Home > Mikoto and the Reaver Village (Amaranthine Saga #4)(74)

Mikoto and the Reaver Village (Amaranthine Saga #4)(74)
Author: Forthright .

“High above the blue. Much harder to see them, this time of day.” Salali’s smile was a jaunty thing. “Around these parts, the stars like to sing.”

Just then, a pale blur streaked past. “What was that?”

“A wolf.”

Ginkgo wasn’t sure he liked that the wolf was heading straight Kyrie’s way. “Should I be worried?”

Salali huffed and started running again. “You have a more suspicious nature than you let on.”

“Let’s call it a protective streak.”

“First off, when the stars sing of peace, there’s nothing to fear.”

Ginkgo was ready to pile skeptical and cynical on top of his suspicious nature. “Like to see for myself, thank you very much.”

Salali grinned at him. “Second, the wolf wouldn’t be inside my barriers if he wasn’t a friend.”

They picked up the pace and soon burst into a clearing. The wolf—who had all the markings of a crosser—was already there, standing at the center, tail low and twitchy, arms open wide.

Ginkgo skidded to a halt at the same moment Sinder streaked out of cover and collided with the wolf, whose tail lifted into a relieved sway.

“Moon! What are you doing here?” exclaimed Sinder. “Scratch that. Don’t care. You’re here!”

“Take a deep breath,” growled the wolf. “Why are you afraid?”

“The kid’s terrifying. Got me good.” Hiding his face against the wolf’s chest, he mumbled, “Shit, that was freaky.”

Timur and Mikoto, astride Fend, crashed into the clearing, all three looking harried. A handful of other battlers found their way into the open. Shouldering their weapons, they adopted receptive postures. All eyes were focused on the newcomer. Staring.

“Moon?” whispered Ginkgo.

“Moon-kin Ambervelte,” Salali supplied. “Radiance’s brother. He’s Kith-kin.”

“He and Sinder seem close.”

“Fancy that.”

Meanwhile, Sinder babbled on. “He’s perfect. You need to get a message to Boon. The rogue’s handed us our chance.”

Ginkgo swore.

“His own kids could be the key.”

Moon gently covered the lower half of Sinder’s face, hushing him. But it was too late to call back his words.

Ginkgo stifled a groan when his little brother slipped out of the shadow of a tree. He probably should have called out, but Kyrie’s cool dignity silenced the entire gathering.

“I would like to know, please.” Red eyes swept every face, and his words held the faintest lilt of power. “Who is the rogue?”






Family and Familiar Faces


Mikoto wasn’t sure what was going on, so he lined up with a few of the other battlers, lowered his eyes and took a receptive posture. Awaiting orders. Presumably from Timur.

Only that’s not how it worked out.

“Come away, Kyrie.” Timur’s voice was thick with emotion.

The boy submitted without a word, lifting his arms. Timur gathered him up, speaking to him in an undertone while setting him on Fend’s back. They fled the clearing together.

Reveille arrived with a young wolf, both breathless and agitated. They singled out Salali and hurried to confer with him. When Moon bundled Sinder away, Mikoto resigned himself to a long walk home.

But then Ginkgo was right in front of him, up on tiptoe, brimming with urgency. “Mikoto. I know you have your own stuff going on, but can I borrow you?”

“What do you need?”

“Long story.” He glanced around, shook his head, and muttered, “Guess I’m your ride.”

Before Mikoto could frame a diplomatic protest, Reveille hurried over. “Allow me?”

“You sure?” Ginkgo checked.

“I insist.” So saying, Reveille transformed, lowering himself to his belly.

Mikoto murmured his thanks and swung up behind the half-fox.

Once Reveille settled into an easy lope, Ginkgo leaned back into Mikoto’s chest and asked, “How much do you know about the rogue?”

“Almost nothing.” Mikoto said, “I am sure my father kept apprised of the situation, but there has been little time to ….”

“Of course,” interrupted Ginkgo. He twisted enough to place his hand over Mikoto’s heart. “I’m an idiot for forgetting. Sorry.”

He shook his head. “All I really know is that Wardenclave is safe.”

“Okay. Short version.” Ginkgo’s ears flattened to either side. “Uncooperative dragons are almost impossible to track, catch, and keep. The rogue is a murderer and a rapist, and Kyrie just found out that monster’s his sire.”

Mikoto slowly inclined his head. “Understood.”

Ginkgo faced forward and slumped into him. “Not the nicest of lineages.”

He grunted.

“Which is where you come in.”

“What can I do?”

“I found out today that your mother’s a Hajime.” Ginkgo dredged up a wan smile. “So was Kyrie’s birth mother. So was mine, for that matter.”

“Are we related?”

“Probably distantly. But I’m hoping Kyrie will take comfort in the connection.”

“Better me than the rogue?”

“That’s the idea.” Ginkgo quietly asked, “Do you mind?”

Mikoto shook his head. “I am more than happy to claim you both.”



Kyrie didn’t trust himself to speak, so he retreated into silence. Evading Waaseyaa’s gaze, he escaped into the guest room, hiding under the coverlet. He downed Timur’s tea without complaint, and he turned his face to the wall.

By some miracle, Timur let him be, and the door clicked shut behind him.

If only it could last. Kyrie didn’t want anyone. Except perhaps Ever. Ever would cry for him and hold him and promise him that everything would be all right.

“Merciful dragon?” came a tentative voice.

Kyrie reluctantly turned to face Zisa.

With a soft noise of distress, the tree joined him on the bed. Swiping with his thumbs, Zisa chased the tears that Kyrie couldn’t hold back any longer. He sobbed, and the tree gathered him up, cradling and rocking and crooning. And even though Kyrie had been so sure a moment ago that he wanted solitude, he clung gratefully to Zisa.

“I want Dad,” he admitted brokenly. “I want my dad.”

Zisa went still and turned his head. “Someone new is coming.”

Kyrie’s heart leapt, even though it couldn’t possibly be his father. He dared to ask, “A fox?”

“No.” With a kiss to soften the blow, Zisa whispered, “Do you want me to help you hide?”


An instant later, Kyrie was outdoors, surrounded by rustling leaves. “That is a good trick.”

Zisa smiled. “I know.”

They were in some kind of shallow nest, high enough in Zisa’s branches that they were swaying slightly. Breezes found him, their caresses filled with gentle questions, and his nose cleared enough that he could smell the flowers hidden among the leaves.

From far below, a sharp exclamation carried.

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