Home > Lord of Shadows

Lord of Shadows
Author: Tanya Anne Crosby




Llanrhos, Wales, 547 A.D.



The tribes were all at war, brother scheming against brother…

The Dragon Lord of Anglesey sat beside his queen, watching a party of dancers as he brooded over the state of his realm.

So, it seemed, men no longer needed whips nor chains to sway the masses. All they needed was a bit of gold and a lot of empty promises.

The Romans might be long gone, but having left behind their jeweled yokes to be donned by the people of Wales, the weight of their harnesses now grew heavy. For love of those winking jewels, the free all remained oppressed, patting their sated bellies as they toasted from sour casks of vin.

Now, the worst had come to pass…

But all was not lost. The spirit of the world was alive and well. It was here, in this hall, in every turn of the dancers’ lithe bodies, and if anything hardened his cock, it was this: Against the taming of a nation, there was a certain beauty to be found in the old dance. Amidst their graceful motions lay passion and truth, a raw honesty that fired his spirit and stirred the blood. In every revolution the dancers made, he spied the Goddess face of the moon and heard the voices of the faefolk singing bard songs to the wind. It stirred a song in his own blood that made him long to strip to his boots and howl at the moon.

Alas, these were times for the changelings—those who would convert, or those who would create. But sadly, not for the ones who would cleave to the Old Ways. Still, he resolved to enjoy it while he could.

The Gwyddon, or wise one, clad in her fine white robe (to symbolize purity and light), twirled at the center of his hall, whilst twelve young disciples danced about her in a circle…

One dancer stood out amidst the rest—Sanan, his nephew’s young bride. With her soft pink lips and her darkly burnished hair, the girl was striking, but, like her betrothed, there was a certain falseness about her that made Maelgwn feel she could be anyone’s for the taking—even his, if he so desired…

It was that come-hither look in her jade eyes—a sultry glance that roused him, even against his will.

She dipped, then spun, raising her hands in thanksgiving to the Mother Goddess, only with a backward glance to the throne, smiling a smile intended only for him.

“You like her?”

Maelgwn slid his wife a careful glance. “Sanan?”

Nesta nodded, and he swept away the notion, no longer willing to sew his seed indiscriminately. Together they had created a beauteous daughter, and he still had one son by a previous marriage. “She’s too young,” he said.

And, besides, there was too much strife in his kingdom to steal his nephew’s bride and then lie abed like a sated boor. The last thing he needed was to become a fat, happy emperor like those he’d despised.

“Mael,” she said gravely. “I have not conceiv—”

“It matters not,” he said firmly. “I am well pleased with the daughter you gave me and my son. What more could any man ask for in life?”

“Only think on it,” she argued. “What if something should happen to you? Einion—”

“She. Is. Too. Young,” Mael persisted, and though his tone brooked no argument, his wife was not so easily silenced. Her temperament, like her faekind, was wild as the wind.

“Maelgwn, please… you know that Igraine cannot inherit these lands, nor I—”

“Nay!” he snapped, and still, she persisted.

“It must be someone. So much as I loathe the thought of sharing you, my sweet husband, you must consider a new bride. Sanan comes from a good line.”

“She is promised,” he told her, and Nesta laughed without mirth.

“To your nephew? What has the fool ever done save to pit himself against you?”


Because it was true.

And nevertheless, Maelgwn hadn’t any stones to throw, because, he too, in the name of these lands, had slain his uncle—for Wales.

“She’s as good as any, and—”

“Nay,” he said, and this time she gave him respite, although he knew she would resume her campaign in good time.

She was on a mission, and he frowned, because he feared she could be right. The spirit of unrest was growing. The Roman prelates were wagging their silvered tongues. Little by little, the Old Ways were being abandoned. Nesta herself was the last of a dying breed—those faefolk who’d once inhabited the hills overlooking the Drowned City. Cauldron born, she was descended of the acolytes and he trusted her without fail. She was a gem among women, and though he didn’t love her as he longed to love a woman, he still wasn’t in the mood to collect more wives. As it was, he had a nest of vipers…

Some of them were here tonight.

Unfortunately, it was a king’s duty to entertain foes.

From the dais, he studied the hall’s newest guests—Uther, that golden child of the Empire, and his equally golden mage, who indeed, was quite golden. Everything about the man shone, from his pearlescent skin to his fine-gilt hair. Goddess blessed, so ’twas said, and it must be true. The mage was as fair as any druid Mael had ever beheld, and there was, indeed, an aura about him that put Mael in mind to the gods.

Both men sauntered into his hall with an arrogance born of privilege and, rather than take up a plate and find themselves a proper seat at one of the lower trestle tables, the pair approached his dais, and Uther—the sodomizing bastard—unsheathed a blade from his scabbard as he came.

Beside him, Nesta gasped, leaping up from her seat and sheltering herself at his back as three of Maelgwn’s guards rushed forward to impede Uther’s approach.

Undeterred by the guards, the warlord grinned, slippery as an eel, as he tossed up a hand, as though his men were Uther’s to command.

“Uther,” said Mael in greeting, and he too waved to his guards, urging them to fall back as his nemesis approached.

The mage remained by his side as he bowed before Maelgwn and said, “My friend.”


May the gods rip out his tongue and cast it to the wolves. Uther was no man’s friend. He was, as they claimed, a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

The cords in Maelgwn’s neck tightened, though he smiled and said graciously, “Welcome.”

“Our King… on this holiest of nights, we come bearing felicitations from the Senate,” said Uther. “And a gift…”

And then, with a flourish, he presented a strange sword, laying it gingerly atop Uther’s palms, so that the inscription could be read on the shining blade.

Maelgwn blinked with sudden lust.

It was only once the revelry resumed that he realized the breath of the world had come to a pause… waiting to see how these foes would meet.

As the musicians began to play again, and the dancers’ feet kicked up more dust, his favored guests brought bits of nuts and fruit to their lips. Maelgwn leaned closer to inspect the blade… Intricately crafted serpents lay entwined about an elegantly fashioned hilt.


On the blade itself, glowing faintly blue in the most ancient of languages, lay inscribed, “Take me, but turn the blade, and we will see.” But the runes were faint—indeed, so faint, that the inspired words might have been a chimera.


There was still another word etched betwixt the serpents, and this one could be read more easily: Caledfwlch, it said.

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