Home > Witching For Joy (Premonition Pointe #3)(27)

Witching For Joy (Premonition Pointe #3)(27)
Author: Deanna Chase

“Why wouldn’t he?” Carly asked, bewildered.

Because he’s the one who wanted to sell a story to the press? Joy thought to herself, but trying to be tactful, she said, “Um, you might want to keep what I have to say private.”

Carly glanced at him and then back at Joy. Her expression turned to one of comprehension as she seemed to understand what Joy was implying. “Oh. Right. Um, that issue we talked about before, it’s all taken care of. Gary here is trustworthy.”

Baldy, er Gary, gave Joy a smug look. “I don’t sell stories to the press. Whatever your friend thought she heard, she was wrong.”

Joy shuffled her feet back and forth, feeling very uneasy. Baldy hadn’t given Joy any reason to trust him. He’d been rude, crude, and downright disrespectful. Why had Carly let him in her house? A horrifying thought occurred to her. What if Baldy was blackmailing her or using information about Harlow to manipulate her? Did she need to get Carly out of there?

“Carly,” Joy said. “Can I just talk to you in private for one moment?”

Carly once again glanced at Baldy and then back at Joy. “Anything you say to me, I’m just going to tell Gary anyway. It’s really fine, Joy. I promise.”

Joy didn’t like it. She didn’t like it at all, but really, what choice did she have? “You’re sure?” she tried one more time.

Carly nodded, giving her a reassuring smile. “I’m sure. Now what did you need to tell me?”

“I had another vision.” She held the napkin with her drawing on it out to Carly. “This is the person who has her.”

Carly let out a gasp and pressed her hand to her chest as she stared at the napkin. When she looked up, she asked, “Was he hurting her?”

Joy shook her head. “No, not physically anyway. He was standing over her, shouting about a ransom. It appears he did this for money.”

The actress leaned back on the couch and let out a weary sigh. “I was afraid of that.” She glanced at Baldy. “Did you know about this? The ransom?”

Baldy gritted his teeth and flexed his fingers.

“Gary?” she asked, her tone demanding now. “Don’t lie to me. I’m already angry enough that you left me in the dark.”

“Fine. Yes, I know.” He stared back at her, his expression hard. “It’s an obscene amount of money. And if you cave and pay it, you’ll solve one problem but invite a hundred more. Once people realize you’ll pay anything to keep your family out of harm’s way, they’ll be gunning for everyone you care about within a week. You cannot pay this ransom. I forbid it.”

“Oh, you do, do you?” Carly challenged. “Who do you think saved you from getting your ass thrown in jail this week?”

“I didn’t do anything!” he shouted.

“No, but you were planning to.” She stood and looked down at Joy. “Can I keep this?”

“Yes,” Joy said. “But then I won’t be able to take it to Detective Coolidge.”

“I’m on it. I’ll call her in the morning.” Carly walked over, kissed Joy on the cheek, and said, “Thank you. I need to make a phone call now.”

To the private investigator, Joy assumed. Once Carly left the room, Joy focused on Baldy.

“Who are you to her? And why were you going to be thrown in jail?”

“That’s none of your concern,” he said with a sniff. “Now, it appears your business is done here. I’ll show you out.” He waved his hand, indicating she and Troy should shuffle their way toward the door.

Joy didn’t move from her spot on the couch. “Listen, Gary,” she said, hoping by using his name, he’d start to behave a little more human. “You haven’t exactly impressed me as a standup guy. You make a show of protecting Carly, but how do I know you aren’t just trying to take advantage of her?”

“Take advantage of her? You mean, like, for her money?” he asked, scratching his neck.

“Or… other things,” she said, trying to get a read on him to see if he was being as inappropriate with Carly as he had been with Hope.

“What other things?” he asked, looking genuinely confused.

“You know, other things,” Joy stressed, but when she said, ‘other things,’ her voice squeaked and she had trouble getting the words out.

Both of the men just looked at her while she swallowed. Was that a tickle at the back of her throat? When Gary didn’t respond, Troy covered his mouth and faked a cough as he said, “Sex.”

Gary blinked at them. Then, as he realized what Troy had said, his face scrunched up into a look of disgust and his entire body shuddered. “You think I’m trying to get into Carly’s pants?”

Joy shrugged.

“Oh, god. No. Just no.” He covered his ears with his hands and started shaking his head. “That image in my head is going to put me in an early grave.”

“All right! That’s enough,” Joy demanded. This time her voice was definitely scratchy. Man, that was the last thing she needed. She ignored her rapidly deteriorating voice and continued, “It’s clear you’re not into Carly. No one can act that well. Not even Carly.”

He shuddered again. “It’s not an act.”

“Obviously.” Joy winced at the knives now attacking her throat and stood, determined to continue her verbal assault on the man. “Okay, then tell me why you seem so hell-bent on not helping her. Or at the very least, why you’re trying to keep me away from her.” She swallowed hard and forced herself to continue, despite the pain she was feeling. “I’m only trying to help.”

“Yeah, well, so am I. And if history is any indicator, Carly can’t trust strangers. And you’re a stranger. All I’m doing is protecting my… client.” He finished his statement as if he’d been going to say something else. Friend? Girlfriend? Money train? Joy didn’t know, but it looked like she wasn’t going to get a chance to find out because Gary had already moved to the front door and had it open. “Goodnight Ms. Lansing. Goodnight Mr. Bixby.”

“Tell Carly to call me anytime if she needs me,” Joy said.

“I’ll relay the message,” he said dryly. “Now go before you infect either of us with your germs.”

She glared at him but let Troy guide her out of the house.

Once they were outside and back in his SUV, Troy asked, “Are you okay?”

She grimaced as she shook her head. “No. I don’t know where this frog voice came from, but I’m in serious need of an herbal treatment.”

“Do you have a supply of herbs at home?” he asked.

She nodded, swallowed, and winced once more from the pain as she leaned her head against the window.

Troy reached over and grabbed her hand. “Just relax. Once we get you home, I’ll make you my mom’s secret sore throat miracle cure.”

She raised an eyebrow at him. “She taught you herbal remedies?”

“Yep. She taught me everything I know in the kitchen. She was an earth witch, so she had a lot of tips. The time I spent with her as a teenager is why I love to cook.” He squeezed Joy’s fingers.

Joy suddenly remembered he was supposed to make her dinner the next night, but the chance of that was looking grim if she had strep throat. She prayed she didn’t, because she really wanted to see that man in an apron.

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