Home > Mikoto and the Reaver Village (Amaranthine Saga #4)(36)

Mikoto and the Reaver Village (Amaranthine Saga #4)(36)
Author: Forthright .

Which amounted to Radiance taking her into Denholm, the hidden city that most of the world didn’t know anything about. They spent the entire morning exploring its spires and bridges and gardens and shops. Radiance bought a parcel of pastries for Glint. “His favorite, and he’s ravenous for days after a long sleep.”

She also insisted that Lilya choose new clothes.

“Scents,” Radiance explained. “We’ll give up the game before it’s begun if you go in smelling like the nice boys who keep you close.”

So their last stop was a bathhouse. The attendants were from various songbird clans, and they couldn’t have been kinder or more flattering. By the time they were through with Lilya, her hair was wound into dozens of tight braids. It was just the sort of thing favored by wolves and battlers, and Lilya couldn’t wait to send a picture to Mum.

“Thank you,” she said, for what seemed like the hundredth time.

Radiance caught her hand and laced their fingers together. “If you want to repay me, spare the odd hour for Snow. She may have grumbled, but she’s too often alone.”

Which led to a quick side jaunt into another shop, where the lady purchased a bag filled with savory pastries. “Snow’s favorite,” she confided. “I’ll smuggle them in later. While you and Glint are away.”

“Me and him?” Lilya hadn’t heard that part of the plan.

Radiance winked. “Just follow my lead.”

They returned to the Starmark home, which was very nearly a mansion, and Lilya could see that this was the trail Glint was meant to pick up. If he knew she’d entered through the front door, he might not notice that she’d first arrived through the back.

“Wander as you wish, then return to Myth’s pups,” said Radiance. “Glint is awake and will return soon. I need to work quickly to get the rest ready.”

Lilya poked her nose into a few of the rooms.

They were large and mostly empty, just like the many halls and pavilions of the Starmark compound in Keishi.

Lyre, Lute, and Lore were ecstatic to find her returned. Lilya may not have been a very good tracker, but she knew enough to lead the pups into a game of follow-the-leader that crisscrossed her old trail. And hopefully disguised the fact that she’d begun her visit here.

“Shh!” she warned the cubs. “Do as Radiance says.”

Mere minutes later, an Amaranthine strode into the room. His step checked at the sight of her, and his confusion was obvious. But then he showed his palms. “Peace, girl-child. You have an interest in Kith?”

“I like them, yes.” She felt as tongue-tied as he looked. “Yours are very nice, sir.”

Hands still framing his peaceful intentions, Glint walked closer. He was tall and broad in the same way as Ever’s Da, and his hair was the same kind of auburn—thick and wavy. But Glint’s skin was a rich brown, his eyes were silver, and his manner was overly serious.

All three pups tumbled over each other in their eagerness to reach Glint, who lowered himself to the floor and gave them the attention they craved.

Lilya didn’t know what to do, let alone what to say.

Then Radiance whisked into the room and beckoned to her. “Fear not, my angel. He is not so gruff or so growly once you know him. And know him, you shall!”

Glint turned to his bondmate. “Growly?” He sounded hurt. “Are you afraid of me, little angel?”

Lilya had often wondered if she’d ever earn a pack nickname. Was this hers?

“Come, angel. You may trust my mate. He knows this territory better than any.” Lifting a cloth-wrapped bundle, she added, “I even prepared a picnic.”

“Radiance?” Glint spared Lilya a glance, then demanded, “What new scheme is this?”






Woodland Wander


At first, Lilya thought Radiance’s plans were spoiled, but Lady Starmark must have liked to play these pranks a lot. She seemed the sort. A little like Uncle Argent’s mother—mischief and teasing and tricks and fun. Glint knew she was up to something, but his stance indicated his willingness to go along with it.

Radiance wasn’t at all flustered by her bondmate’s remark. “I’ve taken a liking to this girl, and you will, too,” she announced. “Be a dear and take Angel for a walk. Show her around. Give her reasons to feel at home with us. Myth’s cubs are due for a romp. Bring them along.”

Glint dipped his head and looked to Lilya. “Would you like that?”

“Is it really all right?”

He didn’t quite smile, but his gaze was kind. “If you can match my pace, we can share a path.”

That was worrisome. Lilya knew just how fast Amaranthine could move. “Will I need to run?”

“You will need to walk,” he rejoined, taking the bundled lunch from Radiance.

Lyre, Lute, and Lore frisked around Glint as he aimed for the front door. With a quick wave to Radiance, who blew her a kiss, Lilya hurried after him.

They only followed the road for a little while before Glint veered off onto a much narrower trail that wended its way into the woods. There was just enough room for her to walk beside him, but Lilya let her steps lag. He was paying more attention to the pups than her, and she didn’t want to interrupt. Plus, well … she couldn’t think of anything to say.

Glint paused. “Am I walking too quickly?”

“No, sir.”

He held out his hand. “Not sir. Just Glint. Come, little angel. We can make this journey together.”

Lilya slipped her hand into his and felt safe. Dogs were nice that way.

“Are you new to Denholm?” asked Glint.

“Today was my first day.”

Only after she answered did it occur to her that he might think she meant she’d moved into the city. Wouldn’t it be more natural to assume she was a camper? Oh. Not necessarily. Papka and Uncle Argent had done something new that was supposed to hide the truth of her ranking from all Amaranthine. Ever hadn’t liked it.

Now, his grandsire didn’t know anything and couldn’t sense Lilya’s soul. Did he think she was an ordinary human girl? That idea was … nice.

She relaxed enough to look around.

Right away, she began to notice things that would interest the others. Flowers for Kyrie. Animal tracks for Ginkgo. Wardstones for Papka. Trail blazes for Timur. Berries for Mum. Lilya stopped to study the shrub, wanting to memorize the shape of its leaves. It was different than anything in Ginkgo’s garden

What have you found?

“I don’t know.” Lilya touched the leaf’s serrated edge. “Mum is a healer. She taught me about plants, but I don’t know this one.”

He snapped a twig and offered it to her. “Bring it to her. These woods will not miss a few sprigs or berries, and she will be glad to know you were thinking of her.”

Which was true. And Ginkgo would certainly let her take pictures to send to Mum. “Thank you.”

Glint hummed and ambled along. Slow enough to give her time to explore some more.

It was strange. Lilya knew exactly what interested every other member of her family, yet she had no idea about herself. Except that she wasn’t really interested in flowers, tracking, wards, trailblazes, or healing herbs. She worried about it a lot. Was it all right to be eleven-and-a-half and not want anything?

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