Home > Mikoto and the Reaver Village (Amaranthine Saga #4)(77)

Mikoto and the Reaver Village (Amaranthine Saga #4)(77)
Author: Forthright .

“Or,” Hisoka dutifully echoed. “His parent may have consumed a golden seed.”






Some Excitement Next Door


Ginkgo needed something to do, and his options were few. On any other day, he’d escape into the garden or drag a bunch of the boys down to the beach. Being cooped up inside was giving him a bad case of the fidgets. He had no idea how Waaseyaa was content to stay in one place for so many centuries.

With little else to busy his hands, Ginkgo announced, “I’ll just … put on the kettle.”

Kitchen puttering was better than nothing. The room was spotless, so he couldn’t really pitch in. Instead, he rummaged through tea cannisters and found some snacks.

He was sneaking tidbits to Noble when Reveille walked in.

“Tea?” he offered. “Or if you’re hungry …?”

Reveille put up a hand. “You need to come with me.”

Ginkgo tensed. Again. “Something happen?”

“You could say that. Transcendence is asking for you.” With a cocked brow that was so like Harmonious, he added, “My aunt? Snow.”

Now that he knew the lady wasn’t Kith, Ginkgo was feeling a little awkward. “Why me?”

“Who can know the mind of a female?” Reveille gestured to the door with both hands. “But orders are orders. She wants you at her side. Now.”

“Her time?” asked Mikoto from his seat across from Lapis.

“Finally,” confirmed Reveille.

Ginkgo could feel the color draining from his face. “I don’t know the first or last thing about whelping pups!”

Reveille raised both hands and took a soothing tone. “You and me both, but I’m not asking you to play midwife. The pup was born a little after mid-high. It’s probably the only reason she let me chase Kyrie through the forest instead of doing it herself.”

“She needs a nanny?”

“You’re standing in for Path.” Reveille kept edging toward the door, clearly eager to fulfill his aunt’s wishes. “You’ll speak for him. Present the pup to our Da and announce his name.”

“But I never met Path.” Ginkgo tucked a bewildered tail. “I’m not even a dog.”

“Auntie has always been … contrary. And slow to trust.” Lowering his voice, Reveille added, “And short on patience. So hurry it up.”

Mikoto rose and asked, “May I attend?”

“Of course, headman. She liked you even before your promotion.”

With a small smile, Mikoto admitted, “It can be difficult to tell.”

Ginkgo shot a questioning look at Lapis.

The dragon indicated Noble and Rifflet. “I have all the company I need until such time as Hisoka returns with Kyrie. Hurry along. It does not do to keep a lady waiting.”

“Coming, coming!” sang out Reveille, who practically carried Ginkgo to the low building.

Several important personages milled outside. He recognized Hannick and Salali, and he could only assume the rabbit was head of the Duntuffet clan. But Reveille bustled him straight inside, where an abundance of fresh straw almost covered the scents he associated with birthings.

His escort gave him a bump in Snow’s direction, so Ginkgo hurried past anyone else in the periphery and said, “I’m here. I’m also a little confused but mostly honored. You sure about this?”

Transcendence—he really needed to remember her rightful name—angled her head toward the pup nuzzling at her belly.

Ginkgo melted. “Now that’s what I call cute. Okay if I say hey?”

Without really waiting for an answer, he hunkered down next to the pup, leaning into Snow, surrounding himself with the homey scents of motherhood and milk.

“You’re a Starmark for sure.” The puff of puppy down was red, and Ginkgo had little doubt it would grow out into the silky curls that made combing Rise so much fun. “You know, I’ve never been this close to a newborn pup. Cubs for days, but you’re my first baby dog.”

The little guy stopped nursing and thrust his nose in Ginkgo’s general direction.

“Clumsy little wobbler.” He gathered the pup onto his lap and urged, “Get a whiff, why don’t you?”

The pup’s ears had a decided droop, and he thought the tail would have a respectable sweep. “Odds are on copper, but maybe you’ll please your grandsire with a show of silver.”

His little voice piped, and he lipped Ginkgo’s chin.

“Now you listen to me,” he gruffly ordered. “Your mother is a growly nipper, but she knows what’s what. That’s why I’m here. Nobody loves little ones more than me, and I have some stiff competition.”

Transcendence did nip his ear then.

Which brought his attention up. “Oh. Hey, Resplendence.”

“Auntie had me write down the words you need to say.” The guard he’d met at the front gate radiated happiness. “They are Path’s message to Da.”

Unfolding the page, he read the pronouncement through a few times. “Got it.”

It was incredibly sad that this pup’s father wasn’t here to help welcome him. He was missing out. And Snow was undoubtedly missing him. Ginkgo lifted his hand and said, “You did good, mama.”

She bypassed his hand to nip his ear again.

“Watch it, little mister,” he grumbled to the pup. “She’ll be after yours next. But don’t let it worry you too much. I’m pretty sure it means nice things.”

A throat cleared, and people filed inside. All five founders. Resplendence and Reveille, who Ginkgo guessed were Glint and Radiance’s youngest children. Waaseyaa entered, as did Wardenclave’s headman. Ginkgo offered a little wave to Mikoto, whose mystification softened into a smile.

Salali sidled over and helped Ginkgo to his feet. No easy task, given the pup’s heft. Before retreating, the squirrel tucked a crystal into his pocket and whispered, “If motherhood interests you, I can pull a few strings, bend a few branches.”

Ginkgo rolled his eyes, but he had the uncomfortable suspicion that his mentor was only half-teasing.

And suddenly, it was time. There was no way Ginkgo was going to mess this up. Not when it meant so much to Snow. And to this pup. And to Glint, whose cheeks were already wet.

Taking a deep breath, Ginkgo said, “I speak for Path Starmark.”

Glint shuffled forward. “I am listening. I will hear.”

“We shared a den. We shared a pack. We shared a promise.”

“I remember.” Glint quietly added, “I will always remember.”

Ginkgo blinked hard and continued. “I did not forget our pact. A son for a son.”

“Your promise is fulfilled. And he is beautiful.”

“May he be a tribute to the Starmark clan, and may he be a comfort in my absence.” Ginkgo couldn’t quite keep the tremor out of his voice now. This was breaking his heart.

Glint wasn’t trusting his voice at all. He simply nodded.

Ginkgo glanced at Snow, who inclined her head. So he smiled shakily and said, “Father?”

“I am Path’s father.”

“A son for a son,” Ginkgo repeated. “Here is my promise kept. His name is Pact.”

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