Home > Mangled Minds (The Harkwright Trilogy #2)(49)

Mangled Minds (The Harkwright Trilogy #2)(49)
Author: B.C. Morgan

“Don’t take it personally. This is just the way he is when he has to come back here.”

“Do you often come back with him?” I ask, my head leaning slightly to the side as I take him in. Wearing his pressed slacks and tight white shirt, fucking drool worthy. I really need to slap some sense into myself.

“I’m assigned to the higher profile Harkwrights when I’m not needed to watch over you. Usually Aeron, Tucker, and occasionally Emmet when his personal guards are unavailable,” he says this easily, and I’m surprised he’s telling me this much.

“Thank you for telling me,” I whisper. I tuck my hair behind my ears, a habit I haven’t done in a while.

I’m starting to like Darius and it has nothing to do with his looks, and more to do with the way he treats me. Like I’m a person and not low on the pecking order, like I’m not second place, and just another stand in. He defended me to the guys, and it’s hard not to see him in a different way.

“Of course, I suggest you check your room. I have a few duties I have to carry out, and I’d feel better if you were not present.” He rubs the back of his neck and I give him a soft smile before going into the room he points out. My stomach is fluttering like crazy, and some time away from Darius may be for the best right now.

I sit down on the bed and take in the royal blue with gold accents wallpaper, the four posts with velvet drapes that I will not be touching. An antique cherry wood sideboard, and large flat-screen TV mounted on the wall opposite the foot of the bed. I even have my own bathroom, and I’m floored by the luxury they live in. I hope I never get used to it. I never want to become like them.

I must doze off because a hand on my shoulder has me bolting upright, my heart going off like a jackhammer as my sleep addled brain clears. I realize that Darius is standing here, staring at me, the epitome of patience.

“Is everything okay?” I ask, my voice thick with sleep.

“Aeron has been called away, I doubt he will be back before the early hours, and I thought you may wish to get something to eat.”

“Oh okay, I guess room service is in order then.” I can’t even infuse any excitement into my voice right now.

“Not necessarily, Aeron said you should at least be able to enjoy yourself, even if he can’t. If you want to go out to get something, then I am permitted to escort you.” He seems… a little off, but at least I can go out.

“Do I have to stick to a dress code?” I ask hopefully, and a smile finally appears on his face, transforming him instantly.

“No, I’d suggest something comfortable. I don’t do fancy food, and I plan to eat as well.”

“Yay, okay then. I’ll get changed and then we can leave,” I say with a little hand clap before I jump off my bed and usher him out of the room. I know the perfect thing to wear.

I rummage through my bag, until I find my black boyfriend cut jeans, a white crop top that comes off the shoulders, and D’s leather jacket. Once I’ve got it on, I slip on my black pumps and braid my hair before meeting him in the sitting area of our suite.

My mouth drops open of its own accord as I take in his fitted jeans, black tank top, and grey shirt. He looks so… normal, and I think I prefer him like this than in his suit, and that’s saying something.

He gives me a nod of his head before he opens the door and waits for me to leave first, then he closes the door behind us, and leads me down to the first floor. There isn’t a car waiting for us, and the idea of walking around outside has by blood thrumming with excitement. It’s been so long. I haven’t done it since Tucker took me dress shopping, and I’ve missed it.

We set off, and he knows his way around as he leads me to a burger joint, decorated with all things eighties. The seats are made of backs of cars with leather cushions, and steel tables are free floating across them. He finds us a spot, and waits for me to sit before doing the same, opposite me. It feels oddly intimate, but it’s not uncomfortable. If anything, it feels as though we’ve always done it. Like we’re old friends getting together to catch up and reminisce on old times.

A pretty little blonde comes over to take our orders and her eyes automatically zero in on Darius, not that I can blame her.


“Hi, I’m Darla and I’ll be your waitress this evening. What can I get y’all?” She flutters her lashes at him, but he hasn’t even looked up from his menu yet. Calm down, love.

“Yeah, I’ll have the fully loaded burger, with the cheese and bacon fries, and a side of onion rings. I’ll also take a Coke,” he says, as he places the menu back in its holder, and finally looks at her.

“Of course, you must work out to be in such fine shape, and to be able to eat that without worrying,” she says with a laugh and it’s beyond awkward. At least, I think it is.

“I’ll have the same please, but without the onion rings, and an ice tea,” I say it with a polite smile, but her eyes flick to me with disdain before she returns her full attention to him.

“Not really, I just work hard.”

“Oh, I can tell,” she purrs as her hand falls on his arm, and mine clench under the table as I work on schooling my features.

“Are you going to write her order down or what?” he asks as he raises an eyebrow and plucks her hand free.

“Of course, sorry. I must have got distracted.” Another laugh, and it’s starting to grate on me.

“Seriously, you’re coming on a little strong, don’t you think?” I throw out, and she turns to me with a scowl.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She flicks her ponytail over her shoulder, and I shake my head.

“We j-j-just want to eat, f-f-flirt on y-y-your own time. If he’s i-i-interested, he’ll l-let you know.” I really hate my stutter.

“Of course, I’ll be back with your order shortly.” She turns on her heel. “Stuttering little freak,” she adds under her breath, and Darius rises to his feet before he storms past her, and approaches another waitress.

It isn’t long before a man in an apron comes out from what I assume is the kitchen. “Darla,” he hollers over the noise, and she wastes no time in appearing.

I can’t hear what is being said, but I can see the way she’s gesturing frantically, and Darius stands there. He looks over at me as he says something, and the man looks over before he points toward the door he came from. Darla tucks her head as she disappears through it, and Darius makes his way back to me.

“Is e-e-everything o-o-okay?”

“It is now. We’ll have a different waitress, one who knows what respect means, and how to treat a customer with it. I’m sorry, Miss Carter, she never should have said that to you,” he says, and I can feel his anger from here, and it’s humbling that it’s for me.

“I’m used to it, and you know you can call me, Luna, right?”

“Okay, I’ll try. You shouldn’t be used to it, Mi-Luna. You shouldn’t have to take such cruelty for stuttering. There’s nothing wrong with the way you speak, it’s… cute.” He blushes, and it’s sweet and adorable, and I don’t even mind that he just called me cute.

“Can I ask you something?” He nods his head, and I brace myself for what I’m about to ask out loud.

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