Home > Restrictions (The Sterlings #2)

Restrictions (The Sterlings #2)
Author: Nicole Dykes


I look out the large picture window of my family’s lake house as the turbulent water of the lake blows around with the wind from an incoming storm.

My mom’s getting married today. Fucking weird.

I don’t actually mind the guy she’s marrying. Anything is better than my father, and my mom seems happy. After the shit she’s been through over the years, she deserves to be happy.

“Baz! Wait!”

I turn around just in time for my three-year-old nephew, Sebastian, to bear-hug me around my legs. “Uncle Ash!”

I laugh happily as I pat the kid on his tiny shoulder and lean down to look him in the eyes. “Hey, little man. You get away from your mom?”

My nephew is, without a doubt, hands down the fucking cutest kid you’ll ever see. And I don’t give a shit if you agree or not. But if you don’t, you’re wrong.

His dark brown hair is slicked back, but the unruly cowlick in the middle of his bangs gives us all the defiant finger and remains sticking straight up. Of course, this doesn’t hinder his cuteness in the slightest. He’s wearing navy dress slacks with a crisp white button-down shirt and suspenders.

He nods his head exuberantly, proud of himself as his mom, Vivienne, catches up with him, holding out a navy bow tie. “Sebastian, don’t run away from Mommy. You have to get ready.”

My adorable nephew shakes his head from side to side, loving to give his mom a hard time. He’s a handful for sure, but again, fucking cute. I stand up and smirk at Viv, who looks slightly worn out, but pretty as usual.

Her light brown hair is down and rests right at her shoulders. Her dress is classy, like her. It’s navy, like Baz’s slacks, with sleeves to her elbows and neckline showing no hint of cleavage. Honestly, I’m not even sure if she has any. Her flared skirt lands below the knee, and her belted waist is the only thing hinting at an actual figure. She’s wearing heels but nothing too high to draw attention to her.

That’s Viv for ya, though. She likes to hide—blend in and just be.

Her pretty eyes meet mine, and I can see the stress in them. “I’m sorry we’re so late. He refused to take a bath this morning, then he didn’t want to eat anything. And traffic was horrible getting out of the city.”

See? Stressed. It ain’t easy being a single twenty-one–year-old mom to a three-year-old. I hold my hand out, silently asking for the bow tie. She sighs, finally taking a breath and hands it to me.

“I have no idea how to tie that thing.”

“No problem.” I bend down and slip the tie around my nephew’s little collar.

“You know how?” I don’t miss her condescending tone as I make a funny face at Baz, sticking my tongue out and winking one eye, playing stupid. He starts to giggle at my goofiness when I tie his bow tie and answer Viv.

“Who do you think tied mine?”

I’m dressed in a three-piece navy suit, complete with bow tie because I’m, of course, in the wedding party along with my sister, Lola, brother, Lincoln and his girl, Penelope.

His girl. What a fucking joke.

I try to shake that off as I adjust the now-fastened bow tie and stand up. Vivienne places a hand on her hip, examining my work with a sly smile. “Honestly? Your mother.”

Fuck you too.

But I don’t say it out loud, considering the little ears that are present.

I’m the youngest of four siblings, brought up in the upper-class society of Kansas City on the Kansas side. I’m used to people assuming I’m spoiled. Maybe I am.

“I learned how to do that a long time ago. I’m surprised you weren’t ever taught.”

She looks down at her son, bringing her hand up to her lips that are painted light pink but are still plump and full. Her tongue darts out and wets her hand before she tries her best to smooth down her son’s cowlick. “I’ve never worn a tie.”

Suddenly an image of her lying on a bed wearing only a tie pops into my head, and I have to force my mind to move elsewhere because that shit is fucking hot. Memo for later.

Not Viv of course. That shit would be fucked-up. The Sterlings are fucked-up, but I don’t want to give my brother, Linc, a run for his money in that department.

Sebastian pushes his mom’s hands away just as Linc and Penelope walk into the house. Linc is dressed exactly like me, and Penelope wears a pink bridesmaid dress. They join us, giving Baz a quick hug and a present.

Nice touch, assholes. They haven’t seen him in months but give him a toy and all’s good.

To be fair, they do live across the country in California in the same town as Lola. I’m the poor bastard left behind.

Used to it.

Linc stands up from giving our nephew the present that’s now being ripped into and holds his hand out for me. I’m not a total dick, so I shake his hand. “Ash, good to see you.”

I nod curtly, not exactly glad to see him but not not glad either.

My relationship with Linc is strained. “Hi, Asher. You look nice.” And it’s because of her.

“Good to see you too, Penelope.” She’s wearing a bright smile and looks genuinely happy, which honestly, I haven’t seen since we were kids.

Since Linc and our other brother, Colt, brought her home.

“Whoa! Awesome!” I smile down at Sebastian when he pulls the toy dinosaur from its package and laughs as he pushes a button, playing the sound.

That fucking laugh.

It’s exactly like his father’s, and I can see Penelope and Linc process the exact same thought.

“Thank you both.” Vivienne smiles, but I can see her entire body has tensed since they arrived.

You see, Sebastian was conceived when Colt was dating Penelope. Not Linc.

Fucked. Up.

“You’re so welcome. I hope it’s not too noisy.” Penelope pushes her dark hair behind her ear, and Vivienne brushes it off politely.

“No. Not at all.”

“Well, see you out there.” Linc looks out the back patio door. “Hopefully, the storm will hold off.”

“Probably won’t,” I say dryly as they both wave goodbye and exit out to the backyard of the lake house.”

“Maybe he’s too young for this.”

I turn to Viv and see she’s back to worrying about shit. “He’s three. Fully potty-trained and can say his ABC’s. He can walk down an aisle, sprinkling rose petals.”

She ignores my own condescending tone and dips down to his level. “You go right to Uncle Ash, okay? You’ll be fine. Mommy will be right in the front row watching.”

“He’s got this.” I hold my hand down for him to slap with a high five.”

“I do.” He slaps my hand, happily adjusting his bow tie with his pudgy little hand and holding the toy dinosaur in his other hand.

“You look handsome.” I wink.

He nods. “I know.”

Vivienne brushes something from his cheek. “Sebastian, you’re supposed to say thank you when someone tells you you’re handsome.”

“Why? I am handsome.” He’s irritated and tilts his head to the left, and I laugh.

“Kid’s got a point. Why should he thank me for stating facts?”

Vivienne takes a deep breath and stands up, her eyes focused on me. “Don’t encourage bad behavior.”

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