Home > Cowboy's Fake Girlfriend(17)

Cowboy's Fake Girlfriend(17)
Author: J.P. Comeau

I shook my head. “How am I not feeling would be an easier question to answer.”

Silence fell between us as the stars twinkled above our heads.

“I mean, I’m angry. Hurt. I feel stupid and embarrassed. I’m sad and frustrated, and I feel like every time I take a productive step forward, life always has a way of setting me right back in my place. Not to mention, when my father catches wind of what’s happened and the fact that you’re staying here with me? He’s going to want your head on a stake.”

Bart chuckled. “You let me worry about informing your father, and you just focus on things that’ll help you ground yourself. Okay?”

“You don’t know my father, though.”

“Oh, but I do. I heard the stories when I was a boy. I know all about your father’s intimidation tactics. But, when he understands that I’m staying here merely to make sure no one else comes after you, I think he’s going to respond better than you think.”

My cheeks puffed with my sigh. “You have more faith in him than I do, then.”

“Luna, look at me.”

I turned my gaze up to his. “Yes?”

He reached over and cupped the back of my neck. “I’m not going to let anything else happen to you. I need you to understand that. And I’ll find a way to get your father to understand that. You just leave it to me, okay?”

I felt myself weakening to him. “Okay.”

He grinned. “Plus, with me living here with you, it’ll give off the impression that we’re together. And that might make this guy—or whoever did this to you—back down. You know, knowing there’s a man with you that he’ll have to contend with.”

I drew in a deep breath. “Or, it might make you a target.”

He ran his fingers into my hair. “Well, that’s a decision only I can make for myself, which is why I’m here with you right now.”

Why does he have to be my boss? “I really appreciate that. A lot.”

I felt more confused than ever before. As I leaned against Bart with our feet dangling in the hot tub, he held me close as his skin pressed against my own. On the one hand, my mind thought it might be okay since we really weren’t together. But, my heart told me this was a bad idea for the exact same reason. What if we fell into a routine living together that I couldn’t shake once the police caught whoever had done this? What if my emotions ran away with me, and I ended up falling for Bart when he was operating under the guise that this was simply a façade?

What if this is his way of trying to be my boyfriend long after this is over?

I wanted to ask him all of these questions, but my lips were too tired. My brain was too tired. And my soul was too hurt to delve into something so personal. “I’m really glad you’re here,” I whispered.

He laid his cheek against the top of my head. “I’m glad I’m here, too.”

I closed my eyes and felt my body wanting to slip into a deep slumber. I felt myself relaxing against Bart’s muscles, seeking out their comfort and their warmth as he started to shift my body. My eyes glued themselves closed as my body hovered in midair, and it wasn’t until I heard the click of the doorknob that I realized Bart was carrying me back inside.

And just as he placed me against my bedroom mattress, sleep robbed me of my consciousness, where Bart continued to invade me in the form of my dreams.









I heard my cell phone vibrating on my bedside table and rolled over. With the sunlight streaming through the windows and the fan on the ceiling at full blast, I slapped my hand against the device and answered the phone call.

Here we go again. “Hello?”

“Mr. Bart Remington?”

I peeked an eye open. “Yes?”

“This is Colin Jackson, from—”

I shot upright in bed. “The contracting firm, yes.”

He chuckled. “I’m sorry for the delay in my phone call. We had to jump through a few hoops before I could call you back.”

I swung my legs over the edge of the bed. “No, no, no. It’s completely fine. Tell me you’ve got good news.”

He chuckled. “Oh, I’ve got great news. The evaluation of the bank for its renovations went very well, and very little updating to the interior electric and plumbing has to be done. We’re cleared for all planned renovations, and demo starts in about an hour.”

I leaped to my feet. “Holy shit! Yes!”

He barked with laughter. “Provided we don’t come across anything major, renovations will take a couple of months.”

“But, if we budget time for a couple of hiccups?”

“Three months tops.”

I raked my hand down my face. “You have no idea how much I needed to hear that. Thank you so much.”

“You’re very welcome, Mr. Remington. It’s a pleasure to work with your family. I have to say that this town is buzzing with the rumors of the refinery coming here. It’ll mean a lot of jobs to people who have been out of work for a long time. And the vintage bank will be the perfect place for your office space.”

“That’s one of the problems we’re hoping to tackle with the plant and this new office headquarters.”

“Well, let me know whenever you start taking applications because I’ve got a cousin who’s a single mother of three who could really use a job.”

My heart broke for him. “Send over her resume and I’ll make sure it’s at the top of the pile.”


I smiled. “Really.”

“Oh, man. Thank you, seriously. This is going to give her a lot of hope.”

“It’s the least I can do. And again, thank you for calling.”

After I hung up the phone with the contractor, I crafted a group text to send to my brothers. My fingers moved as quickly as they could, given the fact that I was very un-caffeinated. I walked into the bathroom and sent off the text, ready to splash some water in my face.

But, before I could even get the faucet turned on, I remembered my brothers and I had a coffee date planned for nine sharp.

We had a lot to talk about. Furnishings for the office building, for one. We needed to draw up a list of how many people we needed to hire on the spot as well as their job titles. We needed to speak with our medical insurance company, the investment firm that housed our retirement accounts, and we needed to hire an interior designer to really lay out our office space and make it feel professional while also feeling like home.

And we can put our headquarters in Houston up for sale.

After splashing water onto my face and hopping in for a quick shower, I walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist. I silently walked up to Luna’s bedroom door and eased it open, peeking into the darkened bedroom. Even though the morning sun streamed slightly through the cracks around the blinds, her soft snoring made me grin as her shoulders steadily lifted and sank with her breathing.

So, I took great precautions to keep myself quiet as I got ready for my day.

“I take it you have some good news for me?” Bryce asked.

I walked into the main house, and the smell of coffee greeted me. “Let’s wait for Will, so I don’t have to repeat myself.”

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