Home > The Unexpected Bonding Vow(28)

The Unexpected Bonding Vow(28)
Author: Michelle Howard

She didn’t protest and they rushed outside. The hover cycle was already on if the low vibration when she straddled it was any indication. Garik climbed on in front and shrugged his arms into the back pack. “Hold tight, sesi.”

“Where will we go?” she asked as she followed his instructions.

“Away from here. Lose them in the city center and lay low if possible.”



Chapter 14


Garik didn’t fool himself into thinking they could lay low until late enough when Sulen’s friend came. They wouldn’t last that long but he couldn’t tell Saedra that and watch the terror spread over her face as it often did when they spoke of Maurin. For now, he’d have to figure something out. He revved the cycle and switched to hover mode. He kept the pace slow from Depphi’s home and merged with the few vehicles out so far.

Their best bet was to try and remain hidden while in plain sight. In order to do that they had to go deeper into the city. It was the only option which would provide crowds to blend in. The closer Garik got the louder it got. Noise from conversations, laughter, an occasional yell from someone selling their wares.

He slowed the hover cycle even more as walkers intermixed with the vehicles on the narrow road ways. Brighter colors flags streamed in the air. Located at the center of the city Maurin had created was the market place. It did a robust business on Quantoon and many of the individually owned stalls provided what the residents needed from food to tech.

On a typical day, no one would pay much attention to them. Those who made Quantoon their home were usually in hiding themselves and stuck to the mantra of minding their own business. Too bad, Maurin eliminated that with his reward for any information leading to the capture of Garik and Saedra.

He activated the wheels and they bumped on the ground as he neared a clothing merchant. The proprietress was out front, her purple tentacles waving at customers to entice them inside. Disguises would help their goal to remain off Maurin’s radar. Garik stopped and climbed from the cycle. “You need to remain here. I’ll only be a sec.”

Her eyes held a bewildered look as she glanced from the shop then back to him. “But...”

He pressed his finger to her mouth, stalling any questions. “Wait.”

Her lips firmed but she nodded. Her narrowed gaze caused a smile to curl his lips. Never one to waste time, he left on the unspoken agreement. Inside, Garik made quick work of bartering for a hooded jacket and a low brim hat. Fortunately the proprietress accepted he was good for the payment.

Once outside, he handed the jacket to Saedra and she immediately drew the hood up to cover her hair. He tugged on the hat to shadow his features. It wasn’t much but it would do for now.

“What next?” she asked.

“Stop! You there!” Saedra jerked but Garik threw his leg over the cycle and revved it.

Maurin’s guards. Two that he could see mounted on hover-cycles.

“Hang on!” he instructed Saedra.

He took off on a roar and flipped to hover mode. Saedra was pressed tight to his back, silent. Her hands clutched his shirt at the mid-section and Garik vowed again that Maurin would pay for the terror he instilled in her.

Shoppers and shop owners scattered at their hectic approach. Screams sounded around them as purchases flew in the air due to the guards now dodging traffic but with less care than Garik.

They dipped and zoomed through narrow roadways and streets, pebbles and debris swirling up in the air despite the moderate speed he maintained. Ahead there was a passage on his right between two shop stalls. Garik aimed in that direction and leaned the cycle so low to the ground his knee skimmed the surface. Saedra screamed but didn’t lose her hold.

Curses fell from his mouth as he straightened. He didn’t have time to reassure her. If Maurin caught them, Garik didn’t want to contemplate what he’d due to Saedra. It was obvious he wanted a public execution for Garik. Saedra was a different story. With her scarred face and limp the very idea of Maurin getting his hands on her again turned Garik’s thoughts nuclear.

He needed to find somewhere to hole up. They couldn’t keep running. No sooner than the thought crossed his mind, the guards behind them opened fire. Saedra jerked behind him, her fingers curving into claws that dug into his stomach. Ignoring the tiny bites of pain, he pushed for more speed. The shots were wild without care for the pedestrians or early morning customers.

The sounds of their cycles straining to keep up with the beast Saedra had purchased was small consolation.

“What are we going to do?” Saedra leaned up to ask in a loud voice.

Garik was about to answer when something ahead caught his attention. An old woman tugging a cart full of vegetables strolled into the road ahead. Her gray head was down and she barely looked up at their speedy approach.

Garik was so focused on avoiding her that he missed seeing the hover-cycle coming up on their left. It shot forward, straight in their direction with the intent to ram them. He tightened his grip on the steering rod and spun to the right. The back of the cycle careened around the tight turn.

Impact was unavoidable. The opposing hover-cycle slammed into them. Pain splintered up his lower leg. Garik gritted his teeth against the agony and fought to control their hover-cycle. Metal whined against metal and Saedra’s scream ripped through the air.

The other rider lost control and skidded into the wall of someone’s store. The following crash and boom drew more attention. Fire rolled up and the cycle and rider ignited in a blaze of flames. Garik fought for control as he and Saedra swirled around, he did his best to direct them toward a soft landing and clear area but the market was too crowded. He shifted, using Saedra’s arms about his waist to pull her to the front. He tucked her close and kicked off at the last minute when the cycle flew from under him.

With his arms locked about her, Garik tucked his chin over Saedra’s head and did his best to protect her from the brunt of the crash. They rolled over and over on the ground, his back screaming before coming to a stop.


Saedra screamed as the whole world flashed in a blur around her. One of her father’s guards had crashed into them. Shock gave way to fear then confusion as Garik ripped her from his back and curled about her. She barely had time to suck in a breath before they were flung off the hover-cycle.

Air whistled beneath them but all she felt was the heat of Garik’s body around her. Then they slammed to a stop. She panted in the sudden stillness. Garik was curled over her his chest rising and falling in time to the panted breaths above her.


She tried to move but his arms squeezed down until she froze. Saedra blinked and tried to orient herself but Garik’s large frame had her pinned to the ground. Her ears were still ringing and the scent of smoke and fire burning filled her nose.

“Are you hurt?” Garik rasped against her hair.


He rolled to the side on one knee then launched to his feet and pulled Saedra up beside him. “You sure?”

His gaze covered her from head to toe, lingering on her leg. Saedra glanced over her shoulder and cringed at the wreckage behind them. “I-I’m fine. Really.”

It was the truth. Now that her shock was wearing off, she realized she didn’t hurt. She looked Garik over and her stomach twisted. Blood dripped from a slash across his cheek. His shirt was torn at the shoulder and there were scrapes visible on his forearms.

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