Home > The Man I Thought I Knew (Two-Faced #1)(21)

The Man I Thought I Knew (Two-Faced #1)(21)
Author: E. L. Todd

Dax kept eating. “Does Boy Toy have an actual name?”

I was surprised he’d read my texts, but it might have been instinctive. We were so used to our phones that whenever a screen lit up, our eyes automatically darted to the words that appeared on the surface. “Brian.”

He didn’t have a reaction, didn’t seem angry or jealous. “You see him a lot?”

“Not as much as I used to. After we met, he kinda became an alternate.”

He gave a slight smile.

“What about you? You must have women booking you out weeks in advance.”

He’d just finished chewing his bite when he gave a chuckle. But then he kept eating and didn’t answer.

“What is your personal life like?” I didn’t ask out of jealousy or possessiveness. We were friends because he wanted to be friends, and that was what friends talked about. And now that I’d given him a chance to be a bigger component of my life, I actually liked it.

He finished his plate, only leaving a few pieces. He wiped his mouth with a napkin even though he hadn’t smeared anything on his face and pushed his plate away. “There were a few women I was seeing when we met, but not so much anymore.”

“Because I’m your new favorite flavor?” I teased.

His eyes narrowed on my face, staring at my features, holding the look for a long time. “Something like that.”

I dropped my gaze and picked at my food, full but still eager to keep eating. “I imagine they’re all models or trainers or something.”

The tab arrived, and he immediately grabbed it and pulled out his wallet.

“We’ll split it.”

He stuffed the cash inside and returned it to the edge of the table. “I got it.”

“Oh, come on. Don’t be one of those guys.”

“One of what guys?”

“Who insists on paying for everything. We’re just friends.” I grabbed my cash and put it inside, throwing half of his bills back at him.

He didn’t fight me and slipped the cash back into his wallet.

“So, models? Actresses?”

“I don’t kiss and tell.”

“I’m not asking for names.”

“Why are you so interested in the type of women I sleep with?”

“Because you’re the hottest guy in the world,” I said with a laugh. “I can only imagine the kind of women you’ve been with. It’s kinda a compliment…that I’m in their ranks. It’s like when people brag about screwing a celebrity.”

He cocked his head slightly, his eyes narrowed. “You’re being serious right now?”

“Uh, yeah. Why?”

The waitress took the bill and walked away.

Dax didn’t pull his gaze away from my face. His head eventually straightened, and his eyebrows fell. His elbows returned to the table and his hands came together, his shoulders broad and muscular, a vein emerging from the neckline and running to his jaw. He looked down for a second before he gave a slight shake of his head. “Nothing.”



I unlocked the door, and we stepped inside.

Charlie was asleep on the couch, shirtless in his sweatpants with his beer on the end table beside him. The TV was still on, showing a commercial.

I turned off the TV and grabbed a blanket to drape over him to keep him warm. I gave him a gentle pat on the head before I turned off the lamp and took Dax by the hand. We walked down the hallway and into my bedroom.

Once we were inside, I immediately slid off my shoes and got out of my dress, eager to get the skintight clothes off my full stomach. I hung up the dress in my closet and placed my shoes inside.

Big arms circled my waist, a powerful chest pressed between my shoulder blades, and he rested his forehead against the back of my head.

My hands glided down his arms, and I leaned my head back against his chest so I could look up at him.

He was naked against me, his big dick hard at my back. His large hands slid over my stomach and grabbed my hips, his dark eyes looking into my face with that sexy expression.

I turned around and moved into him, getting lost in the quiet moment between us. He was so easy on the eyes, so hard to the touch. A hotter man had never been in this bedroom, been between my legs. My hands planted against his chest and slowly moved down, over the grooves of his stomach. My eyes followed my fingers, followed the ridges and valleys between the mountains of strength.

His hands came around my back then unclasped my bra with a simple movement of his fingers, like there was no bra he couldn’t conquer because he’d seen them all. The straps slipped off my shoulders until the entire garment dropped to the floor.

He stared at my chest before he placed his big hands over each breast, squeezing them both, massaging them harshly, like he wanted to hurt me just a bit.

I pushed my thong over my hips and let it fall to the floor.

“I love your tits.” His thumbs swiped over both nipples before he squeezed them firmly again.

“I have nice tits.”

The corner of his mouth rose in a smile. “Damn right you do.” His arms circled my waist, and he pulled me close, his mouth moving to mine.

I pressed my hand against his chest. “Whoa, slow down.”

He pulled away but continued to stare at my lips.

“My mouth is pretty fiery…”

His eyes flicked up to meet mine, and then that subtle smile was back, like he enjoyed the fact that I told him what I wanted. That my requests were unapologetic, that I showed no shame.

I’d spent my time being what my man wanted me to be, being selfless, giving more than a hundred percent. But that only got me a broken heart, so I would never do it again. Now I just said what I wanted and didn’t wait for him to do it on his own.

He leaned in and kissed me on the neck before he lowered himself to his knees.

I watched him, my breath coming out shaky as he kneeled right in front of me. He was still big and powerful beneath me, his shoulders broad, the veins visible in his thighs. He balanced my hip with a hand and pushed my leg over his shoulders, his lips moving to my pussy with a deep kiss.

My head rolled back, and I dug my fingers into his hair, taking a deep breath as he sucked everything out of me, brought me to the edge instantly like he’d been kissing me for hours. “Dax…”



He lay beside me in bed, on his back, still a little sweaty.

I was ready to knock out. “I’m getting tired…”

“Then go to sleep.” His hand moved underneath his head, and he closed his eyes.

I gave him a gentle shake. “Come on.”

“If you can fall asleep so easily beside me, then I’m obviously not bothering you.”

“Dax.” I propped myself up on my elbow and looked down at him.


I narrowed my eyes on his face.

He turned to me, equally authoritative. “I’m tired of heading home at—” he glanced at the time on the nightstand “—midnight. I’ll leave first thing in the morning.”

“Well, I need to work on my article.”

“Right now?” he asked in surprise.

“Unfortunately…” I was going to sleep for an hour then grab my laptop.

He sighed then got out of bed. “Next time, I’m not leaving.”

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