Home > Mikoto and the Reaver Village (Amaranthine Saga #4)(35)

Mikoto and the Reaver Village (Amaranthine Saga #4)(35)
Author: Forthright .


Free Day


Lilya woke to find Gregor in Kyrie’s usual spot, which was nice in its way. She enjoyed having her nephew all to herself. At first. But breakfast was a spare affair, with only Waaseyaa—who gently suggested she call him Uncle—for company. And his attention was mostly taken up with Gregor, who was content to be spoon-fed his portion of porridge with berries.

“Are you missing your brother?” Waaseyaa asked.

Prodding at her breakfast, Lilya only shrugged.

He wasn’t offended. “My brother has always been as near as he can be. I would be lonesome without him.”

Lilya stole an envious peek. “So you’re never lonely?”

He smiled a little. “Do you understand the difference between us? It is similar to the difference between you and Kyrie.”

She shrugged again. “Lifespan.”

“A tree’s years are many. And so are mine.” Waaseyaa focused on Gregor, as if not wanting to meet her gaze. “I am sometimes lonesome for those who have gone away. And for those who have … gone before.”

Lilya pushed her bowl away and let her chin drop onto folded arms. “Like who?”

“My children. Their mothers. My grandchildren. And their children in turn.” His dark eyes were soft and sad. “And friends. Like you and your brother. I am glad you came to us, Lilya.”

“Do we make you less lonely? Or more lonely because we’ll go away later?”

Waaseyaa’s smile was nice. “Both.”

Lilya indicated Gregor. “You like children.”

“I have raised many.” With an impish smile he confessed, “I pretend to lose count, but it is a little joke between me and Zisa. He likes to remind me of their names.”

“Are you all out of children?”

“Not entirely.” Waaseyaa offered a cup of milk to Gregor. “But my youngest grew up and left Wardenclave several years ago.”

“Ask Uncle Argent.”

He searched her face. “Pardon?”

“For a crosser. Or a bunch of them, if you want a big family. This is a safe place, and you’re nice. They’d like you for their papka.”

Waaseyaa stared at her for so long, Lilya thought he didn’t understand. But then his chin trembled. And he looked like he wanted to say yes, except he’d lost his voice. And Lilya knew she was right. Some of their crossers were going to be so happy here.

She asked, “Do you know where Kyrie went?”

“Yes.” When she stared pointedly, he bowed his head. “Your friend Sinder was injured last night, and your brother is the only other dragon in Wardenclave. Timur seemed to think having Kyrie close would be a comfort.”

Lilya couldn’t believe it. This was their first free day, and she and Kyrie had planned to chase the scent of strange flowers into the mountains. She opened her mouth to offer her help, but closed it. Mum and Timur were both healers, but Lilya’s usefulness in that arena ended in the herb garden. She could weed and water. Stuff anyone could do.

“So they’ll be busy all day.” Lilya had no idea what to do instead.

Waaseyaa scooped up Gregor and beckoned for Lilya to follow. At the front door, she stepped into her boots and followed him outside. He circled to the back of his house, which was tucked close against a steep hill, and paused at the foot of a stairway. Every step was a slab, touched by lichen and moss, weathered by enough seasons to give the stairs a magical feel.

“Go to the top,” he directed. “There is a door, and it is unlocked. Pay a visit.”

“Whose house is up there?”

“Glint and Radiance are my closest neighbors.” Waaseyaa propped Gregor on his hip. “She told me you found the Kith shelter and asked me to teach you the way to her door.”

Lilya hesitated. Was it really all right to do something fun without Kyrie?

“Am I correct in assuming that Kyrie is capable of tracking you, should he return earlier than anticipated?”

She nodded sheepishly.

“Go on, then. And enjoy your visit.” He lowered himself to the bottom step and turned loose a squirming Gregor. “We cannot anticipate your return until you find the courage to go.”

Lilya bent to kiss Waaseyaa’s cheek. “Thank you, Uncle,” she whispered.

He laughed a little and waved her off.

With a spring in her step, Lilya hurried toward the unknown … and felt quite daring on her own. Not at all like her usual self.



When Lilya arrived in a wide, sunny room at the back of the large house atop the hill, she was immediately surrounded by three floppy-eared Kith pups with curling golden fur. They were hardly more than babies and innocent in their curiosity. Lilya knelt and accepted their interest and adoration, giggling when their little tails whipped the way Ever’s did when he was at his happiest.

“What a lovely surprise! I’ve been wanting to see you again!” Radiance sauntered over and joined the muddle on the floor. Hauling one of the big pups into her lap, she remarked, “You’re used to Kith, I take it?”

“Mum is partnered. We’ve had two litters. Cubs. The feline kind.” Lilya tugged silky ears and addressed the little ones, “But I like dogs just as much. Even better. What are your names, you rascally pups? What should I call you?”

Radiance laughed and handled the introductions. “These three are from Myth’s latest litter, and they’re here because Glint dotes. I’m holding Lyre, who is the only female. Her brothers are easy to tell apart. Lute is the blue-eyed one, and Lore’s eyes are silver.”

Lilya greeted them with her best manners.

With a widening smile, Radiance said, “Join me in a game, Lilya of Stately House?”

“I have all day.” Lilya was glad to have found such a warm welcome.

“I want to play a little trick on my bondmate, and you must cooperate.” Radiance leaned forward. “Let’s see how long it takes Glint to realize who you are.”

“I won’t lie to a dog. I couldn’t. And I wouldn’t want to.” Lilya softly added, “Then he wouldn’t trust me.”

“Not a lie,” Radiance quickly assured. “Misdirection. He’s easily distracted, especially when there are pups underfoot and pedigrees to puzzle together.”

Having grown up with foxes, Lilya understood the appeal of such games. Ginkgo delighted in riddles and secret meanings and hiding things in plain sight. She found herself nodding, “What should I do?”

“We’ll fudge the introduction, and you mustn’t mention how you know Ever.” Radiance waggled her eyebrows. “You wanted to meet Ever’s grandsire, didn’t you?”

That was true. She was curious if Glint Starmark was as nice as Ever’s Da.

“You will not lie, and I will not lie. And I think in the end, when all is known, it’ll make for a pleasant surprise.” She flicked her fingers toward the ceiling. “Or so the stars do sing and say.”

Lilya looked up. The entire ceiling had been decorated with a pattern of stars, both in silver and copper. She wanted to ask what Radiance meant about talking stars, but the lady eagerly went on.

“First, we’ll lay a false trail!”

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