Home > The Unexpected Bonding Vow(27)

The Unexpected Bonding Vow(27)
Author: Michelle Howard

She wanted to believe it. Needed to believe it. Her heart was already locked on to him. His gray stare, the confident way he carried himself—even when he’d been beaten in that dark cell. She wanted Garik Denikon

“If you want to rest, I’ll keep watch while you go lay down.”

His calm in the face of this new development caused Saedra’s heart to melt further. She pushed a smile on her face at his questioning look. “Sorry. This has all been a whirlwind. I’m out of sorts.”

A look of understanding flashed over his face. “Go rest.”

She turned to do just that when a question rose. “You won’t go anywhere, right?”

The corner of his mouth lifted. “I’ll be here.”

Saedra went to the dinky room Depphi had said they could use and a yawn caught her off guard. She really was tired despite getting a full night’s sleep. This entire week had been filled with doubts and stress. Her body demanded she give in to the need to take a little break. Nothing else on her mind, Saedra collapsed on the bed and was out in seconds.

Pleasant dreams for once followed her. She was deep in another world when the insistent voice interrupted her reliving the kiss and orgasm with Garik.


She rolled over, unwilling to leave the warm memory.


She didn’t want to wake and squeezed her eyes tighter in hopes the voice would go away. Soft lips landed on her scarred cheek. The mouth trailed along the edges and wisped along her jaw then the shell of her ear.

“You have to wake now, sesi.”

“Noo,” Saedra moaned and curled into a tighter ball.

Light laughter teased her ear and the sound sent shivers up her spine with its husky notes. Laughter. A sound she longed to hear from a certain man. Her eyes opened slowly. Garik leaned over her with a half-smile on his face. Saedra smiled in return, caught in the stage between awareness and the dregs of sleep.

“Are you up, petti coincin?”

“Mmhmm.” She touched the curve of his lips, tracing the small sign of amusement. He was so handsome. All dark and deadly.

Garik tapped her temple. “Not quite.”

A giggle tickled her throat and bubbled forth. Garik closed the distance between them and his mouth touched hers. Saedra looped her arms about his neck and tugged him closer. His weight fell against her with a muffled oomph and then they were kissing.

Lips and tongues tangling, their mouths clashed together in a torrent of passion. Much more at ease for some reason, Saedra melted into the bed and gave back everything she was feeling. Her fingers delved into Garik hair, twisting the soft ends. A deep, groan ripped from his throat as he tore his mouth away.

“Oh, sesi,” he murmured. “If only we had time for this.”

Before Saedra could ponder the meaning of his words, he was sliding into the bed alongside her and pulling Saedra into his arms. Their fronts were pressed tight from chest to hips to legs, the hard bulge of his erection an insistent throb on her thigh. Her core grew moist and clenched in need.

“You must leave now, Denikon!” called Depphi’s worried voice

Those were not words Saedra expected to here and she snapped upright. Garik caught her shoulders. Sleep and any thoughts of lovemaking vanished. “What?!”

Garik didn’t have the same level of confusion. Awareness clicked in his gaze instantly as he rolled to the side and off the bed. “We have to go.”

Depphi burst into the room, eyes wide and frantically waving his arms. “You have to go, go, go! I received word that someone knows you are here.”

“How long do we have?”

Garik’s voice was a calm in the storm. Saedra pushed up on the bed and Garik leaned over, grasping her upper arms as he yanked her up beside him.

“I don’t know. Not long. Maybe.” Depphi’s worried gaze skittered around the room. “If they discover I helped—”

He broke off on a moan and pressed his hands to the sides of his head. “Please hurry, Denikon. Get out.”

“We’re going, Depphi.” Garik replied, but she sensed his irritation. He eyed her from head to toe. “How are you feeling?”

Better. Surprisingly. “I’m good. The sleep helped.”

Saedra felt as if her energy had been restored from the nap. She had no idea how long she’d been asleep but there was still light shining through the window so night hadn’t fallen yet.

Garik kept hold of her wrist, tension poured from him in waves as he led her from the room. The contact held a touch of intimacy she was starting to get used to.

“What should we do?” It was too early for his person to have sent a ship for them. They basically had nowhere to run.

“Leave, leave,” Depphi instructed, twisting his fingers together with a worried glance while he trailed behind on their heels.

Instead of answering Depphi, Garik’s thumb caressed the underside of her wrist. Saedra was reassured by the gentle stroke. Absentminded or deliberate she couldn’t tell and didn’t care. It soothed her and that was all that mattered.

Garik grabbed her bag from the floor using his free hand and slung it over his shoulder. “I don’t know how Maurin found out we’re here but someone had to tell him.”

The look he sent Depphi was full of retribution and the Chamele whined, his skin flashing several different colors in rapid succession. “I didn’t tell, Denikon. My promise. My word.”

Saedra wanted to believe him. He was clearly petrified. Garik’s fingers squeezed hers once before he dropped her hand and spun around. He gripped Depphi by the throat and slammed him against the wall. Saedra gasped and Depphi let out another low whine.

“You told someone,” Garik snarled, leaning in close.

Depphi tried to shake his head but the fingers locked on his throat didn’t allow for much movement or so Saedra assumed since the skin around Garik’s fingers were a frightening shade of yellow against the Chamele’s current green tone.

“I didn’t,” Depphi squeaked. “I owed you. I wouldn’t risk it.”

Garik clearly didn’t believe him if the dip in his brows was anything to go by. “You think I’m a fool, Depphi? Its all about credits and currency for you but you betrayed the wrong person.”

“Nooo,” Depphi managed to moan. He kicked his heels against the wall but Garik didn’t let up and kept him suspended on his toes by the hold he had on him.

“I will pay you back. Not because you risked me but because you risked her.”

Since Depphi couldn’t move his head, only his eyes rolled in Saedra’s direction. He blinked rapidly. “I—I didn’t tell Maurin.”

Garik snorted and flung Depphi away from him. The Chamele stumbled and fell to the floor on a sharp cry.

“You might not have told Maurin directly but you told someone who in turn told him or his people.”

Dismayed filled Saedra as she noted the guilty look that flashed across Depphi’s face. “Are you going to kill me?”

Saedra flinched and slapped a hand over her mouth to muffle the denial wanting to leap from her. Garik flicked a glance in her direction. He glared then kicked Depphi. “What I do will make you wish for death. You won’t be able to hide.”

He stepped over the Chamele to place a hand on Saedra’s lower back to guide her away. “Let’s go.”

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