Home > Mangled Minds (The Harkwright Trilogy #2)(46)

Mangled Minds (The Harkwright Trilogy #2)(46)
Author: B.C. Morgan

“Darn it, you’re in love with her.” My eyes fall to my lap as I release a sigh to rival his. “Then I can’t trust you. If I’m right, then you want her for yourself. I won’t be your pawn, Jake, and I will refuse if you try to make me. No matter the price.”

“You can’t refuse, do you really want to be kicked out because I asked you to look after your friend? Also, I don’t care if you trust me or not. All I want is for you to look at Bradley like you are me, don’t trust him, Luna. You’re close enough to care, but removed enough to not be taken in by his bullshit. Do this for me, and I’ll do whatever I can to keep you safe. No matter the cost.” This feels wrong, but is his request really so terrible?

I’m her best friend and I’ll do anything to keep her safe and happy. All I have to do is monitor Bradley and be there if the shit hits the fan.

“I’ll help her, but for D, not you. I don’t trust you, Jake, and I’m finding it hard to believe you’re being honorable right now.”

“Good, remember that for all of us. Honorable doesn’t fit the Harkwright description, even the ones that monopolize your time.”

No truer words have ever been spoken, not that I can think of at least. I need to remember who these guys really are and not get swept up in the way they make me feel.



I’ve been called down to the medical center, which I don’t believe is a normal occurrence, I’m just glad my classes are over for the day. I sit here, wait to be called in, and let my mind wander to my mom and Poppy. I try not to let it happen too often, because it leaves me with a dull ache that is almost impossible to get rid of.

“Five,” the nurse calls and I climb to my feet before she leads me to an office with Cole sat behind the desk, and Maddox on the exam table with his head in his hands.

“Maddox, is everything okay?” I ask, as I rush to his side. I’m so thrown off by finding him in here, it’s just refusing to compute in my mind.

“I’m sorry to call on you, Five. But you were the only one he will allow to see him like this.” Cole’s words strum at my nerves, and I place my hand on Maddox’s shoulder, feeling him tense up beneath my hand before he relaxes.

His hands fall away and his swollen eye, split lip, and bruised cheek make me want to find whoever did this and make them hurt. I know I can’t, but this is… shaking me to my very core.

“I tried to stay in my room until it settled, but I’ve been finding it hard to breathe,” he gasps, and I wrap my arm around his shoulders. I guide his head against my chest and run my fingers through his hair.

“He’s got two broken ribs, it’s what’s causing the trouble with his breathing. I’d feel better if he wasn’t left alone for the next couple of nights. The painkillers I’ve prescribed to him should make it easier for Mad here to get some sleep. I don’t think there’s any internal bleeding, but I just need you to keep an eye on him,” Cole says, and I nod my head with no hesitation.

My friend needs me, and I refuse to be anywhere else but by his side.

“Luna, a quick word,” Cole says, as he walks over to the door, and I take a quick glance down at Maddox before stepping back, and following him out the door.

We walk out of the room, and he guides me into another one before he closes the door behind us.

“Is he going to be okay?”

“He should be, but he won’t tell me who did it. I have my suspicions, but it doesn’t matter. Nothing will be done, not for Maddox.” He sets his mouth in a grim line, and he shakes his head at his words.

“It’s not fair, he doesn’t deserve any of this. I wish I could help him,” I say weakly and he pulls me into his arms, as he runs his hand down the back of my head.

“It’ll be okay, he’s stronger than he believes. He just needs to see it for himself. I also wanted to see how you are doing, with everything that’s going on?”

I pull back to look up at him, and the warmth in his eyes makes me feel gooey, but it doesn’t undo me like it used to. Maybe my head just isn’t in it today. That’s the only thing it could be, I’m sure. Cole is my future, so why does that thought feel… off, somehow?

“I’m okay, surviving,” I say with a mirthless chuckle before I step back and run my hand over my hair.

“I don’t want to leave him, he needs me.”

“I know, baby. I get it. We’ll have all the time in the world after next year.” He drops a kiss on my mouth, and the word ‘baby’ swims around inside my head. I don’t like him calling me that, but I don’t have the courage to tell him either.



Maddox hasn’t spoken a word since we got back to my room, other than to ask me to see if I can get someone to retrieve his textbooks so he doesn’t fall behind. I wanted to tell him that studying should be the last thing on his mind, but I can’t blame him for wanting to throw himself into something. Especially if it will help him take his mind off his pain.

“I need to do something, Luna, please. I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important to me,” he says, and I haven’t got the heart to refuse him.

“Okay, I’ll be back in a minute,” I say with a gentle smile before I leave my room, and close the door behind me.

I head down to the mess hall, to find it deserted, save for Caitlyn who is sitting at a table by herself, nursing a cup. I can’t see any of the guys and I don’t know if I want to search every inch of this place, I’m too scared in case I come across Shane.

“Luna, is everything okay?” she asks, waving awkwardly, and I return the gesture.

“Yeah, I was just looking for Tom or Tucker,” I reply, as I shuffle on my feet.

“I’m not sure where they’ll be, but Tom could be in the garden, and Tucker is probably in their wing.”

I walk over to the table, my arms folded behind my back, as I rock back and forth on my heels.

“I need to ask them a favor, but I can’t go to the wing, and I’m worried that I’ll bump into S-s-Shane.”

“If you want, I can look for you and get them to go to your room. Shane doesn’t really bother with me,” she says with her eyes down on the table.

“I would really appreciate that, thank you, Caitlyn,” I say softly, and she gives me a timid smile before she gets to her feet.

“It’s not a problem, maybe we could even sit in here one afternoon when it’s quiet and get a drink together,” she says it softer than I did, and I nod in reply.

Another smile and then we leave side by side, I can’t say where she’s heading to, but I think I’ll go back to my room while luck is still shining on me.

I make it back to find Maddox sprawled out asleep on the loveseat, and I set about getting some baking in. I have this restless energy that needs to be unleashed, and this is the only thing that calms me.

By the time there’s a knock at the door, I have two cake tins and a tray of cookies in the oven, and a tray of fudge cooling on the side. I wipe my hands on my apron before I pull the door open and look up into Tom’s sparkling eyes.

He steps in without an invitation, his eyes flicking over to Maddox before he seizes my hips, pulls me into him, and causes our mouths to collide. My hands go to his waist, sweep up inside his top, until they are sprawled out against his chest.

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