyes. He took the books from Segreti and reverently ran a hand over the intricately detailed covers before handing them to Riley. “Could you hold these for a moment?”

“Um, sure.”

No sooner had Riley taken the books than Ezra launched himself at Segreti. With a boisterous laugh, Segreti fell back with Ezra against him, their arms around each other. Ezra kissed him soundly, his heart all but ready to burst from his chest. No one had ever given him such a thoughtful gift. When he pulled back, Segreti brushed Ezra’s hair from his face, his smile reaching his eye and forming little creases at the corner.

“I take it you like your gift?”

Ezra nuzzled Segreti’s neck. “I cherish my gift, but no more than I cherish you for knowing my heart.”

A distinct clearing of the throat reminded Ezra he wasn’t alone with Segreti. With a rueful smile, he sat up. He took the books from Riley and held them close to his chest. “Thank you.”

“Sure.” Riley leaned against Khalon, who now sat with Riley tucked at his side. “Maybe you two should, um, head indoors to… discuss books.”

Ezra stood and held his hand out to Segreti. “A wonderful idea. I think we’ll do just that. Would you like to join me, Segreti?”

Segreti took hold of Ezra’s hand and kissed the back of it, then pushed himself to his feet. “I would love nothing better.”

“Thank you for your council, Your Highness.”

“Anytime, Ezra.”

As Segreti accompanied Ezra on his stroll to the castle, Ezra felt as though he floated on air. Anticipation thrilled him in a way little else had. Segreti held Ezra’s hand and laced their fingers together, settling Ezra’s nerves.

“Did you have a fruitful morning?” Ezra asked. He greeted the guards at the door as they walked through, receiving a bow from each one.

“Not as much as I’d hoped. Lazzari is still arrogant. Vestri continues to shy away from confrontation. Gori follows Lazzari like a newborn cub. Coiro and Basso are as elusive as ever, and Fausti… Fausti I worry about.”

Ezra paused outside his bedchamber. “You think he could be involved?”

“Never,” Segreti replied, his conviction easing Ezra’s mind. “He’s young and noble, with a big heart. He’s fearless, and at times foolish. His hatred for Pavoni is no secret. Like many, Fausti was forever wounded by Pavoni. His story is not mine to tell, but were Pavoni alive, he would be among the many out to seek his revenge. Had Rayner and Toka not carried out the deed when they did, the Orso would have had a different war on their hands.”

“Then we must help Fausti should he need the assistance.” Ezra headed into his room, pausing when he noticed Segreti hadn’t followed. He turned and cocked his head to one side. “Do you not wish to enter?”

With an almost timid smile, Segreti entered the room. “I would never assume you’d want me to.”

After placing the books ever so carefully on the small wooden table by his favorite chair, he left them and went to the chamber door to close it, then stepped in front of Segreti.

“Are you having second thoughts regarding our mating?”


“Then you are welcome to go where I go. The king’s private meetings are the only exception.”

“Understandable. I know we haven’t discussed much of the practicalities yet. I confess, I’m not very good with this sort of thing.”

“Neither am I.” Ezra stepped closer, drawn to Segreti’s warmth like a hummingbird to nectar. “We’re quite the pair, aren’t we?”

Segreti chuckled. “That we are.” He looked around the chamber before his gaze once again landed on Ezra. “Would it sound silly if I said I missed your company this morning?”

“No.” Ezra placed his hands on Segreti’s chest. “I confess I struggled to keep my mind from wandering to thoughts of you while I investigated the festival grounds this morning, and more than once. The Eye was most vexed.” He lifted his gaze to Segreti’s. “Please kiss me.”

“I thought you would never ask.” Segreti drew Ezra into his strong arms, kissing him as he’d never been kissed before. The hunger and heat that radiated off Segreti was a heady thing, and Ezra threw his arms around Segreti’s neck, his mouth and tongue demanding more from his new mate.

Where had this sudden boldness come from? The urge to see and feel Segreti’s naked form became as imperative as breathing. The more Segreti kissed him, the more Ezra desired. His body thrummed with need in a way he’d never believed himself capable of. He’d found other Soldati attractive, but he’d never experienced this feral desire for them. He made quick work of unfastening Segreti’s belt and dropping it to the floor before hastily pulling at his tunic. Segreti removed it the rest of the way, discarding it near his belt as Ezra scurried to do the same with his own belt and tunic. Ezra led Segreti to the bed, where Segreti sat on its edge. When Ezra reached for the hem of Segreti’s shirt, Segreti stilled his hands.

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