Home > Crazy to Love You (Wild Love, #3)(33)

Crazy to Love You (Wild Love, #3)(33)
Author: J. Saman

“I figured that out after you were buzzing from your first five sips of your margarita.”

Her face pinches in, her lips pursing. “That’s because I haven’t had much to eat today.”

“Right. Sure. Whatever you say. You’re cute when you’re drunk.”

“Not drunk yet, Gus.” Naomi slams down her second shot, and I’m starting to rethink this whole getting us drunk thing.

“I’m officially cutting you off after that.”

“Me too,” she laughs, taking a chip and popping it into her mouth.

An hour later we’re walking along the beach, Naomi’s shoes dangling from her hand, the surf excitedly gliding up along the smooth sand, anxious to tickle her bare feet and legs. I’m holding her other hand, both of our gazes locked on the fire-orange horizon. We’ve been going back and forth, playing a game Naomi likes to call favorites.

Maybe this is what happens when you don’t grow up going to school and parties. You don’t play truth or dare. You play tell me all your favorites. It’s more challenging than I would have expected. Especially since we’re alternating between hard questions and easy ones.

“Favorite memory?” I ask.

She mulls that one over, her expression growing pensive, slightly wistful, and I wonder if that was the wrong question to pose.

“The first time I went to the Grammys as a nominee, both my parents were nominated that night as well. We all won in our categories. I remember standing backstage with them, all of us linked and holding up our awards, laughing at just how unimaginable and incredible it was. I never expected to win anything that year. It was such a tremendous honor, and I was only fifteen. But to win alongside my parents was a dream come true.”

“Damn. That’s impossible to beat, I think.”

“Try anyway for me.”

She squeezes my hand, urging me on as I think through all my favorite moments. I’ve had a lot. “You’re going to think I’m a total pussy.”

“No more than I already do.”

I frown at her and she grins widely up at me, rocking her body into mine before just as quickly distancing herself. “Now I’m not going to tell you.”

“Yes, you are. That’s how this game is played. I told you mine and now you have to tell me yours.”

“I’d rather you show me yours and I’ll show you mine.”



I take our linked fingers, bringing them up to my chest and holding them there, feeling the pounding beat beneath the fabric of my shirt. It draws her in closer, her body beside mine. And even though I have that constant inner monologue telling me she’s just my friend and can’t be anything more and that I’m playing with fire and messing everything up, I can’t stop.

Especially in moments like these.

“I hated Adalyn’s biological mother. Despised her for the situation Jasper found himself in, though I knew he was just as responsible for it as she was. I knew the type of woman she was. She saw his money and fame, and that’s all she cared about. But when Adalyn was born, I went to the hospital and found Jasper sitting alone in the nursery holding a tiny Adalyn in his arms. Karina, Adalyn’s mom, wanted to be alone without the baby near her. Jasper didn’t want to leave Adalyn, so that’s where he was, rocking in a chair and singing softly to her. When he saw me approach, he looked up, pure goddamn adoration in his eyes. Without a word, he got up and I sat down where he had been. He placed my niece in my arms and that was it for me. I was done.”

Naomi is silent, staring as far out into the ocean as she can manage. Her breathing has changed, turned from slow and even to short and choppy. And her eyes that were a peaceful blue are now stormy and turbulent.


“You make it impossible for a girl not to like you.”

I can’t help but grin a little at that, despite the somber tone of her voice. “Thank God for that. If I told you how much I liked you, I’d probably scare you.”

She clears her throat, ignoring that completely. “My turn and this is an easy one because after that, I need an easy one. Tell me your favorite place you’ve ever visited?”

I swing her hand between us. I keep taking her hand, waiting for her to comment or ask me to stop. So far, that hasn’t happened yet.

“I really love Ireland, though I’ve only ever been to Dublin and Belfast. I guess that’s kind of the shitty thing about touring. We only hit up these cities for a very short time and then move on before we get to really explore them. But I love the people, the food, the pubs, the vibe. There is just something so chill about it. Other than that, I don’t know, maybe Rome. Your turn?”

I slow our pace, pivoting to watch the sun as it finally does hit the water before slowly sinking into it. “Paris is obviously pretty spectacular. Talk about a vibe. Everything there just feels pink and bubbly and magical. But I think if I had to pick a place, it would be Australia and New Zealand. I realize they’re pretty different depending on where you go, but the surfing is like none I’ve ever experienced. I could live in the water.”

“With the sharks?”

She laughs. “Yeah, they have those, but I didn’t run into any so it’s still my favorite.”

“I can accept that. Favorite new friend?”

“That’s so easy.” She tilts her head up, locking eyes with me and smiling impishly. “Keith for sure.”

“Fucking brat,” I grouse, reaching down and cupping some of the cool water in my hand before flinging it in her direction, getting her right in the stomach.

“Oh my God,” she shrieks, her incredulous gaze falling to her now wet dress. “I cannot believe you just did that.”

“Maybe you should amend your new favorite friend.”

She jerks her hand out of mine, dropping her shoes behind her in the sand and scooping up as much water as she can before throwing it at me. I jump back, dodging the attempt and she lets out a shrill sound mixed with a laugh. “You’re so not my new favorite friend. You’re more like an ugly, smelly cow I’m forced to babysit.” She tries again, kicking and sloshing water in my direction when she realizes she’s not getting far with her hands.

“Ugly, smelly cow?” I point at my still dry chest and she nods adamantly.

“I’ve seen better looking and smelling barn animals than you, jackass.”

I shake my head, marveling at the way the dying sun hugs her body like a burning halo, making her glow and her skin bright. “Now you’ve done it.”

I charge her, chasing after her as she screams out, spinning and running in the opposite direction. Water sprays back at me, kicking up from the bottom of her feet. I catch her quickly, scooping her up into my arms bride style and walking her deeper into the water.

“I swear to God, Gus, if you toss me in the water, I will not do this duet with you,” she threatens, her fists balling up the fabric of my shirt as she holds on to me for dear life.

“Take it back.”

“Take what back?”

“You know. Take it back. Tell me I’m your favorite and I won’t throw you in.”

“You’re such an asshole.”

“Jackass,” I remind her. “And you still haven’t told me.” I extend my arms a little, sliding her away from my body and she yelps out, kicking and flailing in my arms. “That won’t help you, beautiful. You do that and you’ll fall right in.”

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