Home > Cruel Temptation(24)

Cruel Temptation(24)
Author: Kelli Callahan

I spun her around by turning her hips with my hands. The water splashed around us, and I leaned in, bumping her nose with mine. “I think you do know. Your heart knows.” I skimmed my hand up her stomach and laid it above her breasts, right where her heart pounded like a drum.

“My heart as steered me wrong before, I don’t want it to again.”

“Then let me be in control. Let me guide you,” I managed to say through graveled gulps of air when her nipples scraped against my chest. I lowered my lips to her slowly, giving her time to move away. “Let me steer you in the right direction, Quinn. Let me show you that not one minute of those ten years that we were apart, that I ever stopped loving you.”

“Jaxon.” She licked her lips, moved her head left and right, but didn’t try to get away from me. “I don’t know…” her eyes fell to my lips, her cinnamon sugar eyes watched as I prowled for her mouth, wanting to ravish it with mine.

“You know,” I growled, burying my hand in the soft waves of her blonde hair. “You’ve always known.” I enmeshed our lips together, at last, her velvet flesh giving from the rough, desperate intent mine gave. I groaned into her mouth, rejoiced that I was here with her again, claiming the woman that was always meant to be mine. “Quinn,” I murmured, taking in much needed air before she dove for my lips again, tightening her arms around my neck.

She wrapped her legs around my waist, and I held us up with one arm against the ledge, while my other hand gripped her jaw, controlling the kiss that changed everything.

Quinn enraptured my soul.

If there was any good in me left, it was only because of her existence.

My cock laid against her pussy, nestled in the trimmed blonde bush she kept. I wanted nothing more than to slide in, to feel her walls around me once more. Her tongue pushed between my lips, and I sucked the appendage into my mouth like it was my favorite candy. She let out a high-pitched whimper, and when I let go, her teeth clamped down on my lower lip. Quinn sucked the abused flesh into her mouth, and my head tilted back, my eyes closed as a guttural moan vibrated my ribcage.

Her nails dug into my back at the same time thunder coiled in the sky, then lightning cracked, flashing close to us as it veined across the blackened clouds. The ocean was a violent trap, sloshing so hard, the foam of the waves could be felt on our skin.

We were the storm, the violence, and the beauty. We were a threat, but we couldn’t go against our nature.

She was the rain, I was the cloud, and the world couldn’t have one without the other.



Chapter Fourteen




He felt too good like he was fate or destiny as he gave me what I always thought was true love’s kiss. Sheets of rain pierced the water like bullets shot from a gun. They drenched us as we kissed, his tongue was silk, and he tasted better than he had ten years ago. Maybe it was because so much time had gone by, I didn’t know, but what I did know was my heart was soaring for the first time in a decade, and I never wanted to come down from the height he took me too.

“I never want to let you go again,” he yelled over the veil of rain, breaking the kiss, which sucked me out of the trance his lips had put me in. His hands cupped my jaw, and it was hard to look at him when the rain hit my lashes. “You hear me, Quinn? I’m never going to let you go. You were mine then, and you’re mine now,” he shouted.

I bit my swollen bottom lip into my mouth and pushed him away. “The only person I belong to is myself. I’ve been a pawn to a man for too long. I need time!” a hurricane forced wind blew the rain sideways, and it stung my skin. “It’s all happening too fast,” I said, pushing off the ledge. I swam to the steps that led out of the pool, but Jaxon stopped me by grabbing my wrist.

“Why won’t you listen to yourself? Why is it so hard for you to believe in me and what I am and am not capable of? Why can’t you admit you love me still, huh? Was your love for me that weak that taking a chance on me is that fucking hard, Quinn?”

“This is anything but easy. My entire life just changed again! Leading me right back to you after a man I thought loved me just wanted to kill me and take all my money.” I splashed water on him, slinging it against his face as hard as I could. “So I’m sorry if I’m not jumping into bed with you so you can get your dick wet. I’m sure that was all you really wanted anyway.” I turned around again to get away from him, but he wrapped his arms tight around my midsection.

“You have it twisted, Quinn,” his voice snuggled against my ear as he spoke, drowning out the rain and almost putting me in a trance again from how soothing the tone was. “You are convincing yourself not to try this thing between us, and I don’t understand why. You were never just a hole to fill, a body to use, you were more, so much more than any other woman has ever meant to me. You fucking know that. You know you made my world go round, so don’t think for one minute I’m the bad guy here. Remember, you left me. You left me picking up the pieces of my goddamn heart because you weren’t there when I needed you, and here I am, telling you that still doesn’t change how I feel, yet you still make me out to be a monster.” He gave my hips a slight shove, and he floated away from me, nearly blurring from how hard the rain fell. Jaxon yelled, “Did you ever think that the monster in this situation, was you?” Jaxon flipped around and hoisted himself up over the ledge of the pool. His entire body was for a woman that wasn’t afraid of getting manhandled.

He had more muscle than he did all those years ago, tattoos everywhere, even his plump, firm ass was tattooed. There wasn’t a free spot on him. His cock swung, even flaccid it was big, slapping against his thigh as he walked. Jaxon paused at a cabinet under an awning and opened it to grab a towel. The fluffy white material wrapped around his waist and hung low, below the carved lines of his hips. The outline of his shaft pressed against it, and memories of my first time having sex with him rushed forward. He felt so big as he took my virginity, and I was sure that feeling of being full and stretched by him hadn’t changed, even if I wasn’t a virgin.

I still haven’t had sex with anyone else besides Jaxon. Not from the lack of effort on my end, Brian just didn’t want to have sex with me. It made sense now. He probably had sex with other women over the years while I remained this naïve woman who thought her fiancé was waiting until marriage.

I was so stupid.

Jaxon gave me one last look before turning around and going back inside to get out of the rain and away from me. I couldn’t stop thinking about the last thing he said.

“Did you ever think the monster in this situation, was you?”

No, I hadn’t thought like that because I was so used to blaming Jaxon over the years. Blaming a man in prison for killing his own sister was easier than looking for fault with me. He was right. I never gave him a chance to explain. I was a coward, and I turned my back on him too easily because of the pressure.

The pressure to maintain my reputation as a Taylor, fear for him going to prison, fear that he killed Tracy, and doubt did cloud my mind. I knew deep down, he couldn’t have done it, but it was so hard believing that when all things pointed to him being guilty. I could have visited him, wrote him those letters, believed in him like he wanted and maybe this situation would have never happened.

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